Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

In THIS CASE is it safe to lose weight while pregnant?

I am not pregnant, first off. But I was always wondering if you weighed over 200 lbs, became pregnant, then started eating healthy, would it hurt if you lost weight? I am not talking about fasting or extreme dieting, but if you went from eating fast food and the sort to eating a diet that’s actually recommended by doctors plus the 300 extra calories for baby. I am just looking at it as the fast food and junk that a person consumes being replaced by healthy meals MAY cause initial weight loss regardless of being pregnant or not.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes. In fact, many obese women lose weight in early pregnancy. If it is the result of a healthy diet rather than, dieting, it’s usually safe.

Susan asks…

How can I lose weight while being pregnant?

I’m 220 lbs right now and am pregnant again.. YAY, but I need to know if I can still lose weight while I’m pregnant and not take anything away from the baby. Any one know?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost weight with both my pregnancies. I went to a dietician and got a food plan. Being overweight, I could only gain 10-15 lbs. I actually lost 10 all under my Dr’s supervision and not dieting, just eating right.

Laura asks…

Did you lose weight while pregnant by changing your eating and exercise habits?

Did you lose weight when you were pregnant because you changed your eating habits or started exercising daily?

I plan to change my diet to be very healthy and walk daily once I am pregnant, I was wondering if I should expect a weight loss.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost weight because:

1) I ate better
2) I ate small meals more often which always causes me to loose weight but is hard to find time for when you are working and not pregnant
3) My metabolism shot through the roof (I could tell, and my temp went from 97.4 when not pregnant to 98.9 while pregnant)
4) I didn’t eat any junk.

If you eat a healthy, well balanced diet (not diet as in weight loss but diet as in what you eat) with about 300 more calories do not pay any attention to the scale (But I wouldn’t count your calories). You and your baby will be healthy (I ended pregnancy 30lbs less than I started –the day after I gave birth to an 8lbs 2oz baby).

Saying you must gain weight is like saying if you eat nothing but burgers and fries it is healthy for your baby. It is about eating well and enough for both you and your baby to thrive. Trust me, eat well and as long as you feel healthy and energitic you and your baby will be FINE, your body will tell you if you are not eating right if you listen.

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