Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…


only eat 1200 calories a day and drink water. and i run for 30 mins and i been losing 1 pound a day is that bad? because people say losing weight fast is bad but I’m not doing trying to lose it that fast. and also I’m 18 and I’m trying to lose like 60 pounds I’m currently 180 pounds so will i have lose skin???

question 1: will i have lose skin???
question 2: am i losing weight to fast?? even tho im not trying to lose that much that fast.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you’re losing weight too fast. And 1200 calories a day is not enough for someone who’s running every day.

Just lying still, not moving a muscle, uses up 1200 calories a day. Your body doesn’t understand about diets, but it does understand famine and it will assume that’s what’s happening. In response it will shed lean muscle – that’s what you’re losing, the very thing you want – and will conserve its fat stores against further famine.

So when you go back to normal eating, you will put on weight faster than you did before, and it will feel flabbier than it did before. And in future it will be harder to lose weight.

I’m telling you this because it’s what happened to me, starting at about your age. I can’t begin to calculate how much weight I have lost, put on again and lost again over the years. You are going the right way about starting just such a cycle of yo-yo dieting.

At your age and weight, with your level of activity, you could lose weight well on 2000 calories a day. I suggest you consider raising your calorie intake to at least 1700, and aim to lose 2 lbs a week. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s much healthier than 7 lbs a week and it adds up to 104lbs a year – and not many people need to lose that much

William asks…

diet secrets to lose weight fast?

has anyone got any diet secrets to lose weight fast, or any celebrity diet secrets i know nicole richie ate cherry tomatoes when she was hungry, and victoria beckham eats raw prawns.?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do Crunches. Lie on the floor (with or without a mat). Cross your arms in front of your chest. (Donot place both hands behind your head. Placing both hands behind your head can cause lower back problems in the long run as it places unnecessary stress on that part of your body from pulling on your head and neck.) Another alternative to crossing your arms in front of your chest is to lightly place your finger tips behind your ears, without pulling on your neck or ears to help raise you off the floor. Draw in your abdomen towards your spine while inhaling through your nose. Now raise your shoulders (upper torso) towards your knees, using strictly your abdominal muscles. It is very important not to lift your entire back off the floor, as this can cause back strain, and the extended movement does not help you develop six pack abs any faster. The most important part of the crunch is the initial flexing of your abs as you lift your shoulders off of the floor. As soon as you begin lifting off the floor exhale through your mouth, ending with a gasp once your shoulders are off the floor. Then pause for a second once you are at the top of the crunch and exhale the last bit of air from your diaphragm while flexing your abs. The proper breathing and flexing make all the difference. Now lower back down slowly and controlled while inhaling through your nose, just until your shoulder blades touch the ground. Do not let your head touch the ground and repeat.

