Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

What are some easy weight loss techniques for wrestlers?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut down on soda and salty foods.

Soda is pretty much sugared water, so switching to diet would cut down on empty calories.

Really salty processed foods make your body retain a lot of water– so cutting back on these might not make you lose fat, but water weighs a lot and if you’re retaining less water your weight could drop 3-4 pounds just like that.

Donna asks…

What is an Easy Weight Loss Cleanse?

In a previous question someone (mase i think his name was) recommended that before any weight loss you should first do a cleanse…so what should i do? Hopfully something easy that won’t make me look like a total goon when i go to buy it, are there some things i can mix into a drink? anyways ill stop asking and wait for the right answer .

when i mean easy, i mean like easy to acquire and make, i know it won’t be”easy” to do

weight loss cardiff answers:

My moms friend used that hydorxycut stuff (the one you mix in water) and lost about 15lb. I don’t think she added any exercise (beyond what she was getting at work) either. I don’t know if hydroxycut is considered a “cleanse” though.

I know you find those fad ones online if you type in cleanse, but the maple syrup one sounds like a farce to me.

I’ve heard of the water cleanse, but that’s more difficult, and extremely dull.

Hope I helped. Good luck!

Paul asks…

Can you help give me an idea or an easy weight loss plan that”s free?

I’m 49 yrs. of age I take arobic step,cardio kickboxing,sculp and tone classes 6 days a week for 3 yrs.So I just need nutritional advice to help me reach my goal.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your regime is very impressive, you should be looking great already!

But really just eat healthy, everyone knows the basics:

– Low fatty foods
– No junk foods, excessive amounts of sugar
– 5-6 small meals a day to help with metabolism

With your workout schedule it should be a cinch.

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