Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

I am looking for the recipe for the cookie diet by dr. siegel?

I am looking for Dr. Siegels cookie diet recipe. I was told by my doctor that there is a recipe on line and that one may have been printed in an issue of Woman’s World

weight loss cardiff answers:


Chris asks…

Where can I buy lean beef in New York City?

I’m on a diet, and tons of diet recipes call for 95% lean ground beef. I live in Chelsea/Midtown in Manhattan. Does anyone know of anywhere nearby where I can buy ground beef that is this lean? Even Whole Foods let me down!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Grind your own. But I’m sure Food Emporium has it.

Betty asks…

What’s a good breakfast diet recipe?

I need some diet recipes for breakfast to help me lose the xtra pounds I put on over the winter, any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I make my breakfast hearty but try to keep it as low calorie as possible. If I skimp at breakfast, I find I eat way too much through the course of the day and at night.

Here’s some things I make:
saute 2 or more cups of fresh spinach. There’s less then 10 calories in each cup of spinach and it’s so healthy! Then I crack an egg or two or use some eggbeater sort of thing. For extra flavor, I sprinkle on a small spoonful of dried parmesan cheese. Add a ton of flavor with little calories. Also a sprinkle of chives adds a lot of flavor.

Or you can use mushrooms, broccoli, onions, peppers–Breakfast is a great time to get some of your veggie servings in every day!

I also like making a protein shake with rice or whey powder, frozen blueberries, raspberries and sometimes strawberries. I do try to stick to lower sugar fruit like these berries but I can’t resist throwing in some frozen banana slices for sweetness. I also add in a handful of fresh washed spinach, sometimes some ground flax or coconut oil.

Some mornings, I like to eat lentil soup that I make ahead of time. Full of fiber, protein, veggies, a bit of olive oil–that keeps me energetic and satisfied with little calories.

Probably my most common breakfast is organic plain yogurt, blueberries, walnuts and a tiny drizzle of agave nectar. It’s quick, easy, tasty and healthy.

Try to get most of your calories from food rather than drinks. So avoid fruit juices and eat whole fruit instead–you get the flavor, fiber, less calories and it’s more satisfying to chew.

Try to have your breakfast contain protein, fiber, fat and a bit of carbohydrates to keep you full longer.

Ramp up the fiber(start slowly if you don’t eat a lot of fiber–just will be easier on your stomach) Fiber is good for so many things

Do not cut all fats when you diet! Healthy fats are needed to keep your skin and hair looking great but it also is what your body needs to signal satiety. If you include some fat, you will actually eat less but stay full longer.

Good fats include: nuts, flax, olives and olive oil, fatty fish like salmon and sardines

It’s better to look to your dinner to cut the calories. And try to avoid eating fattening things after 6 or 7 in the evening. Have a big bowl of lettuce or veggies or a piece of fruit but nothing else at night.

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