Do Sit Ups. Lie on the floor, feet on the floor, knees up and hands behind your head or crossed on your chest. Sit all the way up, lifting your lower back off the floor along with your shoulder blades. Lower yourself down. Repeat. Once this becomes relatively easy for you (i.e. You can do a quite a bit with ease) start adding more challenges. Find an incline bench or do these on an exercise ball. Once you “graduate” from that, do weighted sit ups. Hold a weight on your chest while you do these. As these become easier, hold heavier and heavier weights. You might also try lifting your feet off the ground while doing the sit ups or alternating the leg in the air, like pretending to pedal while sitting up. If your hands are behind your head, bring your left knee up to touch your right elbow and then your right knee to the left elbow.
Do Leg Lifts. Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands at your sides. Lift your legs straight up (not bending your knees at all) until they’re at a ninety degree angle (or close). Lower your legs and repeat without letting your legs touch the floor. For more challenge there is equipment at most gyms that will allow you to raise yourself up using your arms as support and dangle your legs. You can perform leg lifts there too. If you’re using this piece of equipment, you can make it easier by just raising your knees to your chest. It’s more difficult to raise your legs to a horizontal position with your legs straight. This helps firm up the lower abdomen. If you’re truly a monster, try doing leg lifts with a medicine ball hanging from your feet. Or hang from a pull up bar and raise your legs in front of you all the way up to the bar. Still too easy?…
Do Jackknife Sit Ups. Lie down flat on the floor. Place your hands on the ground to your sides for balance; you can pick them up as you get used to the movement. Simultaneously raise your knees and torso so that your knees and face meet on an imaginary line extending from your pelvis to the ceiling. You should be able to kiss your knees at the top of the motion. Your legs will naturally fold bringing your feet towards your hips, much like a jackknife. Lie back down (i.e. “spread out”) and repeat. Place a weight between your feet when you think you can handle it. What’s that? More?
Do V-ups. Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands on the floor but this time extended out over your head. Simultaneously raise legs and torso. Don’t bend your knees! What kind of V would it be if you bend your knees? Reach with your hands toward the raised feet. Touch your feet if possible (might require some flexibility). Relax, return to starting position and repeat. Add weight between feet to match your taste.
Static Hold and Side Statics. Put your body into the push-up position but with your elbows on the floor, and you whole body flat. This position is known as the static hold position and it trains your core (including your abs) to hold the body in place which is the real purpose of your abs. Hold this position for as long as possible, but you should be aiming to start off with at least 45 seconds, while seasoned ab workers known to achieve over 20 minute static holds. To perform the side static hold roll onto one side of your body and lift into the same position as before, but this time only one arm will be on the ground with the other arm pointed straight up the air and your non-weight bearing leg resting on your bottom leg. Once again, hold this for as long as possible
Train Your Oblique Muscles. It’s not as important to work on your oblique muscles at first, but eventually you’ll want to start working these too. These are the muscles to either side of your stomach. There are multiple ways to do this and anything that includes twisting your torso against a resistance counts. There are twisting machines at gyms, you can twist while you do sit-ups, you can do side bends, you can twist side to side with a medicine ball in hand, etc. Be aware though, that many beginners tend to have weak obliques compared to their abs (it simply isn’t used as much in daily life) so go easy on the sides at first.
Other stuff Since it is, literally, the center of your body there are many other tricks you can use to train your abs, and some of the other movements will more or less involve your abs. Including every abdominal exercise in existence would make this article painfully long and new methods are being developed constantly. Now that you’ve made up your mind about a washboard mid-section, get creative! Find new ways to crunch, bend and twist in your daily life. Some possibilities include:
Use a stability ball. Do your crunches on the ball to introduce instability to your workout, which will improve your balance too. There are also lots of core exercises that can be done with a stability ball.You can also use a small bubble use for physical therapy.
Duck and twist during your daily routine. Reach with your left hand to things on your right and vice versa. If you feel like turning around to face something, see if you can do it with keeping your hips in place and twisting at the waist (warning: awkward when talking to other people, use only against inanimate objects). While walking or standing, pretend that something is coming toward you and you have to duck to get out of the way. Do this as often as you are comfortable or at times when it won’t look weird. You can bend forward from the hips or, if you’re really into it, bend at the knees too and really “sink” out of the way.

Weights. The more muscle your body has, the more calories your body burns, even at rest. Many people are afraid of getting huge due to weight lifting. This is meaningless. You will NOT gain a lot of mass if you’re not taking in a lot of calories as well. Also keep in mind that most of the huge people you see on TV or in print achieve that state by going on high protein and high carb diets. They increase their calorie intake specifically to bulk up. So the fear of bulking up should NOT be a reason to not lift weights. As a rule of thumb, the larger the muscle the more energy it will burn to sustain itself. Therefore the most effective muscle groups to work for fat loss are large muscle groups: thighs and hamstrings, the back, and the chest. You can also lift your body weight without going to a gym, through push ups, sit ups, chin ups, etc.

