Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

What are some protein powder i could get at GNC that will help me lose weight and build lean muscle?

Im a 5’2 male. im not trying to gain weight and get Bulky. i just wanna lose the weight and get lean and tone

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can’t gain weight and lose weight at the same time.

If you want to lose fat, don’t consume any more protein than you need and you don’t need very much.

Here’s what the experts at the US CDC have to say about how much protein you need to provide to support your metabolic processes. –> You can easily get that amount of protein with a glass of milk and a chicken breast or piece of meat per day.

You’ll hear a lot of people tell you that you should have 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. That’s a typical bodybuilder’s formula and it’s a gross over estimate. Most experts use the following formula.

0.8 grams protein per Kg of body weight
0.36 grams protein per pound of body weight

Protein has the same caloric value as pure sugar so more protein than your body can use will only encourage fat and help defeat your fat loss program.

As for GNC, they don’t have anything you need. All you need is good food, proper training, and a proper diet.

If you want to know how to lose fat, read my answer about how to lose fat –>;_ylt=As615QJM4X_3ID9_05qmmlXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111028185603AAVcP4D

Don’t take supplements. All fat loss and bodybuilding supplements are scams. Check this out —>

That’s with no supplements, good food, and good training. Eat and train like an Olympian. Here’s how they eat. –>

Read my answer about protein supplements here –>;_ylt=AtGdwn5cqfesP6O1LkavjSjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110821092640AA3hq12

Read my answer about how much protein you need –>;_ylt=AocOxl_9XssWhHrAUe8xbxrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111220215008AA0RjXM

Read my answer about supplements here –>;_ylt=AmA35VDViBrL0y9rSkKcLknty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111001134224AANB0OV

Read my answer about supplement scamming here –>;_ylt=Aii1OzUVjBo7o550CXhmvVbty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111014151252AAak0J4

Watch this video –>

Good luck and good health!!

Donald asks…

What is the best diet pill for females that works with diet?

Im on a diet I need to lose between 30-50 pounds Im dieting and exersize as well but I dont seem to be losing weight so what is the best diet pill for a 20 year old female

weight loss cardiff answers:


Best pill , drink one and a half gal of water per day, allow time, do not give up. Try keep on trying. Take multie vitamin for female over 50, even though you are only 20.

Read the rest, for info only, and surf the sites.
Tips for Loosing Weight

You must count calories and at least in initial stages write down what you are going to eat and when then stay on that list. Your total calories for the week must not exceed, 1500 x 7 = 10,500 calories this will give you leave way to indulge at special occasions like wedding and parties, but you must write down what you eat and account for the calories latter and adjust the total intake next week.

Please read my article on this subject and follow them.
While at it build your body too, while reducing by doing body parts specific exercises.

If you are not too old, then best way to reduce your weight is to increase your height.

Vegetarians have a big advantage, in loosing weight, it cost less and they can satisfy the hunger more easily, some vegetables have only 1 calorie per pound, so they can fill themselves up with it before enjoying each meal, and never go hungry.

Most people should take one a day water soluble multi-vitamins when on this program; they can be purchased at the pharmacy near you.


Increasing the Height

In rare cases, you can increase the height up to age 30.

Cycling is good exercise and fun too.

You need to adjust the seat so that when you paddle from seating position you will actually stretch your legs, it is a difficult position but doable. For safety you need to be on track and not in traffic, safety first.

The FEW things I did at least helped me.


Not just playing in water, but serious laps type swimming, do not try to beat the clock but steady full strokes swimming. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

Stretching exercises on floor.

Find them on line.

Chin ups.

Full stretch type.

Swinging from a rope.

Full stretch climbing.

In other words do things that require stretching.


In the morning after good night sleep every one is about 1/2 inch to 1 inch taller. This is because the soft tissue between the bones recovers during the time when there is no weight on them.

Older people loose height due to bone loss. I was 5′, 7” I am only 5′, 5″.

