Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

How to lose weight and get in shape w/o a Personal Trainer?

My friend just hired a personal trainer and has been bragging about how much weight she is going to lose. What can I do to lose more weight than her and faster w/o a PT?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m trying to loose weight, actually I have been trying for the last six months… I’ve experimented with a lot of different things, but I think I finally found something that might work.

I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

Nancy asks…

How much weight could you lose if you ate 700 calories per day?

How much could you lose in 5 weeks?

Is it possible to lose weight in just one week?

And also, how much weight could you lose in two weeks if you ate 500 calories per day?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yea you would lose weight. But its not healthy. Your body will feel like its starving itself and you eventually will feel hungry enough and go splurge somewhere and gain the weight back. However. A 700 calorie diet isnt so bad I think. Sometimes I do it on accident. I log whatever I eat in a food journal. And I am a nurse. I work three days a week twelve hour shifts. Sometimes on those days I dont eat any more then 600-700 calories. Its not on purpose. And then I go to the gym and work out. Thing is I am sincerely not hungry. I drink so much water that my body has learned to distiguish what true hunger is. And the things I eat tend to be low calorie anyways. But its not like I do that low amount of calories everyday. My normal intake is 1200 or less. But i honestly hardly ever make it past a thousand. Its not purposeful, I just dont eat that much. So it can be unhealthy, but I have been in the gym 6 days a week and do cardio and weight lifting. I prolly lost water weight in the beginning, but I have lost body fat and have slimmed down. I really dont recommend you do that low amount of calories.

Linda asks…

How much weight do you have to lose to go a clothing size down?

Well, i really want this shirt. But it doesnt have it in my size. So im trying to lose weight to be able to buy it. (I’ve been wanting to lose weight for awile). So how much weight do you have to lose to go a clothing size down? 2 clothing size down? 3 clothing size down?

weight loss cardiff answers:

My experience seems to be about the same as the other responders before me. 10 pounds loss got me from waist 34 to 33. I want to get to 32 so I guess that’s another 10 pounds. Bummer!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How much weight will i lose per week if i do this?

ok so lets say (hypatheticly) i eat 200 calories a day. and i know 3500 calories are in a pound. and if i do that for a week, how much weight would i lose at the end of the week? im not good at math lol but i wanna know how many calories i should eat to be able to achieve my weight goal
btw please dont tell me how eating 200 calories isnt good- i just made up a low number im not actually eating that much

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you managed to survive the whole week you might actually weigh MORE. Eating so little your metabolism screeches to a complete halt and your body goes into starvation or survival mode to conserve every bit of fuel you put into it. You will not be burning any fat whatsoever. Your body will be feeding off of your muscles and internal organs (including your heart) just for the energy to stay alive!

If you are trying to lose weight you should be exercising for a MINIMUM of 60 minutes every day, and eating at least every 2-3 hours. Eating at least 5 or 6 small meals or healthy snacks every day will speed up your metabolism, combined with the exercise, you will drop weight off in no time. You should never go under 1200 calories per day for any reason. Also, the more active you are, the more calories you need in your diet to give you the energy to get through your day without damaging your body.

Charles asks…

Is it ok to eat only 1000 calories a day and work out 5 x per week to lose weight?

I am a 31 year old female, 5’1, 138 pounds.. trying to lose 30 pounds in 90 days.
I am working out 5-6 times a day for 30 minutes (I burn about 230 calories per 30 minutes)… Why does everyone say to eat 1200? I think 1000 will get me to my goal faster.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you don’t give your body enough fuel to support the work you are doing, your metabolism will actually slow down and go into starvation mode, causing you to gain weight or lose it much more slowly. Feed your body and it will thank you!

Lizzie asks…

What is a safe amount of weight to lose per week?

My heaviest weight was 105 kgs about 2 years ago.

In the last 13 weeks I have lost 10.9kgs. Is this safe? I’ve been eating right and exercising. I’m now at 86.1kgs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t know metrics, but it depends on what shape you’re in when you start. If you have a lot of weight to lose, it is semi normal to lose a lot right off. If you have less weight to lose, 2 or 3 pounds per week is normal if you’re just eating healthy and exercising.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

How to lose weight. How much weight should i lose to become thin like a model or hollywood actress?

My weight is 70 kgs and i’m 175 cm. How much weight should i lose to become thin like a model or Hollywood actress. I want to be thin, not very thin but thin and fit and look good. The only sport i do are Swimming & badminton. I want to weigh about 50 to 55 kgs and what all should i eat? What should be my daily routine? Please help. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Let me start by saying swimming and badminton are both Excellent choices for exercise. To begin the weight loss process and to make it go quickly, I suggest looking into a program. If your looking for more exercise I recommend Body of FIRE highly because it will make you skinny fast, but it is hard. For the BEST results I recommend cooking with certain foods that burn fat really well like celery, certain spices, etc (its known as metabolic cooking).

