Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

which of the following compounds can exhibit hydrogen bonding?

acetic acid
diethyl ether

Or is there more than one answer?

weight loss cardiff answers:

DNA uses H-bonding to hold the left/right sides to each other so it can be double-stranded.

Methane’s hydrogen atoms are bonded covalently. Carbon and Hydrogen are fairly close in electronegativity, so no H-bonding occurs.

Diethyl ether (ethoxyethane) is along the same lines as Methane – the H atoms are attached to C atoms – no H-bonding should occur.

AcOH (acetic acid) however, has an alcohol group (OH) where the O atom pulls the electron away from the H most of the time giving the H atom a (slightly) negative charge. It is possible that some H-bonding occurs.

Ruth asks…

Where can I get a good non-polar solvent?

I need a nonpolar solvent for some experiments I want to do. My hardware store doesn’t carry hexane or toluene or diethyl ether. Is turpentine nonpolar? What about xylene? Methyl ethyl ketone? I could buy online but I want to avoid that. Any ideas?
I know about the dangers and I have adequate ventilation.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Turpentine would be non-polar – don’t breath the fumes or get near flame!!

Xylene is also non-polar use same cautions

Mary asks…

Which of these substances is safe to pour down the drain?

I have a question regarding an organic chemistry laboratory course:

Benzoic Acid,
Ether (Diethyl ether)
Sodium Hydroxide

Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Sodium hydroxide with lots of water. It’s used in Drano, so it’s pretty safe.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

Which of the following is a polar aprotic solvent?

A) CCl4
B) NH3(l)
C) Diethyl ether
D) 2-methyl-2-propanol
E) 2-methylhexane

My line of thinking was to cross out all nonpolar substances. A, C, and E are automatically out. (Hopefully the ether is nonpolar, I think they are, or at the most, very slightly polar.. oh well.)

Then I’m left with 2-methyl-2-propanol and ammonia. 2-methyl-2-propanol is slightly polar, but it may display hydrogen bonding, so it’s protic.

The ammonia is polar, and also displays hydrogen bonding, seeing as the nitrogen is highly electronegative.

Which leaves the question.. where has my logic failed?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your logic has failed in crossing off ether! It is a bent molecule, and polar.

Mary asks…

What is the product when the following compound is oxidized?


A. diethyl ketone
B. 2-pentene
C. pentanal
D. diethyl ether
E. pentane

weight loss cardiff answers:

Lol…wtf is that? 3-pentanol, right?

If it’s oxidize, you get 3-pentanone, ie. Diethyl ketone.

Linda asks…

During extraction, which of these substances would be in the top layer when added to the same container?

A. Diethyl ether/water

B. Dichloromethane/water

If you also know why, feel free to explain a little. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Diethyl ether and Dichloromethane would be in the top layer. Both of these chemicals have poor water solubility and float on the top of the water layer. (You know, like “oil and water don’t mix.”) The top layer is also called the “oil layer” for this reason.

If you have a chemical that you want in the water layer that’s more soluble in DiEE or DCM, washing and agitating it will mix the chemicals and ‘pull out’ your desired chemical into the oil layer, trapping it there. That’s why you shake the extraction funnel so many times. Since the oil layer sits on top, later on you can allow it to settle and then just turn the stop cock and run off the water layer.

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