Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

Martin Luther’s diet of worms?


plz explain it

thanx everyone!

weight loss cardiff answers:

It does not mean he ate worms ;0 though I thought that myself when I was in lutheran Sunday School in first grade.

Diet of Worms
meeting of the Diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire held at Worms, Germany, in 1521 that was made famous by Martin Luther’s appearance before it to respond to charges of heresy. Because of the confused political and religious situation of the time, Luther was called before the political authorities rather than before the pope or a council of the Roman Catholic church.
Pope Leo X had condemned 41 propositions of Luther’s in June 1520, but he also had given Luther time to recant. Because Luther refused to recant, he was excommunicated on January 3, 1521.

Lisa asks…

All goliath worm diet for bearded dragon?

My mom doesnt like crockets and i know someone who just does an all goliath worm diet. I was wondering if i could do that… If so, when would i dust it with calcium powder and other powders. Also, when should i feed him. Like how many times a week.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have all of mine on super worms and have for some time now and they are perfectly healthy. They would not eat crickets on a regular basis but they still get them occasionally. I dust my worms every time I feed them. I am just not sure about the goliath worms. Could that be another name for a super worm. If in doubt go to and post your ? There. It’s a great site and lots of information there. Please don’t give him lettuce. Here is my list of foods in case that will help you out.
Collard Greens
Dandelion Greens
Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Acorn Squash
Butternut Squash
Hubbard Squash
Green Beans
Scallop Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Summer Squash
Sweet potato
Cactus Pad/Leaf

Bok Choy
Bell Peppers, red & green
Bell Peppers, yellow
Potato, russet
Pumpkin, raw
Yams, raw
Zucchini, raw & peeled
Orange, naval
Orange, mandarin
Pear, not asian
Pineapple, canned
Pineapple, fresh
Prunes, canned
Raisins, seedless
Beans, garbanzo
Beans, kidney
Beans, lima
Beans, pinto
Peppermint leaves
Wheat grass

rose petals

Brussel sprouts
Green peas raw
Rutabaga, raw
Star fruit
Rice, brown, long grain

Ground beef
Pork chops
Spaghetti, cooked
Meal Worms

Laura asks…

What is Diet of Worms 1521?

I just need one sentence, explaining what it is?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet of Worms in 1521 was a general assembly of the Imperial Estates of the Holy Roman Empire that took place in Worms, a small town on the Rhine River located in what is now Germany.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

did the diet of worms come before or after the peasant revolt?

making sure…thanks.

only if you really do know.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Depends which peasant revolt you are referring to. The Diet was in 1521. If you are referring to the English Peasant Revolts than the previous gentlemen is correct. If you are referring to the peasant revolts within the Holy Roman Empire, which were in part a reaction to the start of the Reformation, they took place from 1524-1525.

Peasants revolted a lot back then. But can you blame them?

Thomas asks…

Compare and contrast Luther’s stand at the Diet of Worms with Galileo’s behavior at his trial. Why did?

*Why did Luther refuse to recant his views, while Galileo did recant his?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think for Galileo, it was a matter of personal safety.

Luther had his protectors, since some powerful princes were on his side.

Sharon asks…

if martin luther was killed after the diet of worms how would the protestant reformation have been affected?

would it have been stopped? how would the future of europe been effected if luther died? even us history?

weight loss cardiff answers:

All this would not have happened, I suppose:

Only one church existed in Western Europe in the year 1500. The Roman Catholic Church. At the top was the Pope in Rome who literally governed everything. The Protestant Reformation resulted with the split in Western Christendom. These three things greatly affected the Reformation: The Renaissance, both Italian (in how secularization was beginning to dominate thought) and Northern (how Church Reform led eventually to Reformation by Luther); The Printing Press (which w/o the reformation would not have happened); and last the rise of powerful nation-states headed by a monarch. Now reformation is not how this guy Luther changed everything, Reformation is more about how the Church and its ideals split within different people, Reformation is Complex, Intriguing, and Compelling (It would make a good fiction book).

The Church was in disarray on the eve of Reformation. For example the Black Death struck the population of Europe. Growing Anticlericalism: Disrespect towards the clergy. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a perfect example of Anticlericalism. And in addition to that the schism as mentioned before. Other problems was that the clergy was becoming increasingly poorly educated. Simony: the selling of church offices, was another problem.

Enter Martin Luther: The central figure of this story. Luther (1483-1546) had his initial beef concerning indulgences. Indulgences began during the crusades, and offered at this early time of the crusades to the knights who were fighting for Christendom. Indulgences is the idea that if you gave the church some money, in essence if you bought indulgences from the church, once you died, your soul would spent less time in purgatory and go faster to Heaven. The Papacy sold this to raise church funds. Johann Tetzel, the seller even had a phrase for it: “As soon as gold in the basin rings, the soul to heaven rings.”

