Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

Did your doctor tell you it was safe to continue losing weight while pregnant?

I’m doing some research on the benefits of losing weight while pregnant. Especially if you are obese.

My doctor is one that said it is fine to lose weight while pregnant and continue on a healthy diet: such as weight watchers. Note: This is not my OB…just the family physician.

But I’d like to here some input and also if anyone has dieted while pregnant…etc……


weight loss cardiff answers:

Its compleatly fine. As long as your not exercising too hard. And your eating a healthy balenced meal. As long as your not taking diet pills and your not starving yourself. Then thats fine. Its really just being healthy, not loosing weight, although you do loose weight in the process. πŸ™‚

edit: and if you do gain some weight, thats okay, dont eat less if you gain some, just make sure you eating enough, not too much, and dont eat junk food.

Charles asks…

is it safe to continue to diet while pregnant?

I am currently doing the LA weightloss program, and I have had a lot of success from it, however, I was wondering if anyone else had dieted to lose weight while pregnant. This diet involves eating healthy foods 6-8 times a day. You have to have a certain amount of servings of each food group a day. My question is, Is it safe to lose weight by dieting healthfully as long as the baby is still growing and healthy?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your gonna get fat regardless, so why diet.

Thomas asks…

How to lose weight and pregnant?

Ill be 8 weeks pregnant tomorrow. And i wanted to know how do I lose weight while im pregnant cus im gaining weight badly and I wanted to know whats the safest way to lose it and the baby will be fine.

weight loss cardiff answers:

For me, it was eating 5-6 small portions throughout the day. Don’t eliminate the junk you love, that’ll only make you want it more, but limit yourself to say one (small) treat every other day, or once a week. Try to walk or swim, which will help you keep from gaining much. Good luck!

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