Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

George asks…

WEIGHT LOSS. secrets? tips? tricks? HELP!?

im not anorexic or anything, but could anyone share any of their help for me to lose weight?? im currently around 110 pounds and I would like to lose around 10 pounds… i need to do this quick, fast, and easy. please dont comment saying “wow why would you want to do that?” or “what the f*ck? your already too thin” or any of that cr*p. Its my life but please anyone know of a good diet or something? ive tried just the all water thing… maybe i’ll do it again? i dont want to spend money on this or anything… i need to lose the weight by 4 weeks or so. also does anyone know some good thighs and stomach stretches and excercises? thanks =)

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have a couple of water bottles next to the couch.. Each time I sit on the couch I pick them up and lift them up and down.
It is boring and it seems useless to do but if you get used to do it,., after just 20 minutes you will start sweating and your arm will get tired.
Just change arm and carry on, eventually it will become automatic and you might even want to progress to some dumbells, maybe a little bit heavier than the water bottle.

Sharon asks…

Questions about weight loss help!!!?

First of all…
How can all these skinny people eat so little? Over time does your appetite lessen or is it genetics or something?
If you do exercise over a long period of time do you eventually like it?
Is there any super easy tricks to lose weight?
What’s the best form of exercise to be toned and how to keep the weight off?


weight loss cardiff answers:

Most skinny people get used to not eating very much over time just like people w/ eating disorders learn how not to eat. Just because you exercise for a long time doesn’t mean you will like it. It will just get easier. A easy way to lose weight is to take off 200 calories a day of how many you usually eat. Do that for a year and you lose 20 pounds and your welcome

Donald asks…

How can I lose weight quickly without much effort?

I want to lose atleast 30 pounds but between work and school I dont have much time to go to a gym or cook healthy food. I am usually grabbing something quick to eat while driving. I am open to anything whether it be an easy diet plan or weight loss product. Any advice or cool tricks to lose weight fast without much effort?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It makes sense that with a busy schedule it’s hard to find time out of your day to exercise or make something, but the main thing to focus on when it comes to your weight is actually your diet more than your exercise. Exercise is good for muscle and toning, plus it makes for a healthier lifestyle by staying active, but your diet is very important. My coach told me that in the morning, you need to eat something at least to get your metabolism going, then you can eat a regular lunch and then for ‘dinner’, divide it into two small meals. This prevents you from eating too much for a last meal, but also to prevent your body from going into starvation mode when your body will cling to anything you eat when it is in that mode. When you grab quick food to eat, make sure you have healthy snacks around like granola bars or fruit and veggies. For meals, just make sure you’re making the right choices. Sometimes it sounds easy, but it takes time to implement an idea like a new diet when you’re so used to something else or just don’t want to.
Plus, just don’t eat more than necessary, like snacking too often or just plain overeating. It’s hard for me to reiterate what my coaches would tell me because they know more than me, but this seriously helps more than you know.

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