Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

How to keep a training log for running?

I recently started running for weight loss and I love it! I want to keep track of my progress but I don’t know the format to write it in. Any ideas?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Use one of the online tools for tracking. Running free (link below) is free and has all of the features you’d want. If you want something to install on your computer instead, try SportTracks (PC) or Ascent (Mac).

If you’re mostly interested in keeping track of weight, try, which also has daily calorie intake calculators. It can also track exercise for you.

Lizzie asks…

I would like to loose weight around my stomach and thighs… How would I be able to do that?

Iam 14 and I consider myself fat and would like to be in better shape. If I took weight loss pills would that be able to help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do NOT take pills.
First off, to figure out if you’re really overweight, you should find out what your BMI is by putting your height and weight into a BMI calculator.
Now, losing weight really isn’t that hard. Eliminate fast food from your daily meals. You don’t necessarily need to diet, but you should eat in moderation which means you should portion out everything and don’t over eat. Try to eat healthier meals too. Also you shouldn’t drink soda or eat junk food (chips, candy, sweets etc). Juice is fine, but you should mainly drink water. As for working out, look up on google/youtube workout videos. Jillian Michaels has a great video called “no more trouble zones” which targets everything you want to get rid of. They also sell that DVD and others like it at Target. Good luck and stay positive.

Sharon asks…

What is the calorie calculating method in figuring out how much you need to burn everyday to lose weight?

Before posting any smart-aleck answers to my question like “duh you put out more calories than you take in” — is partially true. I read an article on the Washington Post saying if you put out more calories than you take in with food OR you take in less food so that the calories you put out over-exceeds the calories you took in so that your “cheating the system”, your body can actually go into “starvation mode” and hold onto your body fat more, thus making the weight loss process stagnant and slower. I know there is a method (I’ve heard of it / seen it but never wrote it down!) or some sophisticated calculation where you e.g., take your body weight, calories you consume, etc. or similar figures so that you know how much calories you must burn each day in order to lose weight. Does anybody know how to do this calculation????

weight loss cardiff answers:


this will tell you how many calories you need to maintain your current weight, how many calories you need to lose some weight, and how many calories you need to lose a lot of weight

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