Sharon asksβ¦
What are some motivational blogs to do with weight loss?
Preferably in livejournal but any blogging site will do :).
weight loss cardiff answers:
Although this is not my field of expertise, but when I stumbled upon this question, I couldn’t stop myself recommending this book. A lady friend of mine had read this book, and she says, the book had life changing effect on her. A positive change.
But before going for the buy, you read the reviews on the source url too,
Linda asksβ¦
Can someone recommend a Tumblr or some blogs about weight loss/fitness, preferably for a 19 year old girl?
So I was looking at one of my friends blogs (she has a little of everything, including weight loss) and it was really interesting!!!! I want to look at some more Tumblrs/blogs for inspiration, but I don’t know of any!!! Help me out? And in the title I put for “a 19 year old girl” because I want to see stuff I can relate to. I don’t care if a guy or girl made the blog, lol, but I just don’t want to read about moms and 40 year olds and stuff!!!! Just like college people and people around my age doing what I’m doing, which is getting healthy!!! And if you have your own, feel free to contribute!!!! Thanks!!! π
weight loss cardiff answers:!! She’s amazing!
Paul asksβ¦
how do I find other people’s blogs on blogspot? I want to search for blogs on weight loss.?
weight loss cardiff answers:
Try Blogger search in Google.
Thats the best way. Also you can use the search on yr blogger account.
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