Issue of Genes:

You know only the active genes but genes can stay dormant for generations.

I believe that every one has some tall height genes, dormant or active; I again believe that certain exercises can activate those.

Again Swimming:

You will start out with half a lap and build up day by day, half a lap at a time. Then you will swim non stop for 1/2 an hour.

The speed is not important but you must use various strokes and do them correctly, completely, slowly and perfectly. This way you will have full stretch, and its benefit.

Eating healthy foods and taking rest as specially sleeping soundly at night is very important. Most people need 8 hours of good sound sleep per night, some need more and few get by with 4 hours only.

In the mean time use high hills and take advantage of hair-do, wardrobe can do wonders too; vertical striped clothing can create a taller look for most people.


Under strict supervision of a doctor they do wonders but the side effects are delayed and unpredictable so doctors do not like to use them.

Surgical Procedures:

There are surgical procedures but most doctors will not do them till the person is 30 years or so. They also have to be very short.
Life Style Change Program for Loosing Weight

Who needs to loose weight?

Answer is simply not every one, only the over weight person.

Who is over weight?

This is simple, it is easy to find out and it is available on line, it is call Body Mass Index, and calculations are simple. According to this calculation if you find your self say only 10 pounds more, you may not be over weight. Remember every one is slightly different and you can just watch it, on your own and not let it get out of hand.

What is the reason for being over weight?

This is also simple, have doctor check you out for any physical or hormonal abnormalities. The doctor should be advising you of your ideal weight even though you have already figured out the ideal weight and you are seen a doctor because your weight is not where it should be according to BMI.

Basic understanding of loosing weight.

Every one uses calories at all time. There may be some exceptions to this rule, for most of us; the rate of use, even when we are resting, we use 65 calories per hour minimum. This comes to1560 calories per day. The actual range is between 65 and 100 calories per hour. This is consistent with heart rate of 60 to 80 bits per minute.

Simply put any person eating only say 1500 calories a day will not put on any additional weight. At this level of calories consumption the person should loose some weight over long haul, depending on the individual rate of metabolism.

What is a healthy weight loss?

When one tries to loose weight, one should loose excess fat; there should be a healthy loss of weight. Loosing muscles tissue is unhealthy.

How much is one pound of body fat?

One pound of body fat weight is approximately same as one pound of butter. If you look at a one pound package of butter, you will see it contains between 3200 to 3600 calories. This means that each time a person burns 3600 more calories then what the person takes in, the person will loose one pound.

How many pounds should a person loose in a month?

Any one that is trying to trim down can figure out how long it took to put on the excess pounds. The fact is; it did not happen over night. It usually creeps up, but the person realizes one day suddenly.

This is why a person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Do not wait for New Year.

Taking above in to consideration a person should not loose more then 2 pounds per month. If a person looses any thing more then that, chances are that the person will not be able to maintain the weight loss. It will take extra efforts to loose and it will take extra efforts to keep it off. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

When an overweight person should start loosing weight?

At once. The person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Again do not wait for New Year.

How does body react to weight lose?

Any time there is depletion of fat beyond certain level, the body reacts by slowing down metabolism, so that it can build up fat. If the body is use to say 2000 calories per day and detects only 1500 calories per day for considerable length of time it reacts to the situation by reducing the rate of metabolism. When this happens one need to help body by increasing activity. Usually takes about four weeks for body to react.

What is the relationship between body and body fat?

Under ideal condition fat act as a reserved energy source for our body. Certain level of fat is good for healthy living and even may save our life in certain life threatening situations. Every one should have minimum required level of fat on their body.

What if there is no weight loss at 1500 calories in take level?

This is a rear occurrence. Do not panic. The body has slowed down the metabolism to such a great extent that you must help it. The only way to help is to increase activities, this means you have to exercise. You do not need to join Gym but you can go on an an half an hour walk every day or batter still engage in a power walk for same duration. Power walk burns 250 calories per mile and walk burns 100 calories per mile approximately.

