Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

Quick way for a teenager to lose weight?

Hey,I need to lose as much weight as possible,maybe two stone? I’m not obese or anything,I’m just not the skinniest of people and my mum has even said that I could maybe lose some weight (in a nice way) so please? Any YouTube or video links to good excerises? Or diets which are suitable for teens? Or any foods that you recommend yourself? Please DON’T say ‘just eat healthy and excersie more that’s how you’ll lose weight‘ please don’t say that because that doesn’t work for me,and I need to lose It FAST for an event in about a month,so ANYTHING that can help me,anything at all,please let me know,thanks for reading

weight loss cardiff answers:

I easily lost 10 pounds by just cutting sodas out of my diet (I still have an occasional coffee). Another good way to burn calories and fat is jogging. Not only does it burn the fat but it helps you tone up too!!
Here’s a good running program for beginners:

David asks…

why am I not losing weight? (seriously trying)?

I’m a 13 year old girl. I have been working out twice a week with a trainer for eight months. I also started doing shot put for middle/high school team. I also go on walks, hiking, and bike rides during warm weather. I always try eat right and never too much.
Oatmeal w/ tsp. brown sugar and butter
2 slices of toast

Salad or a small sandwich (minimum extra condiments)
trail mix
strawberry apple sauce
dehydrated green beans

(Usually at track so I’m not able but if I’m home) peanut butter crackers

Dinner: A lean meat, palm sized
2 different vegetables, one serving of each
1 starch serving

Snack: chocolate pretzels (5-10 , small)

I wander in and out but it’s usually in the same categories/calorie count..
I don’t like most fruit, but I love vegetables. Also, I drink diet coke at dinner and breakfast. Could this be a problem? I can’t drink a lot of liquids during the day, if I go over like 4 a day I feel like I’m gonna puke. It’s weird I know.
Also, this could be part of my problem, I have sleep apnea. I use my CPAP almost religiously haha. But I was diagnosed with mild depression because I really fought with it for so long and I still to this day am not satisfied with it.
On another note, I really need some guidance, tips, facts, anything you can give me.. I know I shouldn’t worry about it at 13, but I’ve worried about it as long as I can remember, and I take it super seriously. I just really need answers.
also, I am over weight, not just unhappy with a skinny body.

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are two reasons that you may not be losing weight. One is that your exercising and diet is putting weight on you, but in the form of muscle. You can easily lose fat, but still gain weight because muscles are heavy. The other reason is that for your level of fitness and age, it does not seem that you are eating enough. Teenagers need a lot of calories, especially if you are very active. If you are starving yourself, your body will immediately convert food to fat. That is just biology and it is why starving yourself doesn’t work too good for losing weight. Stressing over your body will not help your depression. Instead of worrying about your weight, you should be more concerned about your muscle to fat ratio. Also bear in mind that it is a good thing to have some fat. Humans are supposed to have some fat stored up, especially girls. Unless, of course, you don’t want breasts and want the physique of a guy. If you’ve been doing all that exercise for eight months, then you should be fit and healthy or well on your way to it. If you’re still worried about your body, then talk to a doctor or your trainer. My advice to you would be to relax and live a little. You seem to have a very healthy lifestyle, so don’t be afraid to live a little. You should definitely eat more and don’t be afraid to eat something unhealthy once in a while. After all, it does no good to take all that care of your body unless you’re actually enjoying life. You’re 13. You’re very active, so you’re already ahead of most of your peers. Try not to stress so much and just enjoy your youth.

Ruth asks…

Will this make me lose weight?

So this year, during the summer-december (end of june-december) i will be working on the Nutcracker Ballet. (:

From this week to the beginning of june, ill be starting softball. i’ll be havin practice twice a week and ballet on mondays, and dance at school evryday for 50 minutes.

What else do i need to do to lose weight. I know i will gain muscle and thats what i want, especially in my legs-already have some too.

I don’t eat much. Like today i probably only ate around 1200 calories.

Thank you for the help (: . and if you have anything else to say, please say it.
Im 14 years old . 5’1” Feet. How t do you think much weight do you think ill lose by end of august if i only intake 1200-1300 calories a day. Btw, Nutcracker is around 4-8 hours of ballet.

