Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

What is the difference between a Nutritionist and a Dietitian, and what A Levels are needed respectively?

I am in year 11 and I have to choose my A levels really soon, and I don’t know what subjects I need to take to become either a Dietitian or a Nutritionist. Plus I don’t really know the difference between the two jobs, and I am finding it hard to research it. So please help !

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m not an expert in the sciences, but I think you’ll need Biology, Math, and Chemistry? Math never goes wrong, Biology is good for that and Chemistry would be essential, I’d say.

Helen asks…

What process do you go through when seeing a dietitian?

I have been forwarded to a dietitian, and i;m un aware what to expect, i’ve not had my first appointment yet and i would like to know what would be happening?
Any help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I went to a holistic dietitian about a year ago and as sweet as she was I really didn’t get anywhere with her.

All that happened at the first visit is they weigh you and then you talk about your eating habits and your excersise habits. Then she suggest alternatives and what you should do to make progress.

You have to have ALOT of will power for that to help you.

John asks…

I want to become a dietitian/nutritionist when I grow up?

I’m gonna become a ninth grader next week.. My high school is mainly about science, biology, and those types of majors. Those a dietitian/nutritionist fit the categories of this?

What main subject/subjects should I mainly focus on to become one? Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well I would recommend that you study well biology, chemistry, and anatomy. It will be a big part of your curriculum in the university of your choice. You have to expect to study english (for speaking in public and writing scientific articles), psychology (for dealing with clients), and other classes that can help you in your academic development. I study in the university of Puerto Rico, and I will say that if you study in the type of high school you are right now, you will have some advantage and it will make it so much easier in the future when you get to the university.

I hope this helps!

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