Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

what is the fastest way i can lose weight through exercises and strict diet?

basically i want to lose weight NOW.
and fast.
i have 7 weeks til my vacation and i need to lose about 40lbs.
anyone got any good workout tips or eating tips?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging, bicycling(real or stationary) 1 hour daily or on most days. Eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C like lemons, oranges, pineapples, grapefruit, limes, apples, watermelon, tomatoes, carrot, broccoli, cabbage, and celery burn off body fat. The burned off fat, which is liquefied, can then be easily flushed out of our body.

High-fiber fruits and vegetables as well as nutritious whole grains like barley, millet, brown rice, etc., keep our digestive system on track and steady insulin levels, which prevents storage of body fat.

Drink lots of water (8 -10 glasses a day). Don’ skip breakfast; skipping it would slow down body metabolism and defeat any weight loss effort.


Helen asks…

What are some of the exercise to lose weight fast ?

I am 14 and I weight about 115lb which is very fat to me . I have a belly . I want to lost weight fast and I Ty out bunch of exercise for the last 6 months I don’t see a big result . What are some exercise and routine for me to lose weigh fast and don’t cost money . Thanks .

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can easily lose weight quick and safe:

1. Eat more healthy; lean cut meat items, vegetables, fresh fruits, etc

2. Keep a calorie shortage of roughly 500

3. Work-out frequently even if it is simply a brief walk

4. Refrain from using the latest gimmick or fad diet plans

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Lisa asks…

How can I help my friend lose weight fast, shes about 270lbs 5’4?

Hey Everybody, am trying to help my friend lose weight by next year this time for her to be thin, her weight is around 270lbs i think, and she’s 5’4 whats the best way she can lose weight in a fast way. That’s not something you pay for, like the right food to eat and like a work out routine she asked me to help and i”d love to be able to help her out. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s great that your friend has someone there to help out and be supportive. Obviously, the way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you burn. And losing weight over a year’s time is a good, decent goal. Most nutritionists say that it’s healthy to lose a pound or two a week.

My first suggestion would be to speak to a nutritionist. They can help determine how many calories she needs, what sort of food to eat, and make sure she’s doing it in a healthy way. From my experience, an obvious place to start is to replace sodas with something more healthy (water, for instance, or green tea is a GREAT switch, but make sure it’s real green tea (the ingredients should read tea leaves and water) because much of what is sold in America is loaded with sugar). Cut back on sweets. A great way to do this is to switch them with fruit. Honestly, after a month or two of eating less sugar, you start to find very sugary things too rich. Another good switch is to eat plain yogurt (I like to buy no sugar added) and mix in some fresh fruit and a spoonful of sugar yourself. Also, obviously watch portion sizes and cut out fast food.

Another great thing to do to help your friend out is to exercise with her. It’s really helpful to have an exercise buddy. It helps with motivation and support and makes it more fun. If she doesn’t get much exercise now, I would suggest starting out with daily walks. Try to make it somewhat fast-paced. Biking or swimming would also be good. I know many people who complain that if you are overweight it’s difficult to exercise, but if she starts out by doing these sorts of low-impact activities, then she’ll start to build up more endurance and losing weight will make higher-impact activities easier. I would also suggest joining a class. It’s easier to do something that’s individual, in my opinion, because you can focus on your own improvement at your own pace. Something like martial arts or yoga are great. Try to find something interesting and fun that you two can do together. If you enjoy it, you’ll keep going back and it doesn’t seem like a chore. Also, encourage her not to be self-conscious or worry about not being good at something in the beginning. No one is ever good when they start, and I know a lot of people are discouraged easily by this, but just keep at it, be encouraging, and work hard together.

Hopefully this helps. Your friend is lucky to have someone willing to support her in this.

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