Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

How to gain weight back from stress related weight loss?

I suffer from anxiety and depression. Im very stressed, Im so upset mentally that it makes me sick physically. I can’t eat because I have no appetite and when I do eat, I throw it up. I’ve already lost about 20 pounds from this, which isn’t good because i am a 19 yr old female and i now weigh about 100 lbs (if not less). I’ve always been insecure about being so small & I want to gain weight, but my stress is making me lose it. I Tried drinking ensure plus and boost plus with my meals but i always end up vomiting afterwards because I start feeling upset and it makes my stomach hurt. How can i gain weight if i have no appetite to eat? Please give me advice and suggestions. (I went to a doctor about this and she wasn’t too helpful. She put me on anxiety and depression meds but gave me no advice or tips on my weight loss issue). I want to gain my weight back.. plz help

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am 19 too and going through the exact same thing you are. I have to eat very very small amounts of food throughout the day just to keep up with my current weight which started at 120 then went to 100 then to 105 recently. I honestly have to smoke weed in order for me to eat a worthwhile meal to gain weight. But I’m not saying go out and become a pothead. I made that choice myself due to the fact I am anorexic and it works and im legally doing it. But before I stared ever smoking I had to Force myself to eat fattening (not necessarily junk or fast food) food and I drank smoothies constantly. And I swear up and down on breakfast essentials drink mixes. It was very hard for me to keep down at first and I would even gag drinking them but after a while of making myself drink it my body got used it. Another friend of mine drinks pediasure (spelling?) and eats baby food because its easy to keep down. I wish you the best of luck because this shit really sucks.

Lisa asks…

Tips on Weight Loss and Getting In Shape?

I am a female. I am looking for tips on losing weight and keeping my metabolism boosted. I want to lose about 30 pounds. I want dieting tips, foods that promote weight loss, and foods to avoid. I also want excercises to get my stomach flat, get toned thighs, and get less flabby arms.. Thank you for those who answer my questions.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First off, my qualifications for talking here are that I have lost over 50 pounds of fat and have more importantly, kept the weight off for nine years.

In my experience, try not to do fad diets, as they will only end in failure. Yes, they work for some people, but the majority of people who try these plans end in miserable failure. Instead, adopt a diet plan I like to call “90/10”. That means eat a strict diet everyday, low on carbohydrates (i.e. Rice, bread, cereal, and pasta) and fat, but allow yourself one indulgence each day. That does not mean meal, so no more fast food for the time being. But one small thing, like a cookie or a non-diet soda. Will it slow the progress somewhat? Yes. But it will keep you from going crazy. Most diet plans fail to allow some leeway and you end up hating them for it.

So, in my experience, a good diet is the most important thing. If you do not exercise but keep your self on a balanced diet, you will probably lose weight faster (weight: muscle>fat), meaning if you choose to do muscle exercises the weight will drop slower, but it will be easier to maintain, due to increased metabolism. Also, if you can’t dramatically change what you eat, due to cost or whatever, you can cut everything you eat in half. Smaller portions can do a lot of good.

In terms of exercise, try doing small things to shift your lifestyle. I always park really far away from my destination, so I have to walk more. I also walk very fast when I have to walk. You want to do mainly aerobic exercise. That means exercise that is strenuous enough so that you cannot have a conversation during the exercise. Running or biking is good, but can be hard if you are very big. I recommend starting off with swimming because it is low impact and fun. Since you probably can’t swim very fast now, you will have to go for duration, I would recommend something like an hour at first, and once you can get going fast, try less time, but more intense, or just keep pushing yourself.

Weight training should ideally be done with a coach that can show you the proper techniques, so I would rather you try pilates-style resistance exercises and calisthenics. There is a bevy of technique videos on YouTube. I have had success with a YouTuber called “CharlieJames1975”, but her stuff can be really intense. But you do not need a gym. Also, you can never go wrong with the Burpee. Its basically the best single workout for your entire body. The burpee can been a part of military training for as long as I can remember. Be careful, as they can kick your butt quite easily.

Just remember, you are adopting a new lifestyle here. This is for the long haul.

Good luck on your journey.

Thomas asks…

How can I get over an urge to eat?

I’m desperately trying to loose weight. But whenever i try to diet i’m horrible about binge eating. i’ll eat really healthy until about 4:00 and then i eat the house down! i eat mc Donald’s, pop-tarts, chocolate, everything! give me some tips on how to pass this urge and keep on my diet.

Any other weight loss tips would be greatly appreciated.


weight loss cardiff answers:

Clear all those things out of the house and fill the fridge with easy to grab snack foods like baby carrots, grape tomatos and cut up fruits.

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