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose weight, you need to eat enough…and then exercise for 3,500 calories for each pound of body fat that you wish to lose.
I doubt you’re a 60 years old, 5’5 and 120lbs woman having a 1,200 calories BMR.

You should eat enough calories to cover your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or your body will adapt to a low caloric intake and lower your metabolism, making it very hard for you to use your body fat. And then, as soon as you would eventually start eating normally again, you would make body fat very easily, because you would have a lower metabolism and therefore regain all the weight you lost and keep going up, unless you exercise A LOT. Also, if you’re younger than 21, you need to eat more when having a growth spurt so you don’t stunt your growth (you get ravenous).

Women’s BMR:
655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – minus (4.7 x age in years)

Men’s BMR:
66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – minus (6.8 x age in years)


Average Height and Weight for Girls
12 – 13 years old
60 – 63 inches
95 – 105 lbs. (BMR 1,288 to 1,331)

14 – 15 years old
63 – 64 inches
105 – 115 lbs. (BMR 1,331 to 1,375)

Eat enough to cover your BMR (which is more that 1,200 calories if you’re 14 and 5’1) or you’ll end up with a lower metabolism. Eat more for growth spurts so you can grow into a woman or you’ll stunt your growth and end up a short adult (which maybe is what you want as tiny dancers are easier to lift). You should eat even more to have enough energy for your physical activities, either that or lose weight which is never a good time when you’re a teenager. Weight loss is often a health problem during adolescence (sickness, eating disorders…) as your body is supposed to gain a few pounds each year, not lose weight.

You did not mention your weight which the most important info when dealing with weight loss questions. Maybe your weight is average and you don’t want people to think that you have an eating disorder for wanting to be underweight. Or maybe you’re overweight and are self-conscious about that fact. Either way, think about your health first and foremost.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mark asks…

What are some exercises I can do without losing weight?

I am wanting to be more active in my life. I need some excersises to help me become more active WITHOUT losing weight. Please help!! Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s a fallacy to think that exercising is a good way to lose weight. You have to exercise a heck of a lot to lose weight; the real secret to weight loss is *eating less*.

So, you can exercise as much as you want. 1lb of fat = 4000 calories; it takes 1 hour of VERY HARD exercise to burn off 1000 calories. Just a single 200g bar of chocolate has 1000 calories in it. Given how most people eat, and *what* they eat, you should be able to see why so many get fat so easily. Assuming your own diet is as bad(!) as normal, you’ll be having to spend several hours a day in the gym before you have a hope of losing weight!

Robert asks…

what high intensity work outs can i do at the gym?

i want to lose weight! mainly in my hip and thigh area because its the most difficult for me to lose weight. I lose weight easily on my stomach, that’s the first thing you notice slimmer and my face. I go on the treadmill, elyptical for my cardio and sometimes zumba. But what else can i do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You should build your exercise program around strength training (ST) because on ST offers the following.

• Stronger bones & increased mineral density (osteoporosis protection)
• Stronger body & musculature (improved protection from injury)
• More robust organic and systemic fitness (more survivable in crisis)
• Improved cardio-vascular function (better than “cardio”)
• Higher basal metabolic rate (50 cal/day/pound of muscle)
• Easier fat loss (more efficient lipid consumption)
• Body sculpting (spot hypertrophy)
• Slower natural loss of muscle mass over age 30
• Minimal wear & tear

And, those are only some of the benefits. There are plenty more which are very technical…such as how ST prevents the return of lost body fat.

It’s unfortunate, however, that there are few places for a novice to go to learn how to do ST properly. So, you’re probably going to be stuck with whatever help you can get from coaches at school, personal trainers or gym rats at your gym, friends & relatives, etc. The internet has very poor resources because they’re almost all either from the bodybuilding culture which is a terrible place to get information or commercial websites which just want your “hits” so they can get more money for their ads or they want to sell you junk you don’t need. My advice is train like a man and use the following resources.

1. Watch all of Scooby’s 180+ videos here –> . (Scooby is a little too “old school” and is not up with the latest science so he’s not 100% correct. He promotes some myths such as 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day which is just wrong. He promotes the use of some supplemnts against the NIH warnings and recommends caffeine which without sufficient cautions, etc. However, he’s the best I’ve been able to find…and I looked at every website I’ve seen mentioned in this forum in the past year.)

