Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

What are the diets of peasants and nobles during Medieval times?

Compare their diets (everyday food), the nobles and the peasants. what did the two different classes eat? Describe table manners and customs regarding eating and dining. Please attach a source!

weight loss cardiff answers:

What kind of homework is this?

Mary asks…

What makes weight watchers different from the rest of these diets?

I’ve always wanted to try weight watchers, but its so expensive is it really worth it ,i just want to know whats makes it different from the rest of all these diets. How does it work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Lots of great answers so far. I tried doing WW on my own with my wife(who is a lifetime member) and ended up quitting every time. I finally decided to officially join and am down 16 lbs in 7 weeks. I’m not sure what it is about joining (the weigh in?) but this is the only time it has worked for me.

I think what makes it different is that you don’t have to eat a special diet to do it. You can eat all of your usual ‘comfort’ foods, you just need to get the portions under control which it teaches you how to do. The article below explains how to do it without joining if you so choose…

Daniel asks…

What are some diets that lowers and control insulin levels?

I have Acanthosis Nigricans. I’m not sure if I’m diabetic. I want to get checked soon. I heard that if my insulin levels are over active, it will trigor my skin disorder. Please, don’t tell me to go to the doctor… I AM going to go. LOL I just want more information about diets to lower my insulin levels. What should I expect to deprive myself of?
LOL “DR.” How do you know I don’t have an over active pancreas without running a test on me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Paleo Diet, or Primal eating – basically you look at the foods available to you at the store and try to choose those that closely represent what a hunter gatherer would eat.

Both diets are focused on the idea that most of the foods that are common to westernized people today haven’t been a part of our diets for most of human existence. So cutting whole grains, sugar, and seed oils like Canola, soybean, vegetable/corn oils. Once you remove those foods you lower your levels of inflammation, which corrects hormonal issues (like insulin resistance, which is a sign your body is producing a lot of insulin but isn’t responding to it).

To the “Doctor:” Type 2 diabetes doesn’t always mean an “under functioning of pancreas” Haha. It’s often an overactive pancreas but the problem is your body doesn’t respond to all the insulin.

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