Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

I need a weight loss plan?

I’m 170 pounds and 13 1/2
I’m overweight and need to lose weight.
I need a workout plan and food plan
Workout I only have 10 pound weights and my body.
For food I can’t buy anything just guidelines maybe……

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi, you need 3 things for effective weight loss and these are :
1. Well balanced diet.
2. Any physical activity that gets your heart pumping faster than normal.
3. Correct mental attitude.
With these 3 together you basically guarantee yourself the results you seek.

The most important factor is diet, or a better word would be nutrition.In fact, to lose weight is 70% diet and 30% exercise. Its quite simple actually – burn more calories than you consume.Just burn that mantra into your brain. Write it down and stick it wherever you can see it.
You don’t have to be strict or rigid and deny yourself the foods you love, just eat less of the ‘bad’ foods and more of the nutritious stuff. Moderation is the key, as it is for most things in life.

Regarding exercise, the best system is interval training. This is short but intense bursts of activity. An example is walking, then running, then walking again, with no rest in between. This the best because it works by continuing to burn fat and build muscle even when you are at rest, more than any other system. Another reason is that it won’t allow the weight to return, which is the most important element of any successful weight loss system.

For your thighs use squats,lunges,reverse lunges. For your belly DO NOT use crunches or sit ups. Let me repeat that, no crunches or sit ups. All they are good for is a bad back! Use exercises like the plank and side plank, as well as the superman press up. Take the usual press up position and run your hands forward as far as you can, like Superman flying. Pull your abs in tight( like your belly button meeting your spine) and do a press up. Concentrate on your abs. You won’t be able to do many of them and you will feel a burn in your abs like no crunch or sit up can give you!

Another great abs exercise is to stand relaxed, hands at your side. Breath in through your nose and at the same time pull your abs in tight (as with the superman press up, should feel like your belly button meeting your spine). Hold for as long as you can, breath out. Repeat and work towards 8 time in all.Try and do it 2 to 3 times a day. Do this everyday and not only will you have super abs, your back will be strengthened as well and you will feel very relaxed and calm.Trust me, this is a brilliant and not very well known exercise for your abs, back and overall wellness. Also you can do it anywhere and anytime.

Remember, whatever exercises you choose, and whatever you decide to do, don’t expect miracles, just be consistent and disciplined and apply the 3 elements mentioned above and you WILL succeed and see the desired results.

Helen asks…

Weight loss/dieting plans?

What are some good weight loss/dieting plans for 16 year olds? I’m almost 6 feet tall and obviously I’m a female. I would like to lose about 20 pounds (which is a healthy amount for my size) and tone my arms, legs, and stomach. I was considering doing a water diet and taking fruit and veggie supplements in place of foods but by doing that I will most likely gain weight.I’m willing to stop eating any foods necessary. I’m currently not doing any sports but I do plan on doing track this upcoming winter and either lacrosse or track in the spring as well. When I participate in sports I seem to lose weight but when I run on my own or do other types of workouts at home, I don’t seem to drop weight. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks in advance!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss tip 1: Decide how much weight you need to lose – Most people start their weight loss journey by claiming to be xyz kilos overweight. This isn’t a healthy way to project or aim for weight loss. Calculate your desired weight against your height by using reliable methods like the BMI, and set a healthy weight loss target. This is often half the battle won.

Weight loss tip 2: Time management – This is quite often overlooked. Decide which part of your day will be dedicated to exercise, when in the week you will stock up on groceries, and when you will do the cooking – all within your current work and home life routine. If you don’t do this now, your days will be rushed and unplanned, and you won’t be able to sustain your weight loss efforts.

Weight loss tip 3: Stock your kitchen – Keep your house well-stocked with fruits, vegetables, healthy meats, grains, cereals, spices, and flavourers. Follow our tricks to healthy cooking, cooking vegetables for the week, and low-fat cooking posts to understand how best you can stock your kitchen with healthy and delicious ingredients. All of this will go into helping the next step – cooking healthy meals at home.

Weight loss tip 4: Eat healthy homecooked meals – Whether it’s you who’s cooking, a family member, or house help, ensure that every one practises healthy cooking methods, and ingredients. Ask any person who’s lost weight the healthy way, and you will always hear about how healthy homecooked meals were a big reason behind it. Use less oil, low salt, fresh produce, and you’ll start seeing results in no time.

Weight loss tip 5 : Start a cardio + weights workout – A healthy weight loss programme is incomplete without a good exercise routine, and weight training mixed with cardio is the best way to lose weight. Of course, variations and forms exist, but any workout that stresses on muscle tone and increased heart rate will always help you lose weight and keep it off. You can either start a home workout today, or rely on gyms for fitness training.

Weight loss tip 6: Alter your snacking habits . Set those French fries aside, skip that aerated drink, and ban those unhealthy deep fried samosas. Explore the healthy snack world and you will find several appetisers, party snacks, movie snacks and meal accompaniments that’ll satisfy every craving of yours.

Weight loss tip 7: Have at least one active hobby – It isn’t sufficient to rely on just 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Moving from bed to office chair, and back to bed, isn’t a healthy way to live. Buy a motion sensor gaming console that lets you enjoy social games with friends and family, plan weekend trips, clean your house once a week, dance, play sports, the list is endless. Get out of the coffee shop and dining table rut, and you’ll have fun along with the healthy weight loss

Weight loss tip 9: Drink plenty of water – You’ve known that your body relies heavily on water for all important bodily functions, and yet you skimp on drinking adequate quantities of water every day. Well, it’s time to stop that. Check out some exciting ways to make water interesting and you’ll be packing it away in no time. Do not forget to carry a water bottle to your workout, and take a few sips after every 2-3 minutes of exercise.

