Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

Is it possible to lose weight while your pregnant?

Obviously, you gain weight while your pregnant, but is it possible to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes, I did. With my first son. I gained a total of30 pounds during the pregnancy (baby weight only) and when I checked my weight at 4 weeks post-partum, I was 40 pounds lighter. You could tell during the pregnancy that I was losing as well because my arms got skinnier. I did not do this on purpose, I’m just diabetic and was forced to eat extremely healthy to maintain my sugars.

Lisa asks…

is there a safe way to lose weight while pregnant?

Currently i would be considered obese… i am VERY concerned that my weight will become a problem further along in my pregnancy. (especially if I do gain more weight.) can anyone help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Oh there are definitely healthy ways to lose weight while pregnant. The problem comes into play with the lack of vitamins and nutrients that come about with dieting and how much is weight and how much is fluids, so the best way to check is to ask the OB doctor. They have guidelines and menus even that you can work with and know that you’re doing the very best for your baby nutrient wise as well as taking care of your health. Walking is very good for you as well and helps with the labor also, just don’t overdo it. Check with the OB and good luck ok?

Mary asks…

Can you lose weight while your pregnant?

I heard that some woman actually lose weight while they are pregnant. By eating right and working out. With my first daughter I gained 100lbs and really don’t want to do that again. What kinds of food should I eat, so that the baby gets enough nutrients but still help me stay at a lower weight? What kinds of exercises can I do that won’t harm the baby?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Get a pregnancy exercise video and do that – it will be safe for the baby.
Walking will also be really good.
Eat healthy foods – veggies and fruits, avoid sugar and excess carbs.
You can probably limit your calorie intake to 2300 a day (2000 is normal plus 300 extra calories for pregnancy).
If you eat out then just one meal alone can have as much as 2000 or more calories in it!
So avoid eating out as much as possible.
Drink lots of water and eat when you are hungry and don’t when you’re not.
You can always ask your doctor for suggestions, and he may even set you up with a dietitian.
Good luck!

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