Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Charles asks…

Is it possible to offer women constructive criticism without them getting offended?

Seems like you try to tell them something healthy, like they need to lose weight, and they get all upset when I don’t think I should be more worried about it than they are.

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you say that a woman needs to lose weight, she hears a lot more then just constructive criticism. (99% of the time)

To a woman, someone suggesting that they need to lose weight isn’t exactly a warm friendly voice suggesting that they might feel better if they ate more fruits and vegetables. Instead, it’s someone telling them they are fat, that they are unattractive. That you don’t appreciate her body and don’t see why anyone else would.

Now, a mature woman (probably mid 20’s or older) would probably think that you, (or whoever is saying they need to lose weight) is a jerk and more or less brush it off, but unfortunately many, and I do mean many women out there are well, insecure about their appearance for one reason or another.

I don’t know how long you’ve been on Yahoo Answers, but I myself have already seen quite a few Questions from girls asking if they look okay, if they look fat, if they are pretty etc, etc. What I’m getting at, is that you shouldn’t even really have to go outside to know that…

“they get all upset when I don’t think I should be more worried about it then they are”. What does that even mean, that you didn’t have any real emotion attached to the comment? Well couldn’t you have thought of how that might come across?

Now look, I’m not trying to “rebuke” you, and frankly it’s not like I get out much, I don’t have that much experience with women, I’m just trying to answer your question.

This is somewhat off topic, but in my experience women hold a grudge far more easily and for much longer periods of time then males, I don’t understand why, I’m not trying to judge, and I really hate to stereotype but that’s the way it seems to be. (to me).

I mean just about everybody I’ve talked to on that particular subject has said that they’ve seen guys shake hands or even hug eachother within less then ten minutes of someone throwing a punch, but if you’ve ever witnessed a “cat-fight”, I seriously doubt it’s worked out that way. Just thought you might want to consider that.

Sandy asks…

What are some ways to lose weight and get rid of pimples?

I have pimples all over my fave. I am trying 3 differnet solutions, proactiv, clearisal, and Noxema. I also am 11 and weigh 150 lbs. Mom says that’s normal but I don’t believe her. Anyway what are some ways to lose wight and get rid of pimples I need to lose 70 lbs. in a month or as much of that as I can and try to get a perfectly clear face and it is totally covered in zits/pimples. Please help me!!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

OK. Slow down. And take a breath with me. First off stop using so many cleaners. The fact is that your skin could be getting acne because the pores are to sensitive so they get clogged up easily with oil. What kind of skin type do you have? Is it oily, just acne prone, normal, combination etc? I’ll need to know that before I can tell you where to go on next with that. You can contact me at if you so wish, I’d really like to try to help you figure out what’s going on. And if you choose not to contact me then at least take this bit of advice . . Exfoliate (the removing of dead skin cells and excess oil and build up) at least once if not 2 times a week. It’ll do wonders.

Now on to the weight thing. . . It’s not impossible to lose that much weight in a month but the ways to get there are EXTREMLY unhealthy. Try exercising for 5 days a week before you eat anything. The exercise before you eat will cause your metabolism to get a kick start. Next try to cut sodas out of your diet (only like one a day). When it’s time to snack try instead of a little debbie cake (my fav are the swiss rolls, it’s a guilty pleasure) go for a fruit. Try an handful of grapes, an apple, or even tortilla chips and salsa (supposedly thats rather healthy)

Now Let me say that your mom is right. Your going through puberty and it’s normal to gain weight but you can still try to stay fit if you want to. I know exercise makes me feel really good about myself.

Oh and one thing that will help you with both of your issues is water water water. Now if your like me your going yuck right now. But water will help your skin and it helps you lose AND keep off weight. So remember to grab the recommended 64 oz. Or 8 glasses a day (or as close as possible to that). And you should check out your BMI (Body Mass Index) to see if your healthy which I’m sure you are.

Good Luck and I hope to hear from you soon.

James asks…

Is there anything I can do to find help for my cat just diagnosed with kidney failure?

My 8-year-old cat has been losing weight since early spring. She was normal until that time. She did eat some of the contaminated food and I feel awful. She was just diagnosed with a severe case of kidney failure and the Vet says she is terminal. I am on a very limited income but want to do all I can for her. Is there anything or anyone that can help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes, there is a lot you can do to stabilize your kitty and give her a good quality of life. Vets always say they are terminal, and that is becuase the damage is not healable. However, you can prevent further damage and many people have kept their cats living for years using some simple treatments. My kitty lived two years after diagnosis, when the vet said only two weeks.
First, go to yahoo groups and find the crf group. They are very knowledgable in care and inexpensive care. Second, make sure you have a vet on YOUR side, wanting to care for your pet. If your vet simply says, CRF is uncurable, look for one who is affordable who is willing to prescribe some simple things to help your kitty. I am by no means rich and easily afforded my kitty’s care with extras.
Make sure you know the cause — an 8 year old cat is not getting it from old age. Is it acute? Poison or infection related? That tells you what you need to treat to make her recover.
It is likely that you need to give your kitty some water, which helps many kitties live a LONG time by itself. The treatment is simply injecting water under the kitty’s skin. A lot of people think it sounds scary, but kitty’s needle each other all the time, and my kitty easily got used to it, especially since it made her feel better. As she recovered, she needed the fluids less and less. Go to for very very affordable supplies to do this — you can treat your kitty for as long as a year for just $100, when a vet will sell you just a week’s worth of treatment for like $20-40 so you can see the benefit.
Is your kitty getting treatment? It is also important to know her BUN and Creatinine to know how far along she really is. Please feel free to email me anytime, I have done a LOT of research and my kitty made a recovery to the point she needed virtualy no treatment and lived like a playful kitten for two years until something else came along (her real problem was recurrent infections). Please take care and cuddle your kitty for me. It is hard to tell, some kitties live weeks, some months some years. More information could help people who have dealt with this answer you more specifically. Vitamin B is another good thing.. Take care, my thoughts are with you.