What is the importance of body fat for a female?

Females require little more body fat then men. In the absence of certain required level of body fat, females are not able to function properly; in particular they may not be able to conceive. You can find lot more about this on internet.

At 1500 calories intake per day what one must drink and eat?


One gallon of liquids most of witch should be in the form of water (zero calories).
Calories should be accounted for all other liquids.

Why water?

Water is a universal solvent, means it dissolves almost every thing at least in very minute quantities. This helps purification of body.


What should be your proportionate in take of fat, Proteins and Complex Carbohydrates?

This depends on what your need are.

1.Need to reduce fat.

Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 30 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.
Proteins: 60 percent of 1500 calories per day = 900 calories.

2.Need more energy.

Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 40 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.
Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.

3.Need to reduce weight only.

Fat: 25 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 375 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 25 percent of 1500 calories per day = 375 calories.
Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.

4.Need to increase muscles bulk, but still reduce weight.

Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 15 percent of 1500 calories per day = 225 calories.
Proteins: 75 percent of 1500 calories per day = 1125 calories.
Exercise the muscles you want to develop, you can find right exercise on line, recommend use of light weights.

Foot note: To take fat is so important, while reduc

Sandy asks…

I have a high amount of body fat, how do you lose body fat, with out losing weight?

I am 5’7 and weigh 130, I really don’t want to lose too much weight because anything under 125 just doesn’t look right on me. I have a lot of stomach fat and I have cellite on my legs. I don’t want to get to skinny or lose the little butt I do have, but I would like to get tone up. I had two kids and after I had the second one I got in to really great shape but i still had that fleshy skin thing going on with my stomach. I am now out of shape once again and would like to get toned up. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestion. Thanks so much! If any other woman has this problem please write me and let me know, let me know what you did about it and what worked for you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you eat unhealthy for such a long time, your blood changes in such a way that it cannot carry toxins and heavy metals out of the body. Also unhealthy eating results in unhealthy excretory organs. If the body cannot get rid of waste then it stores them in fat bone and muscle which can fool people into thinking that they are over fat, but rather over toxic. The body stores them to keep them from damaging organs and out of circulation. Also heavy metals and toxins all carry a positive charge so the body considers them to be electrolytic, so the body will store more water which just makes you look even fatter.

Trick is in most cases get rid of the toxins and heavy metals and you will find the weight will come of extremely quickly even without excercising. The body will do anything to get healthy given half a chance and it sees toxins as extremely unhealthy.

What happens is eat healthy (lots of raw vegetables) and it changes the blood and organs in a way that that it can start to get rid of toxins in the blood at the particular time. In the body things move from high concentration to low concentration. Get rid of toxins in the blood and guess what you have low concentration in the blood and high concentration in fat, bone and muscle so they end up coming out and as long as you keep eating healthy the exchange will continue to take place.

Good thing for you is the fat stores seem to go first then muscle then bone.

The best thing to do is eat lots of raw vegetables. I cant stand raw vegetables but I love them when they are all blended up with some all natural fruit juice.

Avoid as many toxins as possible.

You want to get your blood more alkaline, if you are fat then you can bet your acidic.

Visit this site: Its easily the best http: //home .bluegrass .net/~jclark/alkaline_foods. Htm

Depening on how fat you are its really not good to do intense hard workouts, it can indirectly make you even fatter. As you produce lactic acid the body uses alkaline stores to carry it out of the body, so if your short on stores in the first place its only making matters worse. For the time being dont do anything that makes you out of breath. The body wants to be healthy and if your struggling to breath then thats your bodys way of telling you that it is struggling to remove the lactic acid you have produced, its telling you to slow down. (breathing is one of the body’s ways to maintain ph balance in the blood) you will learn all this when you visit the website.

