Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

Why did Charles V want to meet Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms?

Does anybody know, why Charles V wanted to meet Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms??? I am through-rootin my text book and can’t find it, either bad text book, or rather bad searching skills…pls help me!

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet of Worms was basically Charles (the CATHOLIC Holy Roman Emperor) giving Luther a chance to take back his writings that went against the church. When Luther refused, Charles issued an Edict declaring Luther an outlaw at which point Prince Frederick “kidnapped” Luther and hid secretly hid him from Imperial forces while Luther translated the Bible and Lutheranism continued to spread.

Donna asks…

What building was the Diet of Worms held in?

I know that the Diet of Worms was held in Worms, Germany, but in what building was it held in? The only reference I’ve found is “the hall.” Is this a town hall???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Information is below.

Chris asks…

So in simple terms what was the Diet of Worms?

I know it involved martin luther and it was some kind of period. What did he have to do and what did it consist of?
Thanks but I already tried Wikipedia I was just looking for Diet of worms put into like 3 or 4 sentences. I still don’t understand what wikipedia says, but thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

There’s a short-n-sweet explanation here, with links to lots more info if you want it:
Hope it helps.

EDIT: okay, well I didn’t know you’d already looked at Wikipedia. Maybe you should have explained that in your question! πŸ™‚

Anyway. Martin Luther was a Roman Catholic monk living in Germany in the 1500s. In 1517 he published a document called “The 95 Theses”, which described many of the problems he considered to exist in the Roman Catholic church at that time. This document became the one of the major foundations of “the Protestant Reformation” – the historical events that gave rise to the Protestant Churches, separate from the Church of Rome.

Worms is a city in Germany. The Emperor of Germany held a council in the city of Worms. These council meetings were called a “diet” because originally they lasted for one day (from the Latin word ‘dies’, meaning day).

At the Diet of Worms in 1521, the German Emperor, Charles V, issued an edict that said Martin Luther’s 95 These were wrong; and furthermore, that anyone who protected or supported Martin Luther would be breaking the law.

Germany at this time was ruled by many different princes, all nominally subject to the Emperor, but each prince ran his own principality as his own country. Some German princes were sympathetic to Luther and Protestantism, and some others were sympathetic to the Church of Rome and the edict put out by the Emperor.

So the effect of the edict announced at the Diet of Worms, was that all the German princes were forced to declare whether they stood in support of the Reformation, or against. The Reformation thus shifted from being a purely theological argument about religion, to being a political argument about who held power in the German states, and whether the princes were subject to the Emperor and the Pope. In turn, this lead to “The Peasants Revolt”, a civil war in Germany in 1524, and ultimately, to the 30 Years War from 1618 till 1648. The 30 Years War ended with the Treaty of Westphalia, which defined the whole global system of International Relations up until WWII.

In summary: the Diet of Worms was a council meeting of the Emperor and rulers of Germany, held in the City of Worms. At the Diet of Worms held in 1521, the Emperor made an edict, declaring it illegal to support or help Martin Luther. Luther was a monk who had criticised some aspects of the Roman Catholic Church. The effect of this edict was to divide the German princes, so that some supported Luther, while others supported the Church and the Emperor. This lead to several wars of religion, and eventually, established the Protestant Reformation in Europe.

I hope this helps.

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