Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

Is it dangerous to lose more than 1 pound a day?

I’m on this diet called the “fat fast” where you lose 1 – 1.5 pounds a day by restricting carbohydrate intake to 20 grams a day… and eating 90% fat… This diet is safe for people who can’t lose weight, by dangerous for people who lose weight easily… as they will lose too much in a short period of time.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Health experts will always say that its dangerous of course, but they have to say that. And it always makes a difference how tall you are too. If your 6ft and above, 1lb isnt as much of a difference compared to someone who is 5’7 and shorter. But honestly, as long as you take some vitamin pills and dont starve yourself, and dont STAY on the diet forever, then just do it, its not like you’re gonna die after a week of hard-core dieting. Look at beyonce, she lost like 20 lbs in two weeks for her Dreamgirls movie, and that was by drinking some gross lemonade with pepper in it. If that isnt unhealthy, then i dont know what is, and she didnt die from it or anything. Alot of things that are unhealthy wont kill you, and as long as they’re not long term, they wont have any long term side-effects. Id go for it if i were you

Michael asks…

how can i lose weight easily?

i need to lose weight but im finding it really hard to stop eating,i feel hungry all the time,any help

weight loss cardiff answers:

Lose weight easily by not depriving your self and eating healthy. This will keep your metabolism boosted, stop cravings and you’ll be able to keep up with it long term. I’ve listed my healthy eating diet tips below

Always eat breakfast and always include protein for your breakfast. Protein builds muscle, improves your feeling of fullness and will help to keep you satisfied until your next meal.

Choose lean sources of protein, such as chicken, fish, dry beans or lentils. You may even use some protein powder to get more protein with less sugar and calories. I put chocolate whey protein powder in my oatmeal for breakfast, and I don’t need any sugar. If you want to use protein powder, do some research to make sure it does not have unhealthy ingredients.

Increase your daily consumption of vegetables. You can’t have enough vegetables! Raw, steamed, in soups, whatever you can do to get more vegetables in your diet is a good thing. Vegetables are very important to losing weight around your stomach.

Limit how much fruit you eat. Many times when people are dieting they reach for fruit to satisfy hunger between meals. While fruit is good for you, it does contain a lot of sugar and if you want to lose weight you are better off limiting your fruit to 2 – 3 pieces a day.

Eat 4 – 6 small meals a day rather than 3 big ones, if possible. The intent is to stabilize your blood sugar level throughout the day. This will help you to lose weight. If you do try this, be sure you do not overeat, because it is easy to eat too many calories at each meal. Decide how much you want to eat for the whole day, then divide it up into individual meals.

Include protein, complex carbohydrates and good fats at every meal. Try not to eat meals that consist of only one or two of these. An example would be soup for lunch that has no protein.

Eliminate “bad” fats but be sure to eat “good” fats. Bad fats are butter, margarine, corn oil, canola oil, trans fats, and saturated fats. Good fats are olive oil, the omega 3 fats in some fish like salmon, avocados and nuts, especially walnuts. Even though a fat is “good” be conscious of how much you eat. Don’t overdo it!

Avoid all processed foods. These not only add a lot of calories, they are very high in sodium and unhealthy ingredients. High sodium intake can cause many health problems, but it can also cause you to retain water, which will make you bloated and feel fat. This is not what you want!

Drink plenty of fresh, pure water. At least 64 ounces a day. Every day! This will help keep your cells nourished and it’s important to eliminating toxins that are stored in your body that keep you fat. Also, don’t drink your calories. Soda, sweet tea, sports drinks, etc all contain sugar. Avoid artificial sweeteners also. They have been shown to make you gain weight.

Besides changing your diet, the best way to lose weight is to increase your level of physical activity. If you do not get a lot of exercise right now, start just by walking. Walk at least 30 minutes a day, and as you get more fit, you can add other more strenuous forms of exercise. For the best health, it is advised to get both cardio and strength building exercise. Weight bearing (strength building) exercise is also important to prevent osteoporosis.

I tried to give you a long list of options so you find something that works well for you. It is not essential to do ever one of these things, but the more you do, the healthier you will be and the better your chance of reaching your weight loss goal. The most important thing is to pick changes you can live with in the long run. Just control when and how much you eat. For long term success, make small changes, one at a time. Then once you are used to it, make another.

So instead of giving up or starving yourself, take control of your diet, your health, your body and your life by making healthier diet, exercise and lifestyle choices.

Good luck to you!

Joseph asks…

How can I lose weight easily?

I’m 13 years old, and a male.
I weight between 140 and 150 lbs, and I am 5 feet 7 inches tall.

I’m at an average weight for my age and height, according to my doctor, but I’m unhappy with it.
I have a bit of flab, honestly, and it bugs me.
How can I lose weight?

I tried dieting, and it doesn’t work.
I can never really commit to an exercise/work out schedule. I just do it when I want, which is hardly ever.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight is frustrating. It’s tough to find a diet that actually works when most of the companies behind them don’t want you to lose weight at all. Because if you actually lose weight and keep it off, they lose a customer. But now there are weight loss solutions that are available that will help you to lose weight permanently without having to give up your favorite foods, do excessive exercise, or damage your body by denying it the fats, calories, carbohydrates and nutrition you need to function. You’ll lose weight fast the right way and keep the weight off for good. You’ll look and feel your best with a slim and firm waist line. You’ll turn heads, and get the attention you never imagined.

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