Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

What is a healthy lunch for a teenage during summer?

I am a fourteen year old trying to eat lunch everyday, during summer. I wake up around noon or eleven and sometimes just eat just breakfast. I want to eat lunch, but cannot eat out and I don’t like many cold cuts and processed food. I am on a semi-diet to prevent acne breakouts (not really weight loss diet) that is accompanied by a little weightlifting/aerobic activity. My preferences are spicy food, does not take long to make (or much skill), is at least under $3 in grocery, and is healthy. Thanks!
I am underweight around 100 lbs. Both of my parents work, so either them or I can cook on a stove. P.S. Tuna and peanut butter is not healthy

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are on a semi-diet, try vegetables and fruits. They are healthy and eating tomatoes and cucumbers will make your acnee simply disappear. Try mixed salads of fruits and vegetables. When you are in mood of proteines, try easy meat like chicken or fish.

John asks…

What food can I eat to get a tapeworm in my system?

People say the easiest weight loss is getting tapeworms to eat your food for you and please don’t tell me not to do this because my diets keep failing, I’m a busy person and I can’t concentrate without food

weight loss cardiff answers:

Sushi is known to give people tape worms

Carol asks…

How do you avoid gaining wait during a cold winter?

It seems so much easier to gain weight in the winter. How do you avoid this or even continue with weight loss. Diet pop and 0 calorie flavored waters can seem to cold to drink. If a person doesn’t care for coffee or tea, what do you suggest?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go to the tanning bed walk around your mall… Exercise in your home and watch what you eat

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

How do I shed the holiday weight gain fast?

Okay, its holidays, and I’ve eaten junk, and haven’t exercised much, but now I’m worried I won’t lose the weight I gained (I gained 6 pounds!), how do I lose it fast? I am ready to take action, meaning no junk, more exercise, etc. So what is a good plan to lose this weight quickly?

NOTE: ** I gain weight/lose weight fairly easily, so those weight loss plans like lose 2.5 pounds a week don’t exactly apply to me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay, here’s what I do. I drink plenty of water and drink only diet soda. I don’t use butter or oils to cook my food in, I use spices and herbs. Eat a good breakfast filled with carbs and a healthy lunch. Dinner time I eat chicken or fish and a vegetable to go along, no carbs. When I’m craving something to eat for a snack I have rice cakes, popcorn (no butter) fruit, celery or carrot sticks. Again, this is what I do. Hope some of my tips helped. Good luck!

Robert asks…

How can I lose 30 pounds by August 25?

I lose weight very easily, I just need tips and tricks to motivate me. I have the wrong mindset, and that’s what really needs changing. It’s time for me to get healthy. Please help me!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can’t lose weight that quickly and be healthy. Maybe if you had the flu until the end of august. But otherwise, I think it is reasonable to expect to lose 1-2lbs per week. The southbeach diet is currently helping me lose weight. And, depending on your current weight and how strict you are, you can lose a lot of weight the first two weeks in phase 1. If you need to lose 30lbs, I’m guessing you could lose about 7-9lbs in the first two weeks. I motivate myself by realizing that I no longer enjoy swimming in my bikini and by not buying myself pants to replace the ones that no longer fit in….I love clothes so living with 3 pairs of pants sucks. Also I know that if I just go out in exercise, no matter how terrible it sounds at the moment, I will always be happy that I didn’t sit around. Good luck!

James asks…

What martial art is best for me?

I’m 5’10”-5’11” and I weigh about 250lbs

I’m looking to loss weight and get in shape, and also improve coordination. I lose weight easily and quickly as long as i’m regularly active, but gain it back at almost the same quick rate.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Honestly, any of them. You are the only person who can decide what is best for you.

People will ist all kinds of stuff here, but truthfully you probably don’t even have access to half of the arts people will put here.

You get WAY more info from the Yellow Pages then on here.

Find out what schools are in your area and check them out. Ultimately the best Martial Art for you is going to be the one you enjoy the most.

If it is some balls to the walls conditioning and you have to drive 20 minutes to get to, and at a time that also is inconvient, then chances are you won’t keep up for it.

1. Find someplace relatively close.
2. Find a time that works for you, personally I prefer one right after work, or where I can make it a schedule to go to it instead of going home. Once you go home it is very easy to talk yourself out of going back out.
3. Find some place that you enjoy, that the people are cool and are helping out individuals, and that people are sweating at.

Here is a long but good read about finding a good school:

All the advice here, (some of which will be good) is nice and all, but truthfully it really depends on what works for you time, money, and convenience wise. While some people are happy to drive 30 minutes to an hour for a school. They are usually already dedicated to a certain style or looking for something in particular.

I suggest just finding something good, affordable, and that you enjoy because you will stick with that much easier than something that is a pain in the @ss to do.

Pretty much every Martial Art will give you what you are looking for. Styles don’t really mean as much, training methods do. But as far as losing weight and getting active, pretty much every art does this.

Good luck!

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