Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

What are some easy weight loss techniques for wrestlers?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut down on soda and salty foods.

Soda is pretty much sugared water, so switching to diet would cut down on empty calories.

Really salty processed foods make your body retain a lot of water– so cutting back on these might not make you lose fat, but water weighs a lot and if you’re retaining less water your weight could drop 3-4 pounds just like that.

Donna asks…

What is an Easy Weight Loss Cleanse?

In a previous question someone (mase i think his name was) recommended that before any weight loss you should first do a cleanse…so what should i do? Hopfully something easy that won’t make me look like a total goon when i go to buy it, are there some things i can mix into a drink? anyways ill stop asking and wait for the right answer .

when i mean easy, i mean like easy to acquire and make, i know it won’t be”easy” to do

weight loss cardiff answers:

My moms friend used that hydorxycut stuff (the one you mix in water) and lost about 15lb. I don’t think she added any exercise (beyond what she was getting at work) either. I don’t know if hydroxycut is considered a “cleanse” though.

I know you find those fad ones online if you type in cleanse, but the maple syrup one sounds like a farce to me.

I’ve heard of the water cleanse, but that’s more difficult, and extremely dull.

Hope I helped. Good luck!

Paul asks…

Can you help give me an idea or an easy weight loss plan that”s free?

I’m 49 yrs. of age I take arobic step,cardio kickboxing,sculp and tone classes 6 days a week for 3 yrs.So I just need nutritional advice to help me reach my goal.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your regime is very impressive, you should be looking great already!

But really just eat healthy, everyone knows the basics:

– Low fatty foods
– No junk foods, excessive amounts of sugar
– 5-6 small meals a day to help with metabolism

With your workout schedule it should be a cinch.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

Does anyone know of a good weight loss cleanse?

I’m looking to lose weight, but even more so, i’m really looking to cleanse and detoxify my body. Dont worry, i know there are no “easy fixes” to weight loss, and will continue to work out at the gym durning my cleanse, i’m just looking for something that can give me a boost. I am also looking for a program that won’t just help me shed the weight short term, but help me keep it off long term. i read up on the master cleanse but you are expected to gain back half the weight lost when you quit the cleanse. any suggestions would be great.
I also don’t have much money, so i’m looking for something that doesn’t require expensive suppliments. I am not very disiplined with food (hence why i am over weight) but i’m trying to teach myself will power.
I’d like to know from people who have tried the cleanses first hand and know that they work before i waste my time.
I KNOW the rules to eat for losing weight. thats not what i’m looking for, i’m looking for a good cleanse that will help me lose weight and a plan that goes with it to help me keep it off.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You pretty much just answered your own question. Detoxifying is important. But the real kicker is your diet……or what you eat. I know you don’t want to hear that but it’s the truth. Hear is your answer. Make dieting fun. Learn to cook foods that are low in fat and freaking delicccch. My fav is Thai food. Another thing is keep your diet balanced. 70% carbs and 30% carbs. Eat all your carbs in the morning and during the day it will burn off. Eat the last set of carbs, a smaller amount, during lunch. This will all burn off by bed time. The rest is protein and veggies and fruit. Fruit not to much because of it’s surgar content. Speed your metabloism up by eating 6 smaller meals a day. 3 main meals and 3 smaller snack type. And when you snack eat only protein type that is now in bad fat, don’t worry about good fat like unsalted nuts. Like, beef jerky, almonds and other unsalted nuts and seeds. Cut soda and processed surgar totally from your diet. Also cut high sodium from your diet. Like don’t chince and eat top ramon because it’s cheap. Don’t cheat and do your research. If you have a hard time staying diciplined it could be more psychological than physical. Go to and research those issues as well. Be honest with yourself. You will succeed.

Steven asks…

Will weight loss be easier after a colon cleanse?

I know that it helps move things along in the digestive arena, but how about afterwards? I would appreciate any information.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The average weight loss after a through colon cleansing can range from 2-5 pounds. One this process is successfully done with people can see a vast difference such as a flatter stomach or thinner waistline. A weight loss will also give more energy increasing the metabolism and enables one to burn the weight faster.

Michael asks…

Juice cleanse weight loss in 7 days?

Hi everybody! I was wondering how much weight I could lose in 7 days by only drinking juice (doing a juice cleanse) taking all natural diet remedies, working out about 1 1/2 hours a day. I know it’s not super healthy but i need to do this. If I continue this for 7 days how much will I lose I am aiming for 15 pounds. It is fairly easy for me to lose weight and I can go in a sauna for the water weight. Will I lose 15 pounds in 7 days and will I notice the weight loss?
@Shydi thank you for your input aprox how much will I lose in 7 days. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Assuming you are doing it safely, there is not guaranteed amount of weight loss on a juice cleanse as everyone’s body is different. It depends on your activity level, too, and whether or not you are exercising. Also, juice cleanses aren’t meant for weight loss, but are a nutritional way to get back on track for healthier habits – so if weight loss is a goal, it’s a really awesome jump start. I would be wary of anything pormising weight loss and a crash diet. You may want to check out blueprint cleanse – they dont guarantee weight loss, but they have a registered dietitian that can work with you to reach your results. My friend did blueprint cleanse to prepare for her wedding and was really happy with how she felt and how her body looked.

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