Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

What is a healthy lunch for a teenage during summer?

I am a fourteen year old trying to eat lunch everyday, during summer. I wake up around noon or eleven and sometimes just eat just breakfast. I want to eat lunch, but cannot eat out and I don’t like many cold cuts and processed food. I am on a semi-diet to prevent acne breakouts (not really weight loss diet) that is accompanied by a little weightlifting/aerobic activity. My preferences are spicy food, does not take long to make (or much skill), is at least under $3 in grocery, and is healthy. Thanks!
I am underweight around 100 lbs. Both of my parents work, so either them or I can cook on a stove. P.S. Tuna and peanut butter is not healthy

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are on a semi-diet, try vegetables and fruits. They are healthy and eating tomatoes and cucumbers will make your acnee simply disappear. Try mixed salads of fruits and vegetables. When you are in mood of proteines, try easy meat like chicken or fish.

John asks…

What food can I eat to get a tapeworm in my system?

People say the easiest weight loss is getting tapeworms to eat your food for you and please don’t tell me not to do this because my diets keep failing, I’m a busy person and I can’t concentrate without food

weight loss cardiff answers:

Sushi is known to give people tape worms

Carol asks…

How do you avoid gaining wait during a cold winter?

It seems so much easier to gain weight in the winter. How do you avoid this or even continue with weight loss. Diet pop and 0 calorie flavored waters can seem to cold to drink. If a person doesn’t care for coffee or tea, what do you suggest?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go to the tanning bed walk around your mall… Exercise in your home and watch what you eat

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