Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How can I lose weight in week?

I weigh 95 pounds. I think I need to lose weight because I dont fit into some of my favorit clothes. My goal is at least 70 pounds. Almost everybody thinks I am fat. There is this boy that I realy like at school and they are doing a fittness test at scool. So I am trying to lose weight for a boy and the test

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you in 3rd grade? If your goal is 70 pounds, you must be incredibly young.

We would need to know your age and height to give you any information– otherwise you will get very snippy answers about being a skeleton, etc, because 95 is very underweight for the average adult woman.

Nancy asks…

How many calories should I lose a week in order to lose weight?

I weigh about 128 and 5 ft 3 inches tall. I do cardio 3times a week. I would do 30 minute cardio for the two days and the third day would do an hour of cardio. If my calculations are correct, the total calories I burn is 1700 per week. I don’t watch my caloric intake although I do eat “healthy”. My question is, is this enough calories to burn in order to lose weight? What do you think I should do to lose 5 more pounds?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yup, I’ve read 3500 calories per pound is right. I don’t think doing twice as much exercise is the only or best answer though. Your body and metabolism have probably adjusted to your exercise level. But hey, good for you for leading a pretty healthy lifestyle already.
Try cutting out 100-200 calories a day (that could be just one less large soda, one serving of something starchy like rolls, potatoes or bread, etc); never eat after 7 pm; and add one more day of exercise. It could take 6-8 weeks, but those last 5 pounds should come off.
Also check out websites like hungry-girl and weight watchers for ideas on how to cut out a few extra calories. Good luck!
(Though ps – I agree with poster above. You are at a healthy weight for your height already!)

Joseph asks…


I want a really really an easy way to lose week in a week without paying for anything.
I’ve been trying to eat smaller servings and biking more. What else can I do? I’m looking to lose at least 5 pounds in one week.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can lose that in 2 weeks. Losing 5 pounds in a week is bad

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