Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

Is there a creative way to lose weight fast for a 13 year old girl?

I’m 13 , I weight 156.53 pounds , I’m 5 feet and I hate exercising I get bored so easily so I would like to know if there’s any other easy creative way to lose weight pleaseeeee help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Discover your dietary point of preference. If you work hard to control your weight, you may get pleasure from your appearance, but you may also feel sorry for yourself each time you forgo a favorite food. There is a balance to be struck between the immediate gratification of indulgent foods and the long-term pleasure of maintaining a desirable weight and good health. When you have that balance worked out, you have identified your own personal dietary pleasure “point of preference.” This is where you want to stay.
PLUS: 6 Easy Ways to Follow the Mediterranean Diet

Helen asks…

How do you keep your metabolism going when fasting?

I have been eating right and working out but i’m really struggling to lose weight. I only need to lose about 17 pounds but it just won’t come off. I have fasted before in the past for 2-3 weeks and it really helped me to lose weight but the only thing is that after I was done fasting I started eating a lot of junk food and put back on all the weight, if not more…I think that since I fasted it slowed down my metabolism a lot because I used to be able to lose weight very easily and now that i’m working hard it’s just not coming off…

Is there a way to fast and still have a good metabolism?

Thank you

weight loss cardiff answers:

Drink green tea if u can
an more water an fluids

Laura asks…

How do I lose weight easy and fast?

I need to lose weight in a month to fit into a dress for a dance. How can I lose weight easy and fast?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A great way that i found out to lose weight easily, they have proof of weight loss! They will help you lose weight quick and easy! It shows you exactly what to do and how to do it. Check out the site! (its in the sources)

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