Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

how can i lose weight without exercising?

i am 18 years old, 160cm and weigh about 62 kilos…
i would like to weigh about 55 kilos…
how can i lose weight easily as i am studying and don’t have time to exercise even though i know this is the best way.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you have time to exercise. 10 mins. Of exercise is enough to keep you from losing muscle while losing weight. If you did bodyweight squats really slow up and down you probably couldn’t even do 20. And if you did one pulling and one pushing exercise for your upper body slowly then that would be a complete workout. Loss of muscle while losing weight is the surest way of slowing down metabolism.
You can just eat less to lose weight. Think smaller portions of foods(especially junk and high cal. Foods) you don’t have to feel full. Just eat about 200cal snacks or small 300 -400cal meals every 3 hrs and you will lose weight. Drink lots of water and it will curb appetite.

William asks…

how do I lose alot of weight without exercise?

Hi. I’m a 16 year old boy and I need to lose a lot of weight.
I’m hoping to weigh between 6-8 stone by this september. Right now I’m on 500 calories a day. So I should lose about 4 pound each week. I can’t go to the gym because it’s too expensive. Does anyone have any tips on losing weight quickly and easily? Much appreciated.
and I’m about 5ft 11
Oh, one more thing. thankyou to all those who help. I really am greatful.

weight loss cardiff answers:

6-8 stone?! If you’re not really short, that’s really unhealthy for a male to be that light. Are you perhaps anorexic?

Sandra asks…

how can we lose weight easily in 15 days without having any exercise or by walking?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Drink lots of water, eat nuts and raisins to increase metabolism

eat healthy.
Eat slowly, because it takes awhile for food to digest, so
it takes awhile to be full after eating.

Eating slowly will allow you to know when you’re full to eat less.

Don’t sit in front of the tv while eating.
Pretty much pay attention only to your food when you eat
also allow your body to tell you when you’re hungry, when it growls, eat.

Starving will get you skinnier but at the end of it when you eat normally again your body will be saving it,
and you’ll gain weight faster
like bears saving their food for the winter.

Also laughing for 10-15 minutes
burns75 calories

If you get cravings in afternoon, it means you’re not getting enough food in the day.
Have and extra half apple, or an extra of something healthy for breakfast or have a snack before
yur usual cravings start everyday.

All these have been proven true

here are some healthy recipies sites…

here’s some friut recipies…

Eating celeries burns alot of calories

if you want recipies for it try going to:

hope these help!!

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