Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

how do you lose weight easily as a kid?

im 11 and im about 150 pounds but im also about 5″7 i know im a little over weight. i jump on the trampoline for about 2 hrs a day. i eat a lot tho. i dont eat that unhealthy. but im not the most healthy person.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Spread your meals throughout the day, so your eating more times a day but eating the same amount. This helps to increase the rate your metabolism burns calories. Also, change up your workout routine. If your on a trampoline every day, then one or two days go out running or swimming. This will help make your muscles work harder and burn more calories.

Lisa asks…

how come im not losing weight fast?

i go on the treadmill half an hour (jogging) 3 to 4 times a week..i drink water and eat healthy i also use toning balls for my arms…how come my weight loss hasn’t been drastic? i’ts only a little bit.. i mean i’m so young…don’t kids lose weight easily? its getting soooo fustrating
half an hour a day accompanied with a good diet has shown results. and at 15 should i really be doing more than half an hour a day? i’m not even obese. I’m just concerned its because my metabolism might be slow…

how can i speed it up?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its never easy to lose weight, it is always easy to gain it though, dont give up! Keep trying! Yay! I beleive in you! ^.^

Betty asks…

Can I lose weight this way? 10 points easy!?

Could I lose weight easily if i eat normally throughout the day,a normal breakfast,lunch and dinner and drink nothing but cold water,no juice,sodas etc? I need to lose about 50lbs at least and have been drinking cold water throughout the day and eating refular meals but cutting out bad sugars such as cookies,cake and soft drinks. Will this make me lose weight? if i continue this how much could i possibly lose in 1 month? cant go to gym because im a stay at home mom with 4 kids while my husband works so can only do home excersises which is usually chasing my

weight loss cardiff answers:

From experience I have learned that doing this will definitely loose some weight. Just by reducing the quantity of sugar and unnecessary calories some weight will be lost. I still recommend that you use exercise. What you can do is try to spend more time playing with your kids actively, sports, walking the dog, even the game console wii is a good way to stand up and move a bit. Some chores are able to help you maintain weight but in the end to loose these many pounds you need to do more physical activity. You also need to consider the quality and quantity of your meals, if a normal size breakfast is to high in caloric value you will not loose any weight. Try to eat a varied diet consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables, this is always the best. Recommendation.

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