I suggest you stay swimming and playing sports and do some metabolic cooking and you will lose weight very quickly, I promise. Go to the source website and you can find a LOT of great information there and I’m sure you will find something good that you like. You will lose weight really fast with some of those things.

Lisa asks…

How to lose weight in a short period of time?

I need to lose weight in 8 weeks. I weigh around 127lbs, and I want to lose as much weight as possible.

Please, I’m going on an awesome vacation and I need tips, food recipes, exercise tips, WHATEVER it takes.

Take note: If you’re going to say losing weight fast is not as effective as losing weight steadily and slowly, I KNOW, but I’m desperate, so yes, please do try to answer the question! Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Simple math. You have to burn more calories per day than you take in.

Whether it is thru exercise, cardio, whatever.

Thomas asks…

How do i lose weight without building muscle under the fat?

I need to know how to lose weight without building muscle under the fat. I know that cardio is good…but what are some good cardio excercises? im 13 and i dont want anyone to know im trying to lose weight because its embarrassing for me…it just is. so i cant go out and buy special stuff cuz my dad s gonna want an explanation. anyways….my diet….i dont care if its healthy. i need to lose weight in lik e a week…so i know i might gain the weight back by not eating healthy…but i dont care i just need this for an occasion. i reall wanna lose weight on my stomach and my thighs. how do i do this without building muscle under my stomach?


weight loss cardiff answers:

Ok look,
the answer is very obvious- don’t eat too much!!
Think about it- the countries where people don’t stuff themselves with food, such as asia, the people are slim, and in perfect health

today, the society is all about food
we’re eating because the food tastes good, not because we’re hungry!
You see food ads on tv, magazines, everywhere!
Food is everywhere, you cannot go anywhere without being offered food!
You need to learn to resist the temptations.

Back in the older days, you didn’t eat everyday! You ate when you hunted and caught food!

You would be perfectly fine not eating for a day, it’s actually good for you because it cleanses out your body!! All that getting a minumum of at least 1500 calories a day is BS!! You can survive perfectly fine on just 500 calories consumed from HEALTHY food. Sure, you’ll have an uncontrollable desire to eat, but trust me, you’ll LIVE.

And all this diet crap is aimed at overweight consumers. The media suggests that anorexia is bad, all these models are dying blablahblah..that’s all just to make the normal obese american feel better!! I mean, how often do they show people dying from being overweight???

There’s really no need to eat junk food either. It’s a waste of money, and all it does is make you fat!! Think about it. Twinkies and soda and chips don’t fill you up, they just taste good, which makes you want to eat more!

Look at the skinny people nowadays. They don’t constantly crave for icecream or stuff themselves with food whenever they see it.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

Are calorie calculators accurate for weight loss? Has anyone tried them and found them to be dead-on?

For instance the ones that tell you:
If you weigh “a” and you want to weigh “b” and your bmi is “c”, then you need to take in “x” calories per day in order to achieve your goal.

Also, if so, Is there a particular website’s calculator you trust?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is way too much individual variation in metabolism and digestive efficiency for any of them to be all that accurate. On top of that, you have the error in measuring your caloric intake.

Robert asks…

Can I really lose weight by just cutting calories?

I used a weight loss calculator that said if I consumed 1200 – 1300 cal per day I would lose 2 pds a week. So I can eat whatever I want, as long as it doesn’t go over those calories? Like today I only have on meal, but it consists of a stromboli and a Mountain Dew.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes however it is really hard to stay within those caloric amounts. But it can be done.

Carol asks…

Why am I losing more weight than the weight loss calculators predicted?

Before I came up with my weight loss plan, I utilized about 5-6 different weight loss calculators online, all of which asked me for my sex, age, height, weight, activity level, and the amount of calories per day that I planned to consume. I put everything in, and said that I would be eating about 1000 calories per day. All of the calculators told me that I would lose about a pound a week. Even the other types of calculators that asked for your weight goal and time told me that I would have to eat about 1000 calories per day to reach my weight loss goal.

So why am I losing 4 pounds a week on this diet plan? I’m not being more physically active.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It sounds like you are basically starving yourself. A lot of your initial weight loss may be water. Also, those calculators may be telling you what is a healthy and sustainable weight loss rate. It’s hard to say, really. If you continue to lose weight at this rate, I would talk with a Doctor.
Also, it really is in your best interest to start incorporating some low-impact activities, like walking for 30 minutes every day.

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