Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

How is different “Proactol Plus” than other weight loss supplements?

Hi fans, i am so gourmet in the case of food.but i worried about my plump body. My friend suggest me about “Proactol Plus” which is weight loss i want to know is it useful or useless?
please suggest me!

weight loss cardiff answers:

According to the official site, Proactol plus claims to help reduce excess Body Weight, food cravings and bind up to 28% of fat intake and clinically proven with the backing of 8 clinical studies. The producers of weight loss pills are so confident of its efficacy that they offer a 6 month money back guarantee.You can ask for full refund of your purchase money if you are not satisfied with its results.

Sandy asks…

Do Herbal Weight Loss Supplements Work?

Since herbal drugs or herbal supplements are not really tested by Food and Drug Administration or i mean maybe not all. I was this planning to buy herbal weight loss supplements, do you think it is effective or I would just waste time losing weight taking this drug? I really need more information about this. Thanks in advance!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Taking herbal weight loss supplements would really help you lose weight but it is best taken with proper diet and exercise. Like all supplements, weight loss pills approved for sale by the FDA are safe, but there is no guarantee they are effective.

Laura asks…

Which are the best weight loss Supplements?

I would like to know that which are the best working weight loss supplements and Pills that i can buy online?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Diet pills are a waste of money, don’t work, and some are actually bad for you with nasty side effects. No pill, potion or supplement will help. Please don’t fall for all the spam adverts you see. Most of the sites are scams and people have lost a lot of money ordering these products on line with the so called “free trials”.

All you need is a good healthy diet – lots of fruit and veg, and exercise. It takes time and motivation:)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

what are some exercises i can do at home easily to lose weight fast?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried this workout program? Http://

Donald asks…

How to lose weight fast and easy?

I’m 14, I’m about 5 foot 3 inches in height and i way 10 and a half stone, im not sure what that is in pounds.
A few months ago i lost a lot of weight but since then I’ve just piled it all back on. I also used to have a gym membership, but i had no motivation at all to go to the gym and work out, it was just so boring.

So, long story short does anyone have any tips, tricks or advice on how to lose weight easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hard work and sit ups and not eating a lot of bad foods.wii fit i found good.if you can after school go to the gym make a game of sports in school or if u finished go on a team and train 2 or 3 days a week ( if you find the gym boring take your ipod !)
good luck

Linda asks…

How can i lose weight fast and easy ?

i need to lose weight. what are great exercises that i can act around the house to lose weight fast and easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

In addition to everything that been discussed before, eating protein helps you burn more calories. Jeff Hample, Ph.D., R.D., a spokesman for the American Dietetic Association says that, “Protein is made up mainly of amino acids, which are harder for your body to breakdown, so you burn more calories getting rid of them.?
Just think ?eating a protein rich snack can help you lose weight. How about a few slices of turkey or ham or some string cheese?
Eating protein will also help you feel full so that you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks.

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