Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

Tumblr blogs on fashion, weigh-loss & health, photography, etc. for teenage girls?

I’m looking for Tumblr blogs to follow that involve fashion, weight loss and health tips, photography, etc. for teenage girls?
I’m new & any help would be appreciated.


weight loss cardiff answers:

What you said you’re looking for:

my tumblr:

have fun!

George asks…

The best way to find a weight loss routine?

Would it be talking with your doctor, a gymnast, or what?

I would prefer to talk to a PROFRESSIONAL rather than read peoples’ blogs and stuff. I REALLY wanna try anld lose like 60 lbs in the next 8-9 months..

Anyway, any tips for losing weight (actual tips, not links to free trials etc), or who I should talk to to figure out a routine would be appreciated. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You might start with your doctor, then talk to a nutritionist.

I dropped 55 lbs in a year. There’s no big secret to weight loss. If you do the following, you will lose weight.

1. Eliminate processed food and fast food from your diet. ALL that crap with refined, artificial ingredients is screwing up your metabolism
2. Focus instead on quality, high fiber nutrition. Buy organic whenever possible
3. Do NOT ingest any of the following: Sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour and other refined carbohydrates, MSG, aspartame, trans fat (hydrogenated fat), artificial colors, excess salt, and preservatives
4. Buy a pedometer and make sure you log at least 10,00 steps daily. This can include your gym workout
5. At the gym, do at least two days a week of challenging weights and five days of cardio (cycling, treadmill, elliptical trainer, etc.)

You’ll find that people at the gym are great about sharing information; just by going and talking to gym members, you’ll get a better sense of what you need to do.

Here’s a site showing the technique for various weight exercises:

WebMD has more info on healthy, high fiber nutrition:

Good luck.

Sharon asks…

Whose in for a custom site for weight loss?

I am a professional programmer and can create a custom site where you create and account and update and it has features to post daily pic, stats, charts, progress, journal, top 10 losers (winners), blogs, chat, support groups, etc.
Sort of like the my-fat-loss-space of the web. Maybe we can have a donation or an optional $1 feature to join for premium account, then every 3 months someone is voted to win that money for best progress(weekly pics required).

Duno. I feel like this is a better incentive that pushes people get in shape. I am also a certified personal trainer and will dedicate as much time as possible to answer questions. Perhaps I can also recruite some buddies to do the same.
Will start the site with me losing 15 pounds to my goal of 175!

What do you think of this idea?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think that sounds great, as long as you could join for free and still have basics benefits….

It seems like it may be expensive though. To host it and upkeep the site.

There are other sites out there but the membership fees are pretty high…

I really do love the idea however.

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