Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

How can a teen girl safely lose weight?

I am a 13 year old girl, 5 ft 4 in and 146 pounds. According to my doctor, I am slightly overweight, and it would probably be better for me to lose about 10 pounds. Now, I exercise regularly, and I eat pretty healthy, so I’m not sure how much of my weight is actually fat. I’m not the most athletic, but I’m not out of shape either- I do well when I play tennis. I have a taller and broader frame than other girls my age. So I don’t consider myself unhealthy, but I’d like to be even more fit and drop a few pounds. Please understand that I am NOT doing this for cosmetic purposes, I just want to keep myself healthy. Right now I’m aiming for 130 pounds, but 125 or 120 would be even better.

How can I lose weight safely and relatively easily? I can make simple changes to my diet, but nothing extreme. As far as exercise goes, I have gym class 2-3 times a week, I play tennis 6 hours a week, and I can fit in a 15-20 minute exercise routine or jog daily. Right now, I’ve started by cutting out all junk food, eating more fruit and vegetables, drinking more water, and avoiding very oily and salty foods. I get 8 1/2 hours of sleep daily, I never drink sugary drinks or coffee, I never eat fast food, and I eat three meals a day.

Are healthy habits enough to lose weight, or do I actually need to start working out? Could anyone recommend some exercises for me to do? How much weight is healthy to be losing in a week? Advice is appreciated. Please no rude comments. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

What you just described is what you need to do. πŸ™‚ Eat good, exercise, and get good sleep. And remember, you’re only 13, things will work out and fit themselves out in the next couple years.

Ruth asks…

How do I lose weight easily and fast?

I’m quite big and I’m 14. I really want to lose weight but I don’t have the time to go to the gym! I want to lose weight mainly on my arms belly thighs and legs. Please give me some easy yet effective exercises that don’t take a lot of time and dome food that are healthy and tasty. Please help me, thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Exercise and overall diet are equally important here. I will tell you what has worked for me.

Oatmeal for breakfast, and adding more snacks of fresh fruit and also salads. Stay away from processed anything. My favorite snack is to freeze fresh blueberries. Cheeses with fruits are also excellent snacks or lunches.

If you are afraid of losing muscle, eat hard-boiled eggs, especially at breakfast and lunch.

Also cut out soda and sweets completely. No diet soda, no sweet tea, no artificially sweetened anything. Use honey to sweeten things. If you are addicted to soda, try perrier or a sparkling water with fresh orange slices. The only beverages you should drink are water,tea, and 2% milk. That makes a huge difference in many people’s lives.

I think you should be able to eat what you please, but eat a salad with olive oil and red-wine vinegar before every meal. Even if you don’t like it just eat it before every meal and you will see a difference (the vinegar stimulates the pancreas, so you may feel full faster, plus the salad gives you fiber and nutrients). Then eat whatever meal you please.

When exercising, ‘moving’ is more important than ‘running’. Try to sit as little as possible every day. Walk, hike, or run every other day. Exercising once a week will not make a difference. It is frequency that makes the difference when exercising.

These some of the things that worked for me and i’ve lost about 75 lbs, my goal is to reach 100 lbs lost by 2013. Good luck!

Ken asks…

How long does it take for Diane 35 to wear off?

I have been taking diane 35 for my acne and been on it for 8 months, it was starting to clear my acne nicely but after four months around mid june, beginning of july my entire body started to blow up at first it wasn’t noticeable but by mid august and september I was blown up and even skipped a month of my period then got it the next month and then again the following month it skipped, I had no idea what was happening as I have never been fat and always lost weight easily and never missed my periods either, now it was difficult to lose the weight, I had gained 4kg and not even the healthy kind, so I started to research when I wasn’t able to lose the weight and skipped periods so i figured the diane was the root cause so I had stopped taking it end of october and then read up on the side effects of Diane 35, they stated that it causes bloating and water retention and delaying periods or stopping it, so read the remedies for this on the website, I tried all the remedies, drinking ginger, peppermint tea, green tea, eating more healthy foods, fruits, doing exercise and even tried Fermolene and taking all the vitamins, vitamen b, c, folic acid, zinc, drinking 6 cups of water a day and even tried Cayenne pepper, inspite of following all these for 9 months after stopping diane, nothing seems to really work it subsides alittle and lose a kg but two weeks before my period i gain it back and am unable to lose it no matter what I tried. If anyone has taken Diane 35 and encountered such problems what remedies have you tried that has worked or is a sure plan to make it normal again. I figure maybe it would come back to normal after it wears off so would like to know how long does it take for this pill to wear off if you have taken it for 8 months? Please help any help is appreciated.
Oh I have also drinking lemon with hot water it works but it caused bad acne so I have stopped drinking that but would like if there is any alternatives. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

About 4-5 days

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