2. Next, read everything here so you can learn a little anatomy and kinesiology as well as how to perform exercise in good form –>

3. Finally, buy this book and study it (you can skip over the heavy science stuff) –>

If you do girl exercises, you won’t be doing your body any favors. They are the worst because you spend much more time and energy (and maybe $$$ too) for fewer results. It’s a good idea to stay away from websites, books, magazines, etc which capitalize on the fact your female. You have the same muscles (almost) as a man and if, for example, you went through a tough Army or Marine Corps basic training program, you would be trained just like the men.

As for your body sculpting, here’s all you or anyone can do.
Add fat
Lose fat
Add muscle
Lose muscle
You probably don’t want to lose muscle or add fat. So, add muscle and lose fat. And, where you lose the fat is not anything you can control.

It is not possible to lose fat only from a specific part of your body of your choosing. Where your body stores and removes fat is determined by your genetics and there is nothing you can do to change that short of radical procedures such as liposuction. And, in general, where it stores fat first is where it will lose it last and visa versa. The world of health and fitness has an unfortunate abundance of myths and spot reduction is one of them. There is no exercise, no pill, no supplements, no spa treatment, and no natural way to spot reduce. Your only choice is to create a caloric deficit with diet and exercise, burn fat, and wait for it to leave the desired body parts.


Good luck and good health!!

Donald asks…

How can I lose weight at home?

I want to lose at least 30 pounds by next Summer so I can feel beautiful.

There isn’t a way for me to go to the gym. If there was, I would have already got a membership. I just want to know ways I can lose weight at home without equipment (dumbbells, machines, etc.).

I am already a vegetarian and have been for a year and three quarters now. Eating healthy is already accomplished. It’s the factor of working out… Any specific routine? Or recommendations, at least?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Tip 1: LOTS of water! ~ On a regular daily basis.. You would probably drink a bottle or two of water. But… If you would like to lose some weight… You’ve got to drink lots of water! Maybe even up to 40 ounces a day or even 50 if you choose! Everyday I drink around 20 ounces of water. And if I wanted to lose some weight, I would probably drink at least 35 ounces of water a day. But don’t drink too much water… That’s about 60. That’s way to much for ya, girl! And also… Drinking plenty of fresh water throughout the day can make you not so hungry too, so just drinking some water can be so great to your beautiful body !!

Tip 2: Plenty of fresh fruit! ~ Yeah, like I said… Don’t eat or drink too much! That’s important. So, let’s talk a little more about fresh fruit now together. Some delicious fresh fruit I’d like for you to enjoy are: Strawberries (about 5 of them), a little watermelon, and some delicious grapes! Don’t eat all of these fruits in one day – that’s for sure! Yeah… Too much is important! A lot.

Tip 3: Exercise! ~ Exercise is fun! Jumping or even just walking can make you lose weight! Yes… It can. It’s hard to believe but true. Try your best to go outside and run for about 10 minutes or even 20 if you really want to lose weight. Exercising is great for your body. It really does make you lose weight easily and fast. Or even just go for a 30 minute walk every day to lose weight. I’ve lost weight by doing that too!

Tip 4: Size does matter! ~ Limit how much you eat. This is very important too. Instead of eating 5 or 6 strawberries, eat 4 if you’d like… And stuff like that. And girl, I know that whatever you’re eating might be so delicious, but still, limit how much you eat it! It will probably be very hard to do this sometimes, but you just have to do it! And I’ve had to do this a lot too when I’m in the mood for some weight-losing.

Tip 5: Foods ~ Don’t eat those boring and very sugary cookies over there, and eat some delicious celery and peanut butter if you choose! Forget about those plain chips and sugary candy, and hand yourself some amazingly tasty banana, apple or sweet cherry! I think you’ll love the fruits like I surely do 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight without excersing?

Is there any other ways i can lose weight without exercising just curious i really dont have the time to exersice at home. I can go on walks but the weather here lately hasnt been to decent its been rainy alot. All i want to try is to lose some of this baby fat?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories per hour. Have fun with your headache and skinny body.

