Sharon asks…
What diet pills will help me lose weight quickly and efficiently?
I am trying to look somewhat slimmer for school, but even though I’ve been dieting I haven’t lost very much weight. Has anybody tried any diet pills that work quickly and efficiently?
weight loss cardiff answers:
Ok let me just let u know. Diet pills or easy to do home work outs do NOT work good at all. Only reason why on t.v. People are trying to sell these so called miracle pills that will make u lose weight for good w/ out doing nothin is because “easy to do” advertises better than hard work exersice.
If u want to lose weight and slim up, u have to put in the effort. You need to eat right, exersice and if ur in sports, make sure u rest. To eat right, put away the chips and dip, and start eating more fruits and vegeis.
Now that doesn’t mean eat more food, u need to replace the junk food w/ healthier meals.
Now, to make sure u lose weight, u need to burn more calories than u consume. About 2000 calories a day is good place to eat around.
Running is probably the most popular way to exersice, but it may eventually get boring. So try and make ur work out fun. Join sports, play tennis, basketball, soccer, baseball, with ur freinds and just have fun.
Richard asks…
Will a doctor prescripe you a diet pill if your not way overweight?
All the diet pills on the market dont work. Well some do, for certain people, body types, etc. Anyway, doctor pills usually work or make a difference. Will a doctor prescripe someone who isnt significantly overweight diet pills? And if so how would you come about this? What reasoning will make them decide to put you on them?
weight loss cardiff answers:
If you go to the doctor ABOUT diet pills he will way you and work out your body mass index, if you are your healthy weight then he will not prescribe you the pills. However if you look large, and explain to him that you have tried everything to loose weight and nothing is working, then they are generally a little kinder.
And yes diet pills do work. My friend krystal is using them and they essentially are a ‘speed’ pill, that speed up your matabolism and also cut back your appetite. If you are not over weight then there is no point using them, its not healthy tp be under weight
Michael asks…
How do i lose leg fat? And is there a way to take diet pills without pills?
I’m not rather fat. I don’t have a very big stomach or big fat arms. I’m 12 and 5 foot 11 :S i don’t get called fat or anything, and I’m a really fast runner. I do come from a naturally large family but some people in my family are quite slim! Is it right to take diet pills? I can’t take pills i have like a phobia ha ha. I just need to lose weight and i do run around the park everyday.
weight loss cardiff answers:
Diet pills without pills would just be a diet, sweetheart.
You’re probably of a healthy weight for your height, as most taller people tend to be a bit heavier than their shorter counterparts, so focus on that. Running and exercising is always a good habit to be in, and it’s great to focus on eating healthy, but don’t worry about losing weight. Really. Plus, you’re young and still developing. Your body fat may redistribute itself as you get older, and while you may not lose a pound, you may end up with an entirely different-looking body. Just try to keep up with those healthy eating/exercise habits and see what happens as you mature. But don’t worry about dieting at all. You’re just fine.
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