Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

What is the fastest and easiest way to lose wieght?

I need a way to lose weight fast im only a teen so i can’t get the pills or subscribe to jenny craig or something like that, but what i want is some tips on how to lose the weight fast.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you eat smaller portions throughout the day, and keep them healthy along with a healthy exercise regiment then you should be able to loose weight easily. The important thing though is that you should care about size and not weight. My friend weighing 95 is not a bad thing, as she is short, but for someone who is tall 95 would be a very bad thing. Also ask your doctor what you should aim for, they may be able to provide you with exercises that can help you with your specific issues. Starving yourself does not work, nor does overexercising. Pills change your body, including your brain, and Jenny Craig simply assists you in eating smaller portions and keeping them healthy. Snacking is something you should worry about, but snacking every so often is smarter, it tends to reset the system so that you can digest your normal foods better. Also remember, no one diet is good for everyone, low fat may not work for you, and low-carb may not either.

Richard asks…

How can i lose weight in 1 month in time for my 18th Birthday?

I want to lose weight fast and as much as i can in 1 month!
Im 100kg (220pounds) and turning 18 on the 26th of March!
I have a treadmill at home, but never had the motivation. I dont know what to eat and when and how much.
I LOVE some help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Best way is combining diet and exercise. By this way you burn more calories than you intake.
You should drink lots of water and stay away from fat-sugar-sweet-fastfoods. Dont eat after 7 pm.
Eat 5 small meals including snacks. Snacking with nuts,fruit or yogurt because this make you feel not hungry so you dont eat much in meals. I am not saying you to eat lot with 5 meals, I say eat often but less. In fact the main point on weight loss is not how much we eat in a day, the main point is how healthy meals we eat and how much calorie we consume
You should drink green tea(this is really important because green tea speeds metabolism and so you burn more calories- 2-3 cups of green tea in a day is really necessary)
Here is a sample diet plan that works perfectly:
Breakfast: a piece of cheese,slices of tomatoes, 4 5 olives,2 egg whites and green tea or milk
Snack with nuts
Lunch: Salad
Snack with fruits or yogurt
Dinner: Grilled chicken/fish and boiled vegetables or salad
By exercising you make all your body work and so burn calories. There are many good exercise programs that you can do easily at home. I dont like go gym so I use the most recommended one at home and very happy with it.
Good luck:)

Robert asks…

Does how fast you lose weight depend on how much you weigh when you start your diet?

I have heard that you lose weight at a faster rate the heavier you are and then as you lose the weight, it comes off slower and slower. Is this true?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It may work that way for some people, but it never has for me. All the weight I’ve lost has not come off very easily πŸ™

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