Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

How to lose weight easily and quickly?

Im 17 5ft 5 and 145 lb’s and want to lose some weight. Ive cut out chocolate at college and replaced it with an orange and an apple. Its hard at college because the food choice is poor. Also my mum cooks so i have to eat what im given which isn’t always healthy. I walk my dogs 3 times a day for 20-30 Min’s and do dog agility. This is the only exercise I get any recommendations for diet or exercise?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing 10 lbs a month is a good and safe target. Any faster weight loss is likely to be temporary only and in most cases you regain it all.

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, push ups, sit ups, squats, brisk walking and power walking all help for weight loss but dieting helps more.

One of the healthiest weight loss diets is the DASH diet.

The healthy DASH diet can help you lose weight safely and effectively, lower your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure.

It is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy, with whole grains. It is a high fiber, low to moderate fat diet, and is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

You can see further details in a web search for “dash diet” + “lose weight”.

Thomas asks…

I want to lose weight easily but how any help ?

I want to lose weight but mostly i want on my shoulders because i don’t like them and on my stomach any help ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

To look great start small every day do a little more start by drinking lots of water you should drink about 8 ounce of glass water a day. Stay away from fried food, eat veggies, fruits.. In stead of eating three big meals a day, eat small snacks every two-three hours. Start by walking around your block everyday for about 10-15 mins. And to achieve more walk/run longer every day. I hope i helped and i believe you can achieve the body you want you just need to stay disciplined/ strict to yourself good luck 🙂

Maria asks…

What’s the best way to easily lose weight in just 1 week?

What’s the best way to easily lose weight in just 1 week?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Google three day diet. I have used it and you will lose approximately 7 to 10 pounds in one week, but it is a tough diet. I lost 60 pounds in 2 months. Really works.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

How much walking do you have to do to lose 5 pounds?

5 pounds in at least 2 weeks
I’m a teenager and I lose weight easily but I gained a few pounds over the summer. I weight 130 and i’m 5’4 and want to lose just at least 5 pounds to be fit .-.

weight loss cardiff answers:

To loose weight by walking you have to burn more calories than you’re taking in. So let’s say you have a diet of, I don’t know, 3000 calories per day. ( You’d need to get a diet going if you want to loose some weight ) Then if you walk 3000 calories off, you wont gain any weight at all. If you walk even more than 3000 calories off, you will loose weight. How much you have to walk to loose 5 pounds I don’t know, but it shouldn’t take all too long if you keep at it, taking long walks every day and possibly also go to the gym.

Maria asks…

What are some ways for me to lose weight?

Im a teenager ( im 5ft 1 inch tall and weigh 140 lbs). What are some ways i can lose some belly weight easily?
i want to lose about 20-25 lbs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1 Dietary Balance and reading labels: watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It’s really that simple. This involves some calculation. Eat less and eat at least five meals a day. Your actual caloric requirement can differ depending on your height, weight, activity level and your body’s metabolic rate.

2 Identify your exercise. No exercise was created equal. You might like running, so run. You might like jogging, so jog. You might like stationary bikes, so bike stationary. Find the one that works best for you. Don’t pick a routine that you don’t like and won’t stick with it for long.

3 Try yoga. Yoga is one of the best ways of losing weight. Of course I can’t go into a full lecture about yoga over here but I can tell you that I have never seen people with better-toned bodies than those who practice yoga. One of the benefits of yoga is that you learn to control virtually every muscle and joint of your body so that the issue of weight gain will cease to exist.

4 Photos and Joining online support group : Take before and after photos. There’s no easier way to illustrate your progress. It’s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends helps as they know things that you couldn’t possibly know, and they’ve probably been “in your shoes” at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find one that fits you.

5 Water you waiting for If you’re not drinking enough water, your body will let you know. Thirst is an amazing sensation – quench it. If you’re not hydrated, your body won’t be working at peak levels. If you’re worried about “water weight,” remember that you’re likely to retain more water when you’re not giving your body enough of it in the first place. I’m not going to dictate how many glasses you should drink, though – as that’s going to vary from person to person.

6 Zone out. There’s a reason why people exercise to their favorite music – listening to external stimulus takes your mind off of the physical activity making “exercise time” fly or situate yourself in front of TV or video games involving exercises.

7 Dance Out Do Salsa,tango, swing ,hip-hop dancing etc. Anyone can do it,keep in mind you are dancing to increase your physical activity, so there is no pressure on how well you perform dance. Who knows you might even learn a cool dance move or two

8 Sleep it off. To be an efficient fat-burning machine, If you think that you’re doing yourself a favor by sleeping less, you’re mistaken. Give your body time to rest itself, both mentally and physically. Sleep is very, very important.

9 Keep a food diary. All you have to do is jot down what, when, and how much you eat in a notebook, or you can do it online at a Web site . A food diary gives a clear picture of your current eating habits so you can identify the changes you need to make to lose weight.

10 Be motivated.You need to believe in yourself!. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. When you have thought of giving up, visualize how good you will look when you manage to slim down successfully.

Richard asks…

how can i lose weight easily?

im 16 years old, i weight 145.4 lbs and im 5’3 ( i have heavy muscle which is possible to have)
a lot of people say i only look about 120lbs but i still want to lose weight (and i noticed ive been losing a bit of weight but nothing drastic). anyways back to my point i want an easy way to lose weight and get a nice tone in my body. i walk daily and i eat healthy for a teenager, i drink lots of water and tea. all i want is a simple diet and easy workout routine nothing hardcore. i want to tone out my thighs mostly. and i have no problem with going to the gym ,or doing yoga. i can also get a treadmill ! im looking to lose about 25lbs and afterwards just have a simple workout to follow to keep my weight maintained and my body toned . also how long will take to do this ?! anything you would like to add that might help or as suggestion would be great but no rude comments (: would be nice if i can keep my butt cause i like it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing 10 lbs a month is a good and safe target. Any faster weight loss is likely to be temporary only and in most cases you regain it all.

Running, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, push ups, sit ups, squats, brisk walking and power walking all help for weight loss but dieting helps more.

One of the healthiest weight loss diets is the DASH diet.

The healthy DASH diet can help you lose weight safely and effectively, lower your cholesterol and lower your blood pressure.

It is based on an eating plan rich in fruits and vegetables, and low-fat or non-fat dairy, with whole grains. It is a high fiber, low to moderate fat diet, and is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

You can see further details in a web search for “dash diet” + “lose weight”.

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