Betty asks…

How many calories do I need to take in a day to lose weight?

If I want to lose 2 pounds a week, how many calories should I take in each day?
Assuming I’m not exercising… and I’m 5’2, weigh 120 lbs, and am 13 years old. How many calories should I take in each day to lose weight without exercise?

weight loss cardiff answers:


First, you need to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate. Basal metabolic Rate (or BMR); the number of calories you’d burn if you stayed in bed all day. BMR is different for everyone based on you hieght, weight, age, and sex. Males usually have a higher BMR the females because
they have greater percentage of muscle tissue.

You’re BMR if you’re 5’2, weigh 120 lbs, 13 years old and female is 1412.
You’re BMR if you’re 5’2, weigh 120 lbs, 13 years old and male is 1525.

In order to maintain your weight, you would need to eat 9884 calories per week if female, and 10675 calories per week if male.

A pound is 3500 calories, so to burn 2 pounds a week you need to create a deficit of 7000 calories.

So you eat 2884 calories per week if female, and 3675 calories per week if male.

That’s an average of 412 calories per day if female, or 525 calories a day if male in order to lose 2 pounds a week without exercise.

Hope this helped.

Robert asks…

How can i loose weight without exercising?

I have serious back problems, probably from being overweight. Stretches alone hurt my back and sometimes even sitting in an uncomfortable chair hurts my back. Therefore, I want to know if there is a way i can lose weight without having to exercise, at least for now.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well yes you can. Go for a walk for about 30 minutes a day to start off with and get yourself on a good diet. Http:// there are some great weight loss programs on this site just pick one that you will be able to follow and stick to.
Good Luck

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

stomach fat! help!!!?

ok so now that it’s summer break, i’ve been eating more and less healthy. I gained 7.5 lbs!!! what are some easy workout methods that get rid of unwanted stomach fat? Also and eating tricks would be great! But healthy and not like throwing up what you ate or weightloss drinks, THANKS A BUNCH!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

One exercise that targets the stubborn stomach area is called The Bicycle. To do The Bicycle, simply lay on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Your hands are beside your head. Bring your knees to an approximate 45-degree angle and slowly go through the motion of pedaling a bicycle. Your left elbow will touch your right knee and then your right elbow will touch your left knee.


Carol asks…

This is how you lose weight [Not Spam] TL;DR?

In order to educate women and some men who believe that doing cardio and abs will help them shed pounds on their midsection. I also think it will help out trainers who have a hard time getting clients to understand the benefits of lifting moderately heavy weights, which is the best thing for them to do to lose weight.

Everyone knows that cardio is the best thing for you when looking to burn extra calories. Or is it? What most people don’t know is cardio can be the worst thing for cutting fat when it isn’t paired with weight training. If you ask the girl (or even the guy) on the ab machine what she’s trying to do, nine times out of ten she will reply with “lose my stomach fat.” Ten times out of ten, she won’t loss stomach fat. The number one reason for this is that you can’t spot reduce an area. When you lose body fat, the fat will be reduced throughout the body, not just from the area you’re working. If we could lose weight in just one area, don’t you think we’d look a little funny? People would walk around with rock hard abs, saggy glutes, and flabby arms. All beach guys would have fat legs because they only do chest, arms, and abs.

Stop listening to your uneducated group fitness class groupies.

You’re working too hard and burning too many calories. Your body is eating your muscle, which is slowing your metabolism down, and you aren’t strength training.

I don’t care about my muscle. What does that have to do with me losing weight.

It has everything to do with you losing weight. Your muscle is going to be what regulates your metabolism. Your metabolism is going to be the amount of calories you burn at rest throughout the day. Now this is where muscle comes in. Your muscle determines your metabolism. A pound of muscle can burn anywhere up to 50 calories a day depending on its health. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day. This is known as your basal metabolic rate, an estimated amount of calories you burn throughout the day. If you don’t take in enough calories throughout the day, your body will have to get the nutrients it needs from somewhere. If you had to choose between eating fat or meat, what would you eat? Meat. Your body would too.

