Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

Getting rid of my beer gut, tips for this diet plan?

Now I am 5’8 and weigh about 160 lbs, which isn’t much for a male, or even considered overweight, but I am not a muscly guy, so I would say I have an easy 10 lbs on my stomach/man boobs of beer greatness.

I will also note, that I do not want to loose any of the muscle mass I do have.
Now I have never really had to diet or work out a lot(outside of job requirements) so I am new to this.

So I was thinking a high nutrition/low carbs diet, you know, the food that sucks, and I was going going to foot march around 4-6 miles a day with about 40lbs in my back pack for the next two weeks, as well as moderate weight lifting just to keep my muscles, twice a week for just a half hour or so. Also keeping my daily calories low, 1300ish.

Would their be any weight loss outlook in that? And really, if I don’t really loose wait it does not matter, I just want to get rid of my torso fat. And also, would I Iose any muscle weight(I do not want this)?

Also note that I am a conditioned marcher so I do not need any input on that.
Also note that I am a conditioned marcher so I do not need any input on that.
Also note that I am a conditioned marcher so I do not need any input on that.
Also note that I am a conditioned marcher so I do not need any input on that.
Also note that I am a conditioned marcher so I do not need any input on that.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First: Knock off the beer. But don’t replace it with ice cream, sodas, candy, cake, etc.
What you need is a balanced diet. And exercise.
Guts come from overcarbing & lack of exercise, but replacing the carbs w/ a high protein diet will knock off some weight (with exercise), but it will come right back when you slip into old habits.
Recommended: The Zone, Barry Sears. He has a website & a dozen books. It’s all about a balanced diet that avoids the junk–fat & sugar–that is the staple of the modern American diet.
But you don’t starve yourself, there is plenty of variety. It’s just well-balanced. Like we used to eat.
It’s not a “crash”–just a healthy, gradual body readjustment.

Sandra asks…

I’m 14, and need some tips/tricks to lose fat… help please?

I’m a 14 year old male, I’m about 5′ 6 and am between 140 and 145 lbs. I have some stomach fat, and some “flab” on my chest =/
I keep being told that I am fat, and have man boobs. I work out every saturday for about 2 hours, but am not seeing any fat loss, just muscle gain.
My goal is to lose belly fat, my man boobs, my love handles, and slim my butt down.
Please, supply me with some easy tricks to lose this fat.

I looked through allot of other questions similar to this one, and see allot of “dont worry about your body, your weight is fine, kids are so cruel” etc. Please don’t answer like that, I know kids are cruel, and I’m sick of it. Please just give me some tips/tricks.


weight loss cardiff answers:

First off, make a promise to yourself that you’re going to stick with it. Eat healthy foods, & exercise. Don’t eat more calories than you can burn. Most importantly, let your friends know you want their support. & anyone who makes fun of you, just say “since i’m such a fata**, shut up or i might sit on you.”


Betty asks…

How can I get out of the rut in my relationship? Plus more issues!?

My boyfriend and I have been in a serious relationship for almost three years. Lately things have been relatively “blah” as we call it. We’re not BORED; we’re happy with each other. We do love one another and we make each other laugh; so there is nothing bad in that department. He is my best friend — my rock.

However, roughly six months ago, I asked him to be honest about the one thing that makes any man cringe: Have I been gaining weight, and do you think I am sexy? He didn’t want to answer, but I made him anyway, even though I knew what the answer was in my head. His answer was that, yes, I have gained weight, and unfortunately it has been a factor is us not having sex as much as we used to. I didn’t think it was going to, but oh man, did that kill my confidence. He tells me I am still beautiful, but it’s just not the same. I don’t feel happy with my body, and now I know he isn’t happy with it either. In turn, this makes me not want to initiate anything, knowing that he doesn’t love my body that much. I have gained about 30 pounds in two years, and I am only 22 years old. I am being treated for hypothyroidism but my treatment isn’t showing any serious changes.

I know what to do: Work out and diet. Easier said than done. I am a full time student going into PR at Wayne State University, and I work five – six days a week. I also still live at home, and my mother buys my food. Granted, she is a diabetic, so it is not like we have junk food in the house. I mostly slip up when I am at school or going out to the bar or a restaurant with my boyfriend or friends.

My diet and exercise issues are not the whole point of this, however it IS a factor. I think that if I felt good about my body, it would be easier to get out of the rut in our relationship. I need to get tips about what I can do otherwise, while I am trying to get into shape. Granted, if you have any tips for my situation in regards to my weight loss, feel free to comment! I DO need to know some tricks of the trade to get our relationship fun again. He is working on his master’s degree, and also works full-time in construction. He also lives with his mother – so it’s really difficult to spice things up with parents around. I would like to do something that might bring back more of the emotions rather than the physical excitement. Do they go hand-in-hand? PLEASE help!

Oh – and one more thing. He has recently gained friendship with an old friend he used to have feelings for in high school. He is completely open with me about their friendship, and I know for a fact he would not cheat on me, but I don’t trust her. I’ve hung out with her, and she loves me and my boyfriend as a couple, but I can’t help but one day be worried that she is going to steal my boyfriend’s heart. She is REALLY cool, and totally his type. I tell my boyfriend my concerns, and he tells me I have nothing to worry about. He tells me that he loves me, and his feelings for her are strictly platonic, but I still feel really insecure when they hang out together when I am not there. He also is not hiding anything from me about her, even if he knows it makes me sad if they hang out. He says he just wants me to know so I can get used to it, and by telling me everything, he is not hiding anything. If I were to ask him not to hang out with her when I am not there, he would be annoyed, because I would be denying him hanging out with a friend. He would resent me more than be understanding, only because he says he has zero feelings for her in that way. Also, I enjoy hanging out with her too…she really is a very cool, nice girl. This makes things even more confusing for my boyfriend…I like her, he likes her (as a friend) but yet I don’t like her hanging out with him…does that make any sense at all? How do I handle this? What can I tell myself to calm down about them hanging out?

I KNOW this is long, but please, PLEASE help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay here’s the thing. You need to stop forcing him into telling you things he knows will hurt you, which will then hurt him.

Also, maybe the two of you should start going out and doing different things together, here and there, to break up the monotony.

Have you two considered a new hobby, a new passion of some kind? Maybe work out together, and make your body a project for both of you.

Change the kinds of sex you have and the times when you have it, so its more spontaneous and fun. Sex is supposed to be playing together, not just some rigid, mechanistic thing you do.

And you have to learn how to handle the ennui. That is break up the boredom.

Boredom comes around when you do the same, repetitive things, and develop the same annoying habits over time. So start breaking up the monotony and colorizing your world together instead of fading to black and white.

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