Also the best thing about eating not just healthy foods but alkaline forming foods is the body night and day even when you sleep, especially when you sleep will be detoxifying itself, hence losing weight.

Aslo it increases your energy levels, heavy metals displace magnesium, muscles need magnesium to contract, so eliminate heavy metals and then magnesium can get to it’s binding site resulting in more potentially expendable energy.

Bottom line get healthy by eating healthy and the body will by itself asap get back to a healthy weight range which is deemed attractive to the human mind.

Iam a personal trainer and am a health nut so i know what im talking about.

There is a product I endorse, Its an amazing product for detoxifying the body. You can get it at wholesale price at:

www. Zeolitesfordetox. Com/davidlawrence

email me for more info and/or references

Hope this helps

Also visit this website

If you do this procedure then I consider you to be one of the smartest people in the world

http://www. Curezone. Com/cleanse/liver/default. Asp

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Can you lose weight by just eating cereal for 2 weeks?

I want to lose some weight before I go on holiday in 2 weeks. And I want to know how much I will lose? Is there a chance I will put the weight back on even if I am going on holiday to a country where the weather is 35- 45 degrees for two months?

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose fat it’s simply a calorie deficit
Calories is known as *Energy* excess energy not being burned off turns in to fat
3,500 calories of measurement = 1 lb

14 lbs = 1 stone of fat

You can eat junk and still lose fat if your watching your calorie intake however I do not recommend this as you will be malnourished from a lack of nutrients and you may not be full which can cause over eating (excess calories)

It’s like this if you had a choice of

50kcal oreo biscuit or 50kcal green apple, which one would you choose 😛 You can take the apple as it will be more fuller

But a calorie is a calorie in terms of losing fat, so to answer your question “Can you lose weight by just eating cereal for 2 weeks” You can if you watch your calorie budget.

In terms of bodybuilding (building lean mass etc) it isn’t 100% calories in and out, I’ll explain

1 gram of protein =3kcal
1 gram of carbohydrates =3kcal
1 gram of fats = 9kcal

You can see fats provide more energy than carbohydrates, however fats are used differently (for function) while Protein is used for muscle repair/growth, so carbohydrates are usually the main energy source. This is why people get so confused honestly, I get people saying BREAD will make you fat, CHEESE will make you fat. LOL they don’t do enough re search

EXCESS OF anything can make you FAT. Simple as that, remember everything has a calorie unless its diet soda or something or water.

So watch your calorie budget. If you were eating usually 2,000 calories per day. Still not losing fat? Then decrease your calories to around 1500 – 1600 but don’t go lower than 1,200 calories or you may go in starvation mode.

Super low calorie diets (below 1,200 calories) Never work. Because what happens is, your body will use ur muscles for energy (remember protein contains CALORIES *Energy*) So if it’s not getting enough calories it will eat your muscles and muscles are made from protein. What do muscles do? They burn extra calories…

It is all determine on your metabolism/activity rate… Some people has faster metabolism than others. For example you see Bodybuilders and athletes eating around 3,000+ calories a day and they are super lean
But they use up those energy for there muscle mass and for there exercise *activity*

So what ways can you fix up your metabolism to help you burn more of those calories well here are few from what I have re searched:

1.) Green tea or black coffee (this speeds the heart up for a short amount of time (its calorie free)
2.) Spicy foods (Hot peppers etc)
3.) Drinking Water (replace all your fluids for water instead and you save tons of calories plus u feel good and removes toxins out of your body)
4.) 5 – 6 small meals eating frequently (This is because it controls blood sugar, preventing you to over eat, which you wont feel hungry all the time and you wont feel bloated
5.) Cardio exercises (anything that gets your heart rate up, burns lots of calories such as running, swimming, skipping rope and dancing etc!)
6.) Lifting weights and getting enough protein (builds muscles, 1 lb per muscles burn 50kcal per lb of muscle tissue, so more muscles you have more faster your metabolism is)
7.) Enough sleep 6 – 8 hours is enough really for repair etc
8.) Chewing gum burns 11 calorie per hour (not much but still helps, but don’t replace chew gum for meals this is stupid)