Meal frequency. You eat three meals a day, correct? That is ok if you’re eating the right amount of calories and your metabolism hasn’t been damaged like yours has. The trick to keeping your body burning calories or keeping your metabolism moving is to constantly put food in to be used for fuel for the body. An easy way to understand this is to think of your body as an old furnace that needs wood for fuel. The wood represents the food. To turn on the furnace, you must put wood in it. The wood will burn for a few hours, but in order to keep the furnace on, you must add more wood. The same thing goes for the body. If there isn’t any food to fuel the body, the metabolism slows down. If you are to eat every two and a half to three hours—four being the most—you will keep your metabolism constantly working. Five to six small meals should do the trick.”

Carbs are good for you, especially after a workout. Any exercise over about 45 minutes can be long enough to completely destroy your carb or glycogen storage. Glycogen is what carbs are stored as in the body. It is stored in muscles and organs. After an intense cardio session, Have you ever noticed that your muscle are flat or you feel thinner? That isn’t just from sweating out fluids. It is also from using your energy storage. This is where the whole low carb diet thing came about.

After one day of cutting out carbs, most people will lose one to two pounds, mostly from water. Not only do you lose weight, but you also feel thinner. That’s because you’re depleting your muscles of glycogen. Carbs will keep your muscles hydrated, making you feel like your muscles are bloated, hence the name carbohydrate. About two-thirds of your carb intake is used for the brain. That is why most people get light-headed until of course they get used to operating on less carbs. You will be able to function but not at your max.

If you burn off more calories than you take in, you will lose weight.

Don’t get me wrong—too many carbs are bad, but so is too much of anything. If you were able to have 2000 calories and ate 2500 calories of all protein, you wouldn’t lose weight. The same thing goes if you ate 1800 calories just from cake. You wouldn’t lose weight. Each macronutrient, protein, carb, or fat has its own job. Protein is great because it is the most versatile one.

Adding a carb in at breakfast and lunch and then two small, healthy snacks in between lunch and dinner.

What kind of snacks?A shake, fruit or almonds.

Some fats are good for you. The body needs fat for certain things, and you shouldn’t deprive your body of it. It is the secondary source of energy and also helps with joint health. There are other things your body uses fat for. But no matter how good it is for yo
u. The body needs fat for certain things, and you shouldn’t deprive your body of it. It is the secondary source of energy and also helps with joint health. There are other things your body uses fat for. But no matter how good it is for you, fat is fat in the end. Too much of any one thing isn’t any good, especially fat. It contains nine calories per gram as opposed to protein and carbs, which both have four calories per gram. That’s why fat should be kept to two servings per day in my opinion. So, yes, almonds.

As a general rule of thumb, to help portion meals, I recommend having a small amount of protein with each meal with a serving of carbs or a protein and a serving of fat. It will balance out to about the same amount of calories. If you do a fruit or almonds by itself, that is ok to start. It is a step in the right direction.

You’re Welcome.
(You can thank me with bee that make milk.)
Helter Skelter you’re so cool. Thanks for enlightening me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Awesome stuff mate. Keep up the good work. A lot of people tend to stay away from weight training when trying to lose weight but I always balanced between my diet, weight training, and cardio to lose weight. It works wonders because the muscles help me up my metabolic rate!

William asks…

Signs of anorexia! I need help , a girls life is in danger!?

She is just a lil chunky , not overweight at all. But she does sports and all she sees is skinny girls. she is not as fast as them and that is why she is doing this “healthy diet” it doesn’t seem healthy at all.
Do these signs add up to a ed at all or an actual diet
– Only eats when she HAS too like her mom makes her
-When ever we go out she never says she is hungry or says she has a tummy ache
-Drinks so much water , its really crazy
-asks about calories , she is ALWAYS making food for others. and lie to her mother about what she ate
– Works out all the time
-calls her self fat, she thinks she wears a size 11 when she actually wears a size 6 i tricked into trying on my sisters old jeans
-wears baggy clothes to hide weight loss
-dropped 15 pounds in 20 days
-hair is not growing sat all not falling out but not growing
-black under her eyes
– she has passed out at soccer practices
-gets dizzy easy

im scared , but maybe its normal?
what should i do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders.

I hope your friend gets the help she needs. I would recommend talking to your parents and hers.

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