Helen asks…
Weight loss help!!!!!!!!!?
Ok so i am 17 5’1 and weight 153.2lbs. I went to th gym at least 5 times a week for a month and did not los not .1 lb!!!!!!! I hate it. Im not fat just chubby n i dnt like it kuz i used to b skinny. My bf wants me to lose weight sooo bad that just b/c he wants me to lose it i dont want to anymore b/c he brags about it all the freaking time i am tired of it. I dnt like ppl telling me wat to do… Is there an easy and fast way i can lose weight? Heelllppp!!! I do want to lose weight. Its weird b/c i want to but i dnt kuz my bf reeeeally wants me to lose it. Its like i like her shirt n i want it but i dnt want it kuz she has it… Get it? Its weird but help?
weight loss cardiff answers:
Unfortunately there are no easy ways to permanently lose weight and most people who lose weight regain it all.
A vegetarian or vegan diet for the rest of your life might perhaps be a good option as very few vegetarians or vegans are overweight.
If you want a life changing permanent weight loss you need to follow a maintenance diet for the rest of your life after you reach your target weight with one of the many diets you can choose from.
You can see further details in a web search for “how to lose weight and keep it off”.
Ruth asks…
Weight loss help! Easy ten points.?
Hey I’m a 15 year old boy and really need to lose weight. I’ve gotten too big and really need to slim down. I’ve heard of eating 6 times a day…but I cannot do this as I am in school. So what is a 3 meal a day diet plan I can follow to lose weight? Mainly looking for lunch and dinner ideas. Thanks! Easy ten points.
Currently I am 5’8″ and 176.3 pounds. And no its not muscle, I’ve lost most muscle from being unactive and looking to start walking and eventually back into running. I have a lot of fat and it’s all squishy fat, not hard fat. I also need to know how i can encourage myself to do this to! I live in the UK so if anyone has any food products that have worked for them let me know. Thanks in advance
weight loss cardiff answers:
I was in your shoes not so long ago. 2 years ago i was 18st -11lbs. Now i’m 13st – 3lbs.
I did various diets but i found that a de-tox worked for me. This was probably one of the hardest diets i’ve done. Its not one to be taken lightly coz once you start it, you can’t cheat yourself. In the first 10 days of mine, i lost just over 11lbs. Then after that i went on a normal 10 day diet which meant i was able to eat normal things but not take it too excessevly then after that 10 days i went back on the de-tox and so on so on.
But now, i’m just watching what i eat. Try not snacking during the day. If you have too, eat fruit and drink regulally as that help weight loss aswell. Stop eatimg crisps, chocolate and all sorts of fatty foods. I’m not saying cut them out all together but set your self a target weight and see if you can stick to a diet without snacking. Only have the 3 main meals. Cereal for breakfast, a light lunch such as a pot noodle, by all means have fruit or a yoghurt for a snack. Then have your tea as THE main meal. Don’t have puddings too much. Again, eat fruit. Don’t eat anything after 6.00pm because if you eat before you go to bed then that food just sits in your stomach all night not being able to be digested properly. I also found that eating a lot of bread is bad for weight, so cut bread out for a while aswell. I’ve not had a piece of bread now for nearly 15 months. Believe me, it works. Ok it was hard to start with but you soon get used to not having it. Also, excercise everyday by either walking a couple of miles, biking, going to the gym etc as this will eventually help weight loss aswell.
Remember, if you take some of my advice, whatever you do, DON’T SNACK during the day. You will get used to it. I promise you.
Hope this helps ya. Good luck
Paul asks…
Weight loss for “non-fat” people?
I’ve been reading lots of tips on weight loss, and it appears that they are all targeted for obese people.Well, I’m far from obese, I’m 5’4 and weight about 130, however, I want to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of about 110.So is there any diet and exercise/fasting/diet pills/I don’t even care, just answer,tips for someone who doesn’t have a whole big bunch of weight to lose?Because losing weight seems way easier if you are very much overweight.
Also, please do not tell me to shut up because I’m a normal weight,blahblah, honestly.
Because if you know anything about having children,you would know that your body is basically destroyed afterwards, muscle-wise,so even though I’m average weight, all the weight I want to lose is basically all flab.So if you are going to be destructive and not pleasantly CONstructive then please shut your face =)
weight loss cardiff answers:
Easy answer but gotta have a strong motivation!
It’s no magic, just logic.
Eat healthy and exercise daily.
I’m in a healthy weight range too but I’m not aiming “average” body. I’m aiming toned healthy sexy body!! I want a hot body and it’s non of the other people’s business that I should be content with my average body just because they are.
I do agree with above comment about your body “not being destroyed” after child birth. I know so many who still looks toned after pregnancy. Admit that you hadn’t been exercising and start get into it! It’s never too late.
If you want flab free body, exercise an hour a day and eat healthy meals consisting loads of vegetables. Your bra should be soaked in sweat after exercise. I do that 6 days a week and for the first time in my life, I’m starting to see tones in my body
Good luck!! You can do it!
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