PS, there are a variety of kidney foods your kitty can eat. My kitty did poorly on KD and was starving even though she ate it since it lacks the phosphorous but also lacks protein (whcih is not necessary). She did TONS better on Innova Lite, which has protein but low phosphorous which is what we want. So no, your kitty is not necessarily going to start dying if you feed her something besides kidney diet, my kitty improved when off kidney diet. Vets will tell you that though, since they encourage everyone to pts instead of treating. I did end up pts when the time was right, but before that my kitty did not even need pepcid because she was not even nauseous and her numbers stabilized from BUN 100 plus and Creatinine off the charts to Creat 2s-3s and barely above normal BUN even without the kidney diet.
Also, my cat WANTED to live longer, so pts is not always the answer until you know whether you can make your kitty better. My cat lived two more years of a full life, where she needed hardly any treatments, ate well, played, had no nausea, etc. — she was very happy. It was worth it to me to give her those extra years, but when she did start to suffer and wanted to be let go, I obeyed her wishes. All the best in this difficult time.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

Weight loss and getting fit. Any tips?

Hi. I am almost 15 years old and I would like to know some ways for losing weight and getting fit. I have a lot of time on my hands as it is my school holidays at the moment. I have acess to a basic gym, my bike, roller blades, skipping rope and dogs, but i need someone to help me put together the best ways for me to integrate all these things so i can lose weight and get fit easily.

Please, i dont want anyone telling me that im a teenager and shouldn’t be worrying about my weight, i just want to feel better about myself.

Just in case it could help; I’m 165 cm tall and i weigh approximately 54kg.

Also, i dont want to try any of the ‘colon cleansers’ or anything like taking pills and stuff like that. I am only interested in exercise and what i eat to help me lose weight.

Any tips would be welcome!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you checked your body mass index or asked a medical person about your weight. At 15 you ARE in a transition stage and they have charts that can tell you where you are in the typical range.

Http:// is a Body Mass Index chart but you should read the limitations from the link at the bottom. According to it, at 20, you are at the lower end of normal range of 18.5 to 25. BMI calculators based on height and weight are notoriously inaccurate but can give a general idea of your level. It cannot tell if the weight is due to muscle or fat, that is where a doctor or nurse can help you.

You aren’t likely to loose more weight but getting fit is always good and will tone your body so that it looks lighter. You may actually gain a little weight but looks thinner as fat changes to muscle.

Do a little weight training with the gym. Some light work with weights and maybe both them and a balance ball to improve your core balance. This will help define your upper body.

Get out your bike and skates a couple times a week for at least 1/2 hour and preferably for an hour to develop your cardio fitness. This will give you endurance.
The skates will also do a lot to improve your core balance and help shape the lower body and legs.
Biking actually uses different muscles than the skates, so it is good to get out on each occasionally.
The cardio workout from both bikes and skates is very defendant on how fast you move (wind resistance is the largest part of the workout).
You want to be pushing hard enough to raise your pulse rate but stay just below your aerobic threshold.
The easy way locate the threshold is that below it you will be able to hold a conversation (even if it is just with yourself but doing this with friends is more fun). When you get up to your threshold, it will be more difficult to say more than a few words at a time. When you go over the threshold, you will only be able to go a little bit farther before getting very tired (good for sprints for short distances). If you go over your threshold, you will need to slow down to get significantly below it for a while so that your body can clear out the lactic acid in your muscles before getting back up to speed.

Linda asks…

Can I lose all that weight in this time?

I am 16 and (five feet three inches) 210 pounds. I don’t look that overweight, people guess that I am a lot less overweight. But I know how much I weigh and it bothers me. I’ve started using this DVD dance routine called Hip-Hop Abs. I know…its funny but my point is, I just started this today. How much do you think I can lose by June. I really want to have a good summer. Moving easily and looking good in a swimsuit. Do you think I might look good by summer. There is a guy coming to my city in the summer, and it bothers me to think how surprised he’ll be if he notices that I gained weight. I think he won’t say anything, but that is not what I’m asking advice on. I just want to know about my weight issue. Also, I am changing my eating habits, mostly by drinking water and more fruits and veggies. I never really ate that much it was mostly the not eating what I need and exercising that was the problem. If I may ask of everyone, please don’t make fun of this, I am very emotional as it is…this is not a joke, this is real. I want to have the experience of a normal teenager, can anyone please be serious. Thank you!!!
I don’t know what to say guys, thank you very much…I don’t know who to choose, Katiescian or Lauren. You both had very supporting answers and I feel really good about this. If any one else has more comments, please go ahead, I need all the support I can have!!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try focusing on enjoying the DVD & eating properly & the weight will come right off. The more you stress about trying to lose weight, the harder it will be! Keep your goals, but don’t go over board.

Donna asks…

Gaining weight question…?

My friend told me that its normal for a teenager to gain weight while going through puberty because your body is so out of control you gain weight easily is this true? And once your an adult, can the weight be lost quickly?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It is kind of true I mean all girls dont experience the same thing. But from my experience yes. From about 12 until 15 I gained alot well now I think about it,it wasn’t much lol, but yes it was more less out of shape looking. Around 16 it all straighten back out looked healthier and smaller. And it stayed that way until I had kids LOL!!! Hope that helps

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