Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

Quick way for a teenager to lose weight?

Hey,I need to lose as much weight as possible,maybe two stone? I’m not obese or anything,I’m just not the skinniest of people and my mum has even said that I could maybe lose some weight (in a nice way) so please? Any YouTube or video links to good excerises? Or diets which are suitable for teens? Or any foods that you recommend yourself? Please DON’T say ‘just eat healthy and excersie more that’s how you’ll lose weight‘ please don’t say that because that doesn’t work for me,and I need to lose It FAST for an event in about a month,so ANYTHING that can help me,anything at all,please let me know,thanks for reading

weight loss cardiff answers:

I easily lost 10 pounds by just cutting sodas out of my diet (I still have an occasional coffee). Another good way to burn calories and fat is jogging. Not only does it burn the fat but it helps you tone up too!!
Here’s a good running program for beginners:

David asks…

why am I not losing weight? (seriously trying)?

I’m a 13 year old girl. I have been working out twice a week with a trainer for eight months. I also started doing shot put for middle/high school team. I also go on walks, hiking, and bike rides during warm weather. I always try eat right and never too much.
Oatmeal w/ tsp. brown sugar and butter
2 slices of toast

Salad or a small sandwich (minimum extra condiments)
trail mix
strawberry apple sauce
dehydrated green beans

(Usually at track so I’m not able but if I’m home) peanut butter crackers

Dinner: A lean meat, palm sized
2 different vegetables, one serving of each
1 starch serving

Snack: chocolate pretzels (5-10 , small)

I wander in and out but it’s usually in the same categories/calorie count..
I don’t like most fruit, but I love vegetables. Also, I drink diet coke at dinner and breakfast. Could this be a problem? I can’t drink a lot of liquids during the day, if I go over like 4 a day I feel like I’m gonna puke. It’s weird I know.
Also, this could be part of my problem, I have sleep apnea. I use my CPAP almost religiously haha. But I was diagnosed with mild depression because I really fought with it for so long and I still to this day am not satisfied with it.
On another note, I really need some guidance, tips, facts, anything you can give me.. I know I shouldn’t worry about it at 13, but I’ve worried about it as long as I can remember, and I take it super seriously. I just really need answers.
also, I am over weight, not just unhappy with a skinny body.

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are two reasons that you may not be losing weight. One is that your exercising and diet is putting weight on you, but in the form of muscle. You can easily lose fat, but still gain weight because muscles are heavy. The other reason is that for your level of fitness and age, it does not seem that you are eating enough. Teenagers need a lot of calories, especially if you are very active. If you are starving yourself, your body will immediately convert food to fat. That is just biology and it is why starving yourself doesn’t work too good for losing weight. Stressing over your body will not help your depression. Instead of worrying about your weight, you should be more concerned about your muscle to fat ratio. Also bear in mind that it is a good thing to have some fat. Humans are supposed to have some fat stored up, especially girls. Unless, of course, you don’t want breasts and want the physique of a guy. If you’ve been doing all that exercise for eight months, then you should be fit and healthy or well on your way to it. If you’re still worried about your body, then talk to a doctor or your trainer. My advice to you would be to relax and live a little. You seem to have a very healthy lifestyle, so don’t be afraid to live a little. You should definitely eat more and don’t be afraid to eat something unhealthy once in a while. After all, it does no good to take all that care of your body unless you’re actually enjoying life. You’re 13. You’re very active, so you’re already ahead of most of your peers. Try not to stress so much and just enjoy your youth.

Ruth asks…

Will this make me lose weight?

So this year, during the summer-december (end of june-december) i will be working on the Nutcracker Ballet. (:

From this week to the beginning of june, ill be starting softball. i’ll be havin practice twice a week and ballet on mondays, and dance at school evryday for 50 minutes.

What else do i need to do to lose weight. I know i will gain muscle and thats what i want, especially in my legs-already have some too.

I don’t eat much. Like today i probably only ate around 1200 calories.

Thank you for the help (: . and if you have anything else to say, please say it.
Im 14 years old . 5’1” Feet. How t do you think much weight do you think ill lose by end of august if i only intake 1200-1300 calories a day. Btw, Nutcracker is around 4-8 hours of ballet.

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose weight, you need to eat enough…and then exercise for 3,500 calories for each pound of body fat that you wish to lose.
I doubt you’re a 60 years old, 5’5 and 120lbs woman having a 1,200 calories BMR.

You should eat enough calories to cover your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) or your body will adapt to a low caloric intake and lower your metabolism, making it very hard for you to use your body fat. And then, as soon as you would eventually start eating normally again, you would make body fat very easily, because you would have a lower metabolism and therefore regain all the weight you lost and keep going up, unless you exercise A LOT. Also, if you’re younger than 21, you need to eat more when having a growth spurt so you don’t stunt your growth (you get ravenous).

Women’s BMR:
655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – minus (4.7 x age in years)

Men’s BMR:
66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – minus (6.8 x age in years)


Average Height and Weight for Girls
12 – 13 years old
60 – 63 inches
95 – 105 lbs. (BMR 1,288 to 1,331)

14 – 15 years old
63 – 64 inches
105 – 115 lbs. (BMR 1,331 to 1,375)

Eat enough to cover your BMR (which is more that 1,200 calories if you’re 14 and 5’1) or you’ll end up with a lower metabolism. Eat more for growth spurts so you can grow into a woman or you’ll stunt your growth and end up a short adult (which maybe is what you want as tiny dancers are easier to lift). You should eat even more to have enough energy for your physical activities, either that or lose weight which is never a good time when you’re a teenager. Weight loss is often a health problem during adolescence (sickness, eating disorders…) as your body is supposed to gain a few pounds each year, not lose weight.

You did not mention your weight which the most important info when dealing with weight loss questions. Maybe your weight is average and you don’t want people to think that you have an eating disorder for wanting to be underweight. Or maybe you’re overweight and are self-conscious about that fact. Either way, think about your health first and foremost.

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