I don’t recommend weighing scales to measure how much you lost fat. Weighing scales wont give you exactly how much you lost in fat. Weighing scales measures fat, muscles, water and bones. I suggest check your bf% (body fat %) every 2 weeks to see if you lost fat (which is more accurate to find out if you lost fat, than counting on a weighing scales. Because weight changes (as soon as you eat, you gain weight but it’s water not fat 😛 So if you do weigh your self please weigh your self once a week, empty stomach and after you urinate.

I hope I helped any problems feel free to email me at

Donald asks…

can I lose weight in 2 weeks without too much excersize?

I am anemic so get extremely cold and find it hard being out in this weather(london).. can I lose weight in 2 weeks by just changing my diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yeah..u can loose weight by eating things like papaya, apple and other fruits and won’t work immediately bt will help u in the long run..:)

Donna asks…

What are the minimum pounds of weight I need to lose in order to visibly see results in weight loss?

I want to lose weight in 2 weeks. I don’t really care how much just as long as its visible to see. Like someone can easily tell that I lost weight. How many pounds do I need to lose in order for that to happen? And how long will it take 2 lose those pounds? Thank you.
Btw im large not small

weight loss cardiff answers:

It really depends on the person…I guess I’ll just answer based on my own experience. I used to have a lot of visible belly fat (it was really gross…). This summer, I dieted and exercised and within the first 2-3 weeks, I lost around 6-8 lbs. I saw a huge difference in my body. Most of the fat around my stomach was gone, and now, I pretty much have a flat stomach except for bit of fat that I’m still working on to get off.

The average person, if on a *healthy* diet (1000-1200 calories, 15 minutes of cardio), will lose about 2 lbs per week. Losing any more than 2 lbs per week is dangerous. I lost around 3-4 lbs in the first week, and this is because I went on a 700 calorie diet. I do not recommend this because now, I feel moody all the time and feel dizzy/light-headed. Plus, the weight stops coming off after a few weeks. So moral of the story? Don’t go below 1000 calories on a diet. (I’m currently working towards a higher calorie consumption.)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

what exercises would be good to gain muscle and loose fat?

I want to either lose weight or get muscle and lose fat so are there any excercises for getting a 6 pack and how long will this take?

-I know the muscle weighs more than fat rule so i don’t care.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Every one has 6 packs they are just covered by fat, so remove the fat in the cuts area and see the six pack 3 to 4 weeks tops.

Go to a library and find 15 Abdominal moves, and 15 waist moves. Do 30 moves per day one each. Now next week do 50 moves drop a few and do 25 moves 2 times each, next week do 100 moves every day, then 150 moves every day and get to the maintenance moves of 200 this way. You must add some moves and drop some moves to constantly work all the areas.

When you loose weight you loose it evenly all over. So please read all the articles and surf the sites, for fun and info, then do a self evaluation base on the info and do as you see fit.
Tips for Loosing Weight

You must count calories and at least in initial stages write down what you are going to eat and when then stay on that list. Your total calories for the week must not exceed, 1500 x 7 = 10,500 calories this will give you leave way to indulge at special occasions like wedding and parties, but you must write down what you eat and account for the calories latter and adjust the total intake next week.

Please read my article on this subject and follow them.
While at it build your body too, while reducing by doing body parts specific exercises.

If you are not too old, then best way to reduce your weight is to increase your height.

Vegetarians have a big advantage, in loosing weight, it cost less and they can satisfy the hunger more easily, some vegetables have only a few calories per pound, so they can fill themselves up with it before enjoying each meal, and never go hungry.

Most people should take one a day water soluble multi-vitamins when on this program; they can be purchased at the pharmacy near you.


Life Style Change Program for Loosing Weight

Who needs to loose weight?

