Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

How do I gain weight? I’m 18 years old, 5 feet 1 inch tall, and weigh 36 kgs!?

Well as you can see, my stats and my weight, are a total disaster! i’ve always been underweight, i lose weight very easily, I don’t even have to try to do it! But I find it near impossible to gain weight – I’ve been 36 kgs for the past 3 years now….and the only direction the scales seem to go is down! Not to mention I look like a little kid….my bust stopped growing years ago, and I get teased all the time. Please help! I need to know about any diet plans I should adopt to gain weight fast. I don’t exercise, and I have no medical problems except for mild gas. Please tell me how to gain weight and also a more womanly figure instead of the twiggy I am today…..
I also have a very hectic schedule, which makes regular trips to the gymn just about impossible…

weight loss cardiff answers:

Generally to gain weight you need your calorie intake to be 500 cal more then usual. Normal intake should be 1500 so 2000 to add, but since your metabolism is so high, from what i hear i am guessing you will need at least 3000+. It is easy to overeat with things like doghnuts, milk, BREAD! Perhaps a lot of protein, my brother uses protein shakes to gain weight. The health food shop sometimes has high calorie bar you could have. I am sure if you went to the doctor with those stats he would prescribe you something to slow your metabolism down.

But i am not sure high fat foods would be totally great since they are very unhealthy. But the main foods that keep body fat up is bread and carbohydrates. Are you a nervous person? Being anxious or stressed burns loads of calories, a lady i know keeps loosing weight due to that.

Hope that helps a bit
x x x x x

Sandy asks…

Can anyone help me lose weight?

i am about 60 pounds over weight. I ve had 2 kids and am 34. my husband and i are trying to concieve. everyone says if i lose weight it will help.Not to mention im uncomfortable in my own skin, get out of breathe easily and just overall want to be more motivated. My kids are so active I cant keep up with them. I have tried every diet i can think of with no luck. Can someone sincere please share with me their success stories and help me start a story of my own. Thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey JANE! πŸ™‚

I have lost 52 pounds (close to what you’re looking to lose) and I may be younger than you BUT.. I have been battling MANY health problems ALL in which cause a person to struggle with their weight and made it much harder than it should have been. BUT.. I am going to go to school for nutritional sciences to become a dietician. I would love to help you! I actually pulled up your question by accident, and I am on my way out the door! If you want to you can email me!!!!!

I’ll be MORE than happy to give you advice. πŸ™‚

Daniel asks…

How do I help my Pisces sister lose weight?

She use to have a smokin hot body and love going out to show it off, she’s been depressed for many years now and she gained 60 pounds. Now all she does is stay at home and lock herself in her room. How do I motivate her to lose weight?

She gives up so easily, and last summer we traveled to Thailand together and kids would laugh at her, and she went back to our hotel and stayed there for a whole week before I could convince her to come out again. She’s very sensitive, little things hurt her feelings and then she ends up giving up, any help? I really love her and I want her to look and feel her best.

weight loss cardiff answers:

At least she has a good friend. Be there for her. She needs that right now. I am not pisces but i happen to have 3 planets on the 12th house with a Pisces midheaven and a strong Neptune. So I know what those moods are like. She is lucky to have someone like you.

I am pretty much the same way. But when I have somebody beside me, that helps me to start feeling better about myself, and eventually this helps me to start doing things again. Do you try to reinforce her positive qualities? Do you try to see her through the glass that allows you to better see the potential that she has?

Also, when you say that little things hurt her feelings. You mean little things for you. They might be little things for you, but that is not the way she sees it. She really needs someone she can trust and if you go laughing behind her back, you are not her friend, and you will lose the ability to help her since she will lose trust in you. So be careful. I really have no idea what’s going on with her. This did not happen all in one day and certainly won’t be fixed in one day. The problem will have to be fixed day by day with your PERSISTENCE in trying to help her. And if you cannot be there to help her, make sure that somebody is. Ok?


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