Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Weight loss concerns.?

I am an over weight college student. I have decided that I would like to take about 75 lbs off of my weight. I have one hour every day set aside to do work outs. Also, I am ready to adjust my diet. My questions:

1. How much is a safe weight to drop over the course of a month, or what is a good set of time to allow myself to drop the 75lbs. (Please include a credible source)
2. What types of diets are good for lowering cholesterol and easy weight loss. (Please include a credible source)
3. What type of exercise regimine will allow for weight gain AS WELL AS muscule deffinition. (Please include a credible source)
4. Finally, is there anything else I can do that will allow for easier weight loss. (Please include a credible source)

Thank you so much for your time and help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want a credible source, go to your doctor. He’ll be the best person who can talk to you about cholesterol and the rate you can lose weight safest.

1) i don’t know how heavy you are, so i don’t know what a safe weight is for you. But in general, 1-2 lbs per week.
2) already talked about cholesterol, but there is no diet that is “easy” for weight loss, unless you’re going the fad diet route. And if you want to keep 75 lbs OFF, you do not want an easy way. Weight stays off the best lost at a steady pace using diet and exercise as your tools.
3) you need to lift weights AND do cardio. I do as much as i can on the elliptical(usually 25 minutes), and lift weights like a crazy person afterwards. Lifting more weight at lower reps will increase your strength and build muscle, lifting less weight at higher reps will tone your muscles. More muscle means your metabolism is faster.
4) already covered easy weight loss. It’s a hard journey.

Susan asks…

Bye Bye Birth Control? Weight Loss?

I went on birth control (Tri Cyclen) back when I was in Grade 10 – which was approx. 7 years ago. When I first went on it, the weight seemed to pile on. I know it’s debated whether going on birth control increases weight gain, all I know is I’m talking about my personal experience.

Anyways, after 7 years of being on the pill, I’ve decided to go off of it.
I’m wondering from anyone else’s experience out there, that if going off the pill results in easier weight loss (with correct diet and exercise of course), compared to staying on the pill and correcting diet and exercise??
Thanks a bunch!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve known several people who stopped taking Ortho Tri-cyclen and switched to another (lower dose) of birth control, and they lost all (and more) of the weight they had gained from being on Ortho. Generally speaking, pills that use ethinyl estradiol as the hormones can cause the most weight gain.

It does have a lot to do with your lifestyle, but I found it hard to keep weight off when I was on Levora. I just stopped taking it a few weeks ago, and I’ve already noticed a difference in my hunger and metabolism.

If you need to continue using birth control, ask your doctor for a lower dose pill and one without a reputation for making you gain weight!

Mary asks…

What are the best exercises to lose weight for people with hip problems?

My husband was born with square femoral head (the ball joint). Growing up je had to wear a hip brace that caused hip hip joint to grind itself out into a circle. Since then he has always had sever hip pain. He feels over weight now and wants to lose weight. Its hard for him to walk very far without being caused a lot of pain. Does any one have any suggestions for weight loss exercises that might help him?
I found out what he was born with is called legg perthes disease

weight loss cardiff answers:

Research “Intermittent fasting” on the internet. It will help your husband with the weight… Especially if he can’t do exercises. Of course the diet/eating is the first thing he has to take care of.

So, research that and as far as exercise goes, may be he can do something like rowing in the gym, if this piece of equipment is available in your local gym. I’m sure he will be able to find other ways to expend calories since he knows his condition and abilities best, but again, start with the diet.

Intermittent fasting is a very healthy way of eating, people have been doing it for thousands of years, it’s very easy, intuitive and natural, it makes you eat less calories without you even noticing. I do it and I’m a former natural bodybuilder. I’ve always eaten 6 times a day before that…

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