Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

tips on how to start off being vegetarian?

what to buy to start my diet? Recipes? Websites? other things.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go to PETA’s website and download their Vegetarian starte plan!

Helen asks…

What Can I Do With broccoli if am in a Diet!!?

Can broccoli Make You Lose Weight?
Today I really wanna eat broccoli , is there anything I can do with broccoli like some diet recipe?

Plus what other veggie I can put in it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Broccoli is a good food with lots of minerals and nutrients if it is organic. Non-organic broccoli is grown in poor soil most of the time and has little nutrition in it. The problem with RAW broccoli is that it also contains anti-nutrients, in particular goitrogens. This slows the thyroid down and that slows your metabolism. If you cook broccoli in a steamer for a few minutes, it will get rid of the goitrogens and also break down the fiber allowing it to be more digestible.

Remember, broccoli is a carbohydrate and you need to limit carbs to 75 grams per day. Follow the glycemic LOAD charts to help you figure that out. The load chart works far better than the INDEX chart.

Get lots of fat in your diet to give you that sustained energy and higher calories per gram than carbs.

EDIT: DO NOT COOK BROCCOLI in the microwave! In fact, get rid of that microwave because it is damaging your food and altering the cellular energy of the food you put in it, especially anything with proteins in it. Eat SOY? Soy is one of the worst things you can eat. Get the book called “The Whole Soy Story” by Kaayla Daniels. This book is peer reviewed and loaded with good documentation and gives both sides of the soy issue. Soy is loaded with all kinds of toxins that affect the body very negatively. The soy industry has spent billions on shoving bad information and marketing indoctrination down people’s throats for years now. Soy contains goitrogens that slow your thyroid down so badly that the drug companies that make thyroid medication tell you in their literature that you must NOT EAT SOY because it prevents the drugs from making your thyroid work. Soy contains lots of the heavy metal aluminum, reduces the sperm count in men by 60%, depletes the body of minerals, especially iron (over 50%), inhibits protein digestion, and so many more problems with that junk. If you are a man and want man-boobs, just eat some soy. Then eat some Tofu for the real booby prize; it takes away your libido! ! !

Fermented soy is a reasonable food to eat. The fermentation process takes away much of the objections to soy.

Just steam the broccoli for a few minutes and make sure it is organically grown broccoli.

Good luck to you

Carol asks…

Does this sound good to you?

I love homemade pierogies, but they take so much time to make. I took store bought pierogies, boiled them and then mixed them with sour cream and cheddar cheese. They were awesome. Does this sound good to you? By the way, this is not a diet recipe.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It sounds great ive never tried it with sour cream before i am defimetly going to try that

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