Answer is simply not every one, only the over weight person.

Who is over weight?

This is simple, it is easy to find out and it is available on line, it is call Body Mass Index, and calculations are simple. According to this calculation if you find your self say only 10 pounds more, you may not be over weight. Remember every one is slightly different and you can just watch it, on your own and not let it get out of hand.

What is the reason for being over weight?

This is also simple, have doctor check you out for any physical or hormonal abnormalities. The doctor should be advising you of your ideal weight even though you have already figured out the ideal weight and you are seen a doctor because your weight is not where it should be according to BMI.

Basic understanding of loosing weight.

Every one uses calories at all time. There may be some exceptions to this rule, for most of us; the rate of use, even when we are resting, we use 65 calories per hour minimum. This comes to1560 calories per day. The actual range is between 65 and 100 calories per hour. This is consistent with heart rate of 60 to 80 bits per minute.

Simply put any person eating only say 1500 calories a day, and moderately active, will not put on any additional weight. At this level of calories consumption the person should loose some weight over long haul, depending on the individual rate of metabolism.

What is a healthy weight loss?

When one tries to loose weight, one should loose excess fat; there should be a healthy loss of weight. Loosing muscles tissue is unhealthy.

How much is one pound of body fat?

One pound of body fat weight is approximately same as one pound of butter. If you look at a one pound package of butter, you will see it contains between 3200 to 3600 calories. This means that each time a person burns 3600 more calories then what the person takes in, the person will loose one pound.

How many pounds should a person loose in a month?

Any one that is trying to trim down can figure out how long it took to put on the excess pounds. The fact is; it did not happen over night. It usually creeps up, but the person realizes one day suddenly.

This is why a person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Do not wait for New Year.

Taking above in to consideration a person should not loose more then 2 pounds per month. If a person looses any thing more then that, chances are that the person will not be able to maintain the weight loss. It will take extra efforts to loose and it will take extra efforts to keep it off. Remember slow and steady wins the race.

When an overweight person should start loosing weight?

At once. The person should not be in a hurry to loose weight. The person should start at once but go slowly. Again do not wait for New Year.

How does body react to weight lose?

Any time there is depletion of fat beyond certain level, the body reacts by slowing down metabolism, so that it can build up fat. If the body is use to say 2000 calories per day and detects only 1500 calories per day for considerable length of time it reacts to the situation by reducing the rate of metabolism. When this happens one need to help body by increasing activity. Usually takes about four weeks for body to react.

What is the relationship between body and body fat?

Under ideal condition fat act as a reserved energy source for our body. Certain level of fat is good for healthy living and even may save our life in certain life threatening situations. Every one should have minimum required level of fat on their body.

What if there is no weight loss at 1500 calories in take level?

This is a rear occurrence. Do not panic. The body has slowed down the metabolism to such a great extent that you must help it. The only way to help is to increase activities, this means you have to exercise. You do not need to join Gym but you can go on an an half an hour walk every day or batter still engage in a power walk for same duration. Power walk burns 250 calories per mile and walk burns 100 calories per mile approximately.

What is the importance of body fat for a female?

Females require little more body fat then men. In the absence of certain required level of body fat, females are not able to function properly; in particular they may not be able to conceive. You can find lot more about this on internet.

At 1500 calories intake per day what one must drink and eat?


One gallon of liquids most of witch should be in the form of water (zero calories).
Calories should be accounted for all other liquids.

Why water?

Water is a universal solvent, means it dissolves almost every thing at least in very minute quantities. This helps purification of body.


What should be your proportionate in take of fat, Proteins and Complex Carbohydrates?

This depends on what your need are.

1. Need to reduce fat.

Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 30 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.
Proteins: 60 percent of 1500 calories per day = 900 calories.

2. Need more energy.

Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 40 percent of 1500 calories per day = 450 calories.
Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.

