Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

What evidence is there for the existence of an all powerful deity and why are billions of people afraid of it?

Obviously many people are convinced that an all powerful deity exists, but I ask where is the evidence for it’s existence? Furthermore, these people seem to be terrified of this deity, thinking it will hurt them, if they don’t follow it’s every command. Well, I for one fear no one, including deities! IF there is a deity, and I find it to be unfair, and cruel, like a dictator, I will take it down! Whose with me!?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will take down an all powerfull deity? That would be pretty interesting to see.

Laura asks…

Theists: How does your deity let you know if you have crossed the line from faithful follower to zealot nut?

We’ve all read the news stories about folks like Scott Roeder, Marie Moore, Eric Rudolph, Jan David Clark, Dena Schlosser, Andrea Yates, the Hutaree, etc.

Most if all of these folks probably started out as simply faithful religious people who wanted to do the right thing in God’s eyes, But somewhere, something went terribly wrong and they became dangerous, deranged religious zealots.

If you crossed that line, would your deity let you know? If not, how would you know? How do you know you haven’t yet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

God usually lets me know by Him giving me a very loud trumpet blast through a large ram’s horn.

Sharon asks…

Is a deity without a doctrine like a ship without an anchor?

Does the doctrine maketh the deity? So without the doctrine, the deity is formless and the best people can hope for is mystical deism, right? And mystical deism is not enough for people; people are inherently irrational and they’ve been conditioned into believing a bunch of nonsense…they want the doctrine of nonsense! They want the delusion! They want the stories of men living inside fish for 3 days! They can’t handle ordinary reality, right?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Rudderless people need someone to think and choose for them. It’s more fear-based than ignorance. Dogma and doctrine give them a set of rules to follow and the threat of Hell and promise of Heaven give them motivation.

It’s a lack of intellectual curiosity to burden one’s self with mere belief/disbelief. It’s intellectual honesty to simply accept that we cannot know.

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