Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

What diets make you lose weight super fasr and also increase metabolism?

I REALLY need help. I have to lose almost 20 kg by Feb 2010….
Can you please suggest any diets, that are easy to stick to.. ( ones where you don’t stack that weight back on after you return to eating normally)
I also Don’t enjoy exercise that much I don’t want to to do more the 40 mins a day.. ( don’t have time to join a gym)

Please Help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans.

Sandy asks…

What is a good website with workouts, diets, and weightloss tips?

I am 17 and want to get my body fit.
I have boobs and a butt, but I would like to tone and loose a little weight.
Any good sites with tips, workout plans, and diets?

weight loss cardiff answers:

check it out, it’s very good, they also have forum sections that will fit perfectly for your goals.

Charles asks…

What are healthy eating habits without diets?

Diets don’t work. I have tried almost every diet. Even laxatives. I stay on a diet for a while and lose weight but then it gets old and I start with the old habits again. At times I eat out of emotions. Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m really glad you figured this out! It’s not about being on a diet, it’s about making healthy choices everyday so that you can manage your weight and keep your body healthy for life. Don’t punish yourself if you eat something you shouldn’t. Don’t deprive yourself of your favorite food. Just try to eat anything fatty in moderation, and don’t listen to anyone who tells you that you can’t eat carbs, cheese, or anything else. You can eat whatever you like as long as you’re sensible about portions. I never limit what I eat, I just try to eat healthy foods. And if I have half a pizza every once in a while, that’s not going to phase me.

Some general guidelines:

Don’t drink sugary stuff. Soda, juice drinks, and alcohol all have empty calories and not much nutrition. So there’s not really a point in drinking them. You should also drink tons of water (at least 8-10 glasses a day). If you’re bored with water, make ice tea at home, and don’t add sugar (or add a small amount if you need to.) Pure juice is also OK – certainly better than soda, but it does have a lot of sugar.

Stick to lean dairy. Low-fat cottage cheese is a great snack because it has lots of protein. A serving of plain yogurt has 45% of your calcium. So don’t limit these, just buy the low fat kind. If you’re a cheese addict, try to stick to hard cheeses like parmesan, romano, and asiago because they generally have much lower fat contents – great sprinkled over a salad or pasta or eaten by themselves.

Eat tons of vegetables and fruit. Fruit is my favorite snack. Delicious, tons of vitamins, nutritious, filling, fiber-rich. Eat as much fruit and veggies as you like. Just skip the added butter or sugar.

Lean proteins. Avoid red meats. If you eat chicken, make it skinless and make sure it is cooked sensibly. If you make it at home, use olive oil rather than butter during cooking – the two oils may have the same fat content, but olive oil is much better for your heart.

Remove junk food from the house. Instead, stock up on healthy snacks. Dried fruit is a great one that provides excellent flavor as well as fiber and iron. Fruit is always good to have around. Nuts (raw ones, without added salt) are a great high-protein snack. They’re high in calories, but I don’t think anyone’s ever gotten fat from eating too many almonds to be honest, and they are full of good-for-you fats that keep your skin and hair supple. Fruit leathers are a good take-anywhere snack, as are low-fat string cheese. In terms of crackers, look for ones with whole grains, fiber, and low sodium.

Carbs are fine. Obviously if you eat a loaf of bread in one sitting, that may be going overboard. But I think it is fine to eat as many carbs as you like as long as they are eaten in conjunction with vegetables or fruits and a protein source. So, if you have crackers, have them with skim-milk cheese, an apple, and some nuts. If you have pasta, have it with tomato sauce, some sauteed veggies, and a sprinkling or parmesan. Brown rice is preferred to white, and whole grain breads and pastas and preferred to regular.

Cook as much of your own food as you can, or eat mostly raw foods. Processed foods are usually laced with preservatives, added fats, salts, etc. If you can make your own soup instead of eating it out of a can, that is better. Or if you are always eating frozen entrees, it would be better to eat the real thing. You can always prepare food at the beginning of the week and freeze it yourself, or just make a big batch of something and enjoy the leftovers. If you do eat frozen meals, supplement them with a piece of fruit or a salad so that you get something fresh in the mix.

Good luck!

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