3. Need to reduce weight only.

Fat: 25 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 375 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 25 percent of 1500 calories per day = 375 calories.
Proteins: 50 percent of 1500 calories per day = 750 calories.

4. Need to increase muscles bulk, but still reduce weight.

Fat: 10 percent of 1500 calorie per day = 150 calories.
Complex Carbohydrates: 15 percent of 1500 calories per day = 225 calories.
Proteins: 75 percent of 1500 calories per day = 1125 calories.
Exercise the muscles you want to develop, you can find right exercise on line, recommend use of light weights.

Foot note: To take fat is so important, while reducing even fat, that it is included in all cases. If the fat is completely cut out, body will think of producing the fat, and will produce the fat by reducing metabolism, without fat in take, you may actually again weight even at lower than 1500 calorie level. You will feel run down and lethargic.

How one must, drink and eat?


Every one may not be able to follow this regime.

A 16 oz glass of water first thing in the morning will be very healthy start.
If you need to stabilize your stomach before eating, you can have a glass of water just before each and every meal. This is the easiest way to meet your quota of gallon of liquids.


To day almost half the world is starving.

In western culture. Standard healthy practice for long time was three warm square meals per day. No eating in between, but children were allowed night cap.

All that has changed, present thinking is 5 to 6 times per day. Any way what practice one follows is up to them; to each his own.

Another best practice will be a glass of water before bed time, nothing to eat for two hours before bed time.

How do I know the calorie count for various drinks and food?

If you are buying packaged items it is on the package.

Go on the internet and find the calorie information.

Lots of cook book now a days list calorie per serving.
Use your best guess, in this method use higher figure then you have guessed.

Helen asks…

Why do people with ovarian cancer lose weight?

It seems that the majority of women with it bloat and gain lots of weight while very very few lose weight and then maybe bloat after. Is the weight loss because of loss of appetite? I’m curious. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. Loss of appetite, fatigue.
2. Hyper thyroidism.
3. Anemia.
4. Hormonal imbalance.
5. A displaced solar plexus.
1.What causes cancer? What are cancer symptoms?

A. There is no easily definable cause for cancer. It is not caused by normal kinds of viral and other infections, though a certain type of Stomach cancer is associated with “Helicopylori” bacteria. It is certainly known today that constant and persistent itching, discomfort or lesions can become cancerous overtime. Indiscriminate consumption of steroids/birth control pills, drug induced reactions, negative thinking, bad diet, pollution, Colas made in India, regular consumption of pizzas, burgers, deep-freezed and deep fried food stuffs, like KFC, McDonald’s Chicken, Mutton, etc., radiation, unhealed wounds/injuries over years, chronic-irregular menses, excessive accumulation of heat in the body, over a very longer period, tensions, a displaced solar plexus, etc.

Cancer Symptoms: Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].

PS. If satisfied/benefited with, inform others to browse ‘Yahoo Answers’ on any health issue.

David asks…

What is more important for weight loss, sleep or exercise?

I’ve been geting up early to exercise but living in a hostel makes it difficult to sleep early so I’ve been averaging about 6 hours a night compared with my usual 7-8. Could this be a reason why I can’t seem to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try irvingia gabonesis tabs, its purely natural, the ish is that its slippery in the belly walls as **** hole walls. If you cant afford to be buying it regularly, email me []to send you from where i am 1kg is approx between 60% of what it is sold on the shelves where you are.

if you go thru the links ull see thy say the side efx are farting and head aches and sleeplessness but A DEEPER MEANING TO THE SIDE EFFECTS OF IRVINGIA GABONESIS. THE BELOW IS WHAT MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE SIDE EFX OF IRVINGAI GABONESIS, BUT I CAN EXPLAIN IT BETTER..THEY SAY…”Irvingia gabonensis is all-natural and
there have been no known serious side effects during clinically trials.
There have
been some indications of minor side effects such as flatulence,
headaches and sleep problems.”

