Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Joseph asks…

does the zone diet work?

what is the zone diet and how do i find out about it

weight loss cardiff answers:

Zone diet is one of the most superior weight loss diets that have been around. What separates this diet from the other so-called effective diets is that Zone diet is a lifestyle. It is not simply a program. It tries to incorporate controlled changes in your daily living that will help you combat aging, lose weight and improve your physical performance every day.

Donald asks…

Fad Diets???Please Helllllllllllp?

the atkins diet is it a fad diet and why is a fad?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The atkins diet for the most part is not a fad. It very brielfy went through a highly pulicized period of time when the diet was misundestood by thousands of dieters looking for a quick way to lose weight.

Dr. Atkins was a cardiologist who developed the diet as early as 1972 as a way for patients preparing for heart surgery to lose a substantial amount of weight and reduce the risk of complications.

When the Atkins diet was at its height of popularity most dieters were not following the diet correctly.

Helen asks…

most stupidest diet you know?

whats the most ridiculous diet you’ve heard of?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Super low calorie diet (less than 1,000 per day, some people here even ask about 500 or 800 per day calorie diets)

“grapefruit” diet – eating nothing but grapefruit (or any brand of this single food only diet such as the “cabbage soup”, “lemon aid”, “sweet potato”, “juice”, etc.)

“water” diet – only drinking water, nothing else

Adkin’s diet – only protein and fat

Any diet that doesn’t include exercise

Any diet pill or wonder concoction (like the earlier answerer said: acai berry)

that wacky vibrating platform that is supposed to jiggle the weight off (I guess it’s not a diet, but it’s a pretty goofy weight loss idea)

the High Fat Diet

and of course, the worst: anorexia and bulimia (those actively trying to become anorexic or bulimic to lose weight)

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