Luther got pissed at this. He posted up his 95 theses at Wittenberg Castle, in which he denounced the selling of indulgences. Part of his anger was that German money was going to Rome. Thanks to the printing press, the 95 theses were printed all over Germany. In Address to the Christian Nobility, he said that secular gov’t had the right to reform the church. Now Luther wasn’t stupid. To a degree he sucked up to the nobles because he knew that if the nobles went with him, that would mean that his ideas, and later his reformation would be successful, because it had support from the VIPs. In On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Luther attacked the sacraments. Finally in Liberty of a Christian Man, he hit it: salvation by faith alone. In response Pope Leo X issued a Bull (papal decree, not the other kind of bull…) and demanded that Luther recant. Luther took the Bull, went outside and publicly burned it, he no longer accepted papal authority, and the pope excommunicated him. In 1521 he went before the Diet of Worms, when asked by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor,

“Do you or do you not repudiate your books and the errors that contain?”

Luther responded,

“Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason – I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other – my conscious is captive to the Word of God; I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me, Amen.”

Luther was banned by the Empire. During his time as an “outlaw” he translated the Bible into German.

Luther went from 7 to 2 sacraments, he only left baptism and communion. He rejected Transubstantiation, died away with monasticism and celibacy of the clergy. And he himself left the monastery (duh!), ran off with some girl, got married, and had several children.

Within 30 years of his 95 theses the Reformation reached N. Germany, Scandinavia, England, Scotland, parts of the Netherlands, France, and Switzerland. Luther and his church were social conservatives and they did not pose a threat to the existing social order. Luther was willing to subordinate his church to the authority of German princes.

Another reason why Reformation was successful: When Max, HRE (Holy Roman Emperor) died his grandson and heir, Charles V became HRE. He was fighting with France’s Francis I. Charles had huge commitments, because he was also ruler of Spain and its colonies in America, of the Netherlands, of Southern Italy, and of the Hapsburg possessions of Austria.

In 1555 Charles V was forced to sign the Peace of Augsburg. This treaty granted legal recognition for Lutheranism in those territories ruled by a Lutheran Leader, while a Catholic Leader remained Catholic.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

Why did Charles V want to meet Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms?

Does anybody know, why Charles V wanted to meet Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms??? I am through-rootin my text book and can’t find it, either bad text book, or rather bad searching skills…pls help me!

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet of Worms was basically Charles (the CATHOLIC Holy Roman Emperor) giving Luther a chance to take back his writings that went against the church. When Luther refused, Charles issued an Edict declaring Luther an outlaw at which point Prince Frederick “kidnapped” Luther and hid secretly hid him from Imperial forces while Luther translated the Bible and Lutheranism continued to spread.

Donna asks…

What building was the Diet of Worms held in?

I know that the Diet of Worms was held in Worms, Germany, but in what building was it held in? The only reference I’ve found is “the hall.” Is this a town hall???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Information is below.

Chris asks…

So in simple terms what was the Diet of Worms?

I know it involved martin luther and it was some kind of period. What did he have to do and what did it consist of?
Thanks but I already tried Wikipedia I was just looking for Diet of worms put into like 3 or 4 sentences. I still don’t understand what wikipedia says, but thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

There’s a short-n-sweet explanation here, with links to lots more info if you want it:
Hope it helps.

EDIT: okay, well I didn’t know you’d already looked at Wikipedia. Maybe you should have explained that in your question! 🙂

Anyway. Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic monk living in Germany in the 1500s. In 1517 he published a document called “The 95 Theses”, which described many of the problems he considered to exist in the Roman Catholic church at that time. This document became the one of the major foundations of “the Protestant Reformation” – the historical events that gave rise to the Protestant Churches, separate from the Church of Rome.

Worms is a city in Germany. The Emperor of Germany held a council in the city of Worms. These council meetings were called a “diet” because originally they lasted for one day (from the Latin word ‘dies’, meaning day).

At the Diet of Worms in 1521, the German Emperor, Charles V, issued an edict that said Martin Luther’s 95 These were wrong; and furthermore, that anyone who protected or supported Martin Luther would be breaking the law.

Germany at this time was ruled by many different princes, all nominally subject to the Emperor, but each prince ran his own principality as his own country. Some German princes were sympathetic to Luther and Protestantism, and some others were sympathetic to the Church of Rome and the edict put out by the Emperor.

So the effect of the edict announced at the Diet of Worms, was that all the German princes were forced to declare whether they stood in support of the Reformation, or against. The Reformation thus shifted from being a purely theological argument about religion, to being a political argument about who held power in the German states, and whether the princes were subject to the Emperor and the Pope. In turn, this lead to “The Peasants Revolt”, a civil war in Germany in 1524, and ultimately, to the 30 Years War from 1618 till 1648. The 30 Years War ended with the Treaty of Westphalia, which defined the whole global system of International Relations up until WWII.

In summary: the Diet of Worms was a council meeting of the Emperor and rulers of Germany, held in the City of Worms. At the Diet of Worms held in 1521, the Emperor made an edict, declaring it illegal to support or help Martin Luther. Luther was a monk who had criticised some aspects of the Roman Catholic Church. The effect of this edict was to divide the German princes, so that some supported Luther, while others supported the Church and the Emperor. This lead to several wars of religion, and eventually, established the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

I hope this helps.

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