Weight loss tip 10: Plan healthy vacations – Why go all the way with healthy weight loss, when one tiny vacation will just come along and topple it all? Healthy vacations aren’t impossible. Take a look at how you can eat smart on a holiday, and then at bodyweight workouts that you can carry with you wherever you go, to understand how to holiday right. Above all, remember that these are lifelong habits that’ll help you stay fit forever and not short term weight loss quickfixes

good luck.

Maria asks…

is this a good plan for weight loss?

ok i started a diet and exercise schedule yesterday, i will walk 1 mile every other day and work out on my exercise machine and ball on the days i do not walk. Also i eat a small breakfast, a slim fast shake or 100 calorie snack for lunch and a small dinner. I know its better to eat more small meals but that just doesnt work for me. do you think taht will work or does anyone have a better plan i could follow?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight is challenging, so don’t waste your efforts by using the wrong diet plan. I used to be very overweight. I would try different diets and all sorts of things. Eventually I learned through my trial and error, how to spot a real healthy weight loss diet plan that will work and is easy to stick with. Through my experience, I have learned exactly what to look for when choosing a healthy weight loss diet plan. Before you begin any weight loss plan, find out if others have had real results using the diet, and make sure the person who created it is qualified to teach you. I about to show you exactly how to do this so you can finally find a a great healthy weight loss diet plan, and actually stick with it.

Another tip that can save you lots of wasted time and effort is make sure the Author is someone who knows what they are talking about. Find out the author has any qualifications to be teaching you how to lose weight. A good clue that you have found a really good healthy weight loss diet plan is if the program is written by a certified personal trainer. It is very likely that a diet created by someone who has put in the grueling effort to become a certified personal trainer will know what they are talking about, and can help you achieve the body you deserve.

When you find a diet you are interested in, try and see if other people have had real results using it. If other people are having success with it, then it is a good bet you will too. One thing you must look out for is people using fake before and after pictures. They are very easy to spot. The key is to make sure you can see their faces in the pictures or it is probably a scam. If the face is blurred, look for tattoos or birthmarks to determine if the pictures are of the same person. You want to find a healthy weight loss diet plan that many people have used and is proven successful. Also find out and read reviews of other people have used the diet, and see if they had good results.. A good thing to look for is before and after pictures that actually show the person face. If you see before and after pictures that don’t show the person’s face, then they may be fake so why waste your time, and take a chance on it when you can try a diet with real before after pics?

Finding a healthy weight loss diet plan that will work doesn’t have to be hard just remember to make sure the diet’s author is qualified to be giving out advice also look for reviews of the product and make sure other people have had good results with it before you start. You want a healthy weight loss diet plan that has worked for others. If you see a diet showing before and after pictures without showing the person’s face, then the pictures may be fake so don’t waste your trying a shady diet when you can try a diet with real before after pics.

Use these tips and you will achieve your fat loss goals much faster because you will be using a healthy weight loss diet plan that is proven to work.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

Tumblr blogs on fashion, weigh-loss & health, photography, etc. for teenage girls?

I’m looking for Tumblr blogs to follow that involve fashion, weight loss and health tips, photography, etc. for teenage girls?
I’m new & any help would be appreciated.


weight loss cardiff answers:

What you said you’re looking for:

my tumblr:

have fun!

George asks…

The best way to find a weight loss routine?

Would it be talking with your doctor, a gymnast, or what?

I would prefer to talk to a PROFRESSIONAL rather than read peoples’ blogs and stuff. I REALLY wanna try anld lose like 60 lbs in the next 8-9 months..

Anyway, any tips for losing weight (actual tips, not links to free trials etc), or who I should talk to to figure out a routine would be appreciated. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You might start with your doctor, then talk to a nutritionist.

I dropped 55 lbs in a year. There’s no big secret to weight loss. If you do the following, you will lose weight.

1. Eliminate processed food and fast food from your diet. ALL that crap with refined, artificial ingredients is screwing up your metabolism
2. Focus instead on quality, high fiber nutrition. Buy organic whenever possible
3. Do NOT ingest any of the following: Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour and other refined carbohydrates, MSG, aspartame, trans fat (hydrogenated fat), artificial colors, excess salt, and preservatives
4. Buy a pedometer and make sure you log at least 10,00 steps daily. This can include your gym workout
5. At the gym, do at least two days a week of challenging weights and five days of cardio (cycling, treadmill, elliptical trainer, etc.)

You’ll find that people at the gym are great about sharing information; just by going and talking to gym members, you’ll get a better sense of what you need to do.

Here’s a site showing the technique for various weight exercises:

WebMD has more info on healthy, high fiber nutrition:

Good luck.

Sharon asks…

Whose in for a custom site for weight loss?

I am a professional programmer and can create a custom site where you create and account and update and it has features to post daily pic, stats, charts, progress, journal, top 10 losers (winners), blogs, chat, support groups, etc.
Sort of like the my-fat-loss-space of the web. Maybe we can have a donation or an optional $1 feature to join for premium account, then every 3 months someone is voted to win that money for best progress(weekly pics required).

Duno. I feel like this is a better incentive that pushes people get in shape. I am also a certified personal trainer and will dedicate as much time as possible to answer questions. Perhaps I can also recruite some buddies to do the same.
Will start the site with me losing 15 pounds to my goal of 175!

What do you think of this idea?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think that sounds great, as long as you could join for free and still have basics benefits….

It seems like it may be expensive though. To host it and upkeep the site.

There are other sites out there but the membership fees are pretty high…

I really do love the idea however.

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