Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

How can I set up a private forum for my family doing a weight loss contest?

I want to set up an easy forum where we can keep in touch about our dieting together. Can you tell me how or where to do this? It doesn’t have to be a weight loss website, just somewhere we can have a PRIVATE forum where we all post. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can set up by using a private web server, you need to setup a private forum by using vbulletin, SMF or PHPBB scripts.

Mark asks…

What is the quickest diet to drop thirty pounds by summer?

I had a baby 4 and a half months ago…i gained 40 pounds and fortunately i have already lost all forty pounds but i am still much bigger than i want to be. I do twenty to forty minutes of pilates daily and i eat pretty healthy…any easy diets for quick weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have lost 42lbs in 40 Days on the HCG Diet. It works but like any diet if you simply return to your previous dietary and lifestyle habits you will end up with the same results as before, you’ll be overweight. The key is to use the HCG Diet as a catalyst to changing your life. You can lose lots of weight in a relatively short amount of time which works great for your motivation levels and keeps you going strong while on such a restricted diet. BUT you must change your overall lifestyle once the weight is lost. Furthermore, after completing the HCG Diet you MUST do the 3 week step down phase where you eat NO Starches, Sugars, or other Carbs! It is absolutely key to not letting your weight rebound. I recommend for HCG, they offer decent prices, unlimited support, and lots of hints, tips, and tricks to help you achieve your goals. It worked for me and with the right tools and will power it will work for you!

Donna asks…

How do you lose weight with not much time?

I know the main point in weight loss is diet and exercise, but are there other options if you can’t workout often?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A person requires absolutely not exercise to lose weight.just reduced calorie intake.
The main advantage that exercise can have is that it can help retain muscle so that primarily fat is lost when on a diet.
And it requires minimal exercise to retain muscle. One upper body exercise and one lower body strength exercise.
No cardio exercise required. It’s a myth,a lie,BS.
It’s 10x easier to eat less than it is to exercise more

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