Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

What are some diets that I can go on to get a flat belly?

Specific diets please. If you can, also include a list of the types of foods that I can and can’t eat on this diet. Please and thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

While I cannot tell you what exact diet you should go on, here is a site that might help based on your personality. They have some information that I think you will find helpful.


All the best.


Robert asks…

What are good diets to steadily build muscle?

I’m 6ft 150Lb . I am athletic so I am in shape. I want to start building muscle so i decided to join the gym. My partner has been going for a while is guiding me through the machines and stuff. I don’t know a good diets to build muscle. Anybody have an easy diet that doesn’t include supplements?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat the foods that bodybuilders eat in the same fashion that they eat them (5-6 balanced and proportioned meals, eat every 3 hours). At least 70% of your muscle gains will be due to the food you eat, so that is the most important aspect to focus on. There’s to many foods to list here, so just do a search on the foods bodybuilders eat. They have it down to a science on which foods sets your body in the most anabolic (muscle building) and fat burning mode. Right down to getting the maximum release of good hormones (testosterone and growth hormone) and the minimum of bad hormones.

Edit: Supplements aren’t nessicary anyway and only a few of them give you a slight improvement (3%) over good healthy food.

Michael asks…

What are the side effects of popular diets?

I am doing a group presentation and wanted to know what types of nutrient and other things your neglect yourself when doing diets such as the grapefruit diet and Atkins Diet. I need three diets, though I only need to talk for 4 minutes.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The two most popular diets are:

– Calorie restricted diet
– Atkins diet

Neither diet is effective over a period of one year or more (Gina Kolata “Rethinking Thin”). The human body is architected to prevent starvation and was not designed to handle the amount of fat, oil, sugars, and additives in the standard American diet today. When you eat too few calories, your body automatically reduces metabolizm and stores fat. Calorie restricted diets go against the hard wiring of the human brain.

Atkins is down right dangerous according to Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. Dean Ornish (among many experts in human nutrition). The risk of heart disease, obesity, stroke, some cancers, and diabetes can be expected to increase in this diet. The diet is high in cholesterol and fat and will cause cardiovascular disease

The one diet that seems to work universally when a person follows it for life is a pure vegetarian diet. According to the experts listed before and Dr Calwell Esselstyn, Jr. This is an ideal diet. I lost 50 pounds by changing my eating habits in this way. Vegetarians must be careful to get enough vitamin B12, vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty acids. These can be added with supplements.

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