FLATULENCE: The reason for the flatulence is simply b’cos, it creates a channel for the ALREADY EXISTING GASES in your body BEFORE TAKING IT, to go out through the anus! Meaning, before you take it, the solid nature of the food and poop in your belly blocks gases from easily coming out through the anus; but once you take irvingia gabonesis, it’s slippery nature makes it flow between the solid poops and the walls of your intestines [it flows by the sides of the walls of your intestines], therefore the gases flow with it!!!!!

So, in essence, it detoxifies!!!!!!
HEADACHES: When you take it in, it’s slippery nature distributes it around your blood streams in about 2 minutes, therefore it enters your brain too; and because most of the oxygen that enters your body goes to your brain, it makes the flow… Of blood and oxygen easier, therefore causing you to feel the heart’s pumping on the walls of your brain THEREBY FLUSHING IT!

This is a good thing because, to me, its a chance to FLUSH the brain up a bit! Remember that it is just a slight headache!!!!!

SLEEP PROBLEMS: This is not a problem. What happens is that it charges up the body with energy thereby causing mental alertness, because it makes the blood vessels more efficient, because it frees up the channels therefore making the blood pump more…… when you take it just before going to bed, it creates more energy. It is actually the moreenergy that people feel, and say it makes them have sleep problems. If you channel the energy to sex or anyother thing like reading, its better……

Maybe one day medical practitioners will start saying that it is good to take it before reading because it keeps people mentally alert!!!!!!!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Jenny asks…

How quickly can a dog lose weight?

If a dog didn’t eat for say 3 days could it lose 3 or 4 kgs easily?
I’m not planning on starving my dog by the way!!
I’m just curious about my dogs previous owners and if they weren’t looking after him properly or if he lost weight in the 3 days he was on the streets?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No they won’t lose weight from being starved, that would actually prolong it’s weight loss unless it’s extreme starvation. Which will lead to being emancipated. Which is extremely starved and dehydrated. It is pretty difficult for a dog to shed lbs. Thats why they get put on strict diets where they only get half of their daily required food. 1 dog lb = 5 human lbs.

Mark asks…

How many calories should i eat in a day to lose weight? 10 POINTS TO THE BEST ANSWER?

Losing weight how many calories should i eat in a day?

i currently weigh 182 pounds/ 13 stones

i go to the gym 3 times a week

how many calories should i eat in a day to lose weight?
21 hours ago – 3 days left to answer.
Additional Details
i forgot to add that im 5ft 11 and male
21 hours ago

also i am 17

and i burn around 500 calories in the gym.

weight loss cardiff answers:

A man needs 2500 calories a day just to stay alive, so anything less than this and you will burn off body fat to make up the difference.

If you are burning 500 calories in the gym, and taking in LESS than 2500 calories daily then you will definitely lose weight. The faster you want to lose it, the less calories you need to take in.

For example, if you reduced your daily intake to 2000 calories a day, plus did your 3 workouts a week, burning 500 calories each time, then in a week you would have burnt off 4000 calories = 1.1lb.

If you reduced your calorie intake to 1800 daily and did 4 workouts in the gym, in a week you would have burnt off 6900 calories = 1.9lb.

If you reduced your intake to 1500 calories daily, and did 4 workouts of 600 calories a week, you would burn off 9400 calories = 2.7lb a week.

So, it is down to you, your self control over your diet and how much you train.

Robert asks…

I have lost 7 pounds in 3 days without the intention to. What could be wrong? Why am I losing weight so fast?

I have lost 7 pounds in 3 days and I continue to lose weight. I haven’t changed my diet. My daily routine is normal. Nothing different. So why am I losing all this weight? Could it be something serious?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Not to scare you but, im 13 i dont know much about science as i dont really listen in class,
but Nick Jonas’ announcement of diabetes( 🙁 ), he lost i think it was 15lbs in a week or something? Im not sure..

So id check with the Doctor (:

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