Do Cardio. No matter how muscular your abs are that six pack isn’t going to show if you cover it up with a layer of fat. Running, biking, swimming, stair climbing, jumping rope, tennis, volleyball, dancing, squash or any other activity that gets you moving and keeps you moving is a great way to burn fat. However, a cardio workout should be performed for at least 20 MINUTES to burn fat. Prior to this your body will simply run on its stored energy, which results in minimal fat loss. Cardio should always be done after your weight lifting workout. While lifting weights, you use stored, (carb) energy, thus, by doing cardio after weight training your body will have less stored energy to use and go straight into the fat storage for its energy use. The overall best way to shed fat fast is to do cardio(30 min minimum) right when you wake up. Your body will search for energy to use, when it finds nothing in your stomach, it will go directly to your fat storage for energy and the fat will burn up so fast!
Diet Tips

Keep Metabolism Steady. Eating one small meal (such as a potato, a salad, etc.) every three hours that you are awake will not speed up your metabolism, rather, it will keep it going. Your metabolism goes and slows with your food intake and eating something small every three hours will keep that metabolism burning calories and will help you lose weight.
Eat Smaller Dinners. Cut down on the size of your dinner. If you’re hungry, snack on fruits or other healthy, low calorie snacks. Large dinners tend to hurt a fat loss process because most people aren’t very active after dinner. This is the basis for advice along the lines of “don’t eat anything within X hours before going to bed”. The claim that your entire dinner is stored as fat isn’t entirely true (the process is more complicated than that) but the fact you don’t move after dinner is enough to hurt your cause. You can offset this by eating a larger lunch or snacking healthily before dinner. Fresh fruits or vegetables are excellent choices for curbing appetite not to mention other health benefits. A handful of nuts might do the same. Drink a large glass of water before sitting at the table.
Eat More Fiber. Most people don’t get enough fiber. The recommended amount is actually not that much if you eat a healthy diet. “Fiber foods” include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and nuts and seeds. Other options are fiber supplements.
Eat Breakfast. Many people skip breakfast because they don’t have time for it. Keep this in mind: You don’t have time to skip breakfast, it’s simply too valuable to skip. The fact that skipping breakfast messes up your concentration and other mental functions is beyond the scope of this article. The harm of skipping breakfast from a weight loss perspective is it makes you eat a huge lunch since your body hasn’t had anything in the past 12 (or more) hours. When you eat a huge lunch you get that after meal drowsiness so now you’re both unproductive and inactive. Cereals don’t take much time to prepare and consume, and most of them are very healthy nowadays. If you are extremely pressed for time, consider grabbing a box of breakfast bars or a smoothie and throwing one in your bag when you leave for work or school. Some breakfast bars out there are also excellent sources of fiber.
Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently. This helps raise your metabolism too. It’s not easy to do though since it’s a relatively big change to most people’s routines. But it doesn’t have to be a full blown meal, simply eat often but less. A jar of nuts in the office will do just fine, grab a handful when you feel like it. Most fruits can last for a couple days without refrigeration, and if you have a refrigerator at the office, make use of it.

Drink More Water Everyday. Many places suggest 8 cups (2 L) of water a day. It sounds like an absurd amount of water, but actually, you can drink tea without sugar to make up some of the quota. In fact tea, especially green tea, rev up your “metabolism” (actually cause a temporary increase in calories burned).
For fat loss purposes, it is important to remind yourself that thirst is a much weaker stimuli than hunger. If you consistantly feel hungry after meals, don’t immediately think that you need to eat more. You may simply be thirsty!
Needless to say there are many benefits of water. 69% of your body is made of it!
We can exist without food for months, but without water we can only survive for a few days. Your body is made up mostly of water, which:

Is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption and elimination
Aids circulation
Helps control the body’s temperature
Lubricates and cushions joints
Keeps the skin healthy
Helps remove toxins from your body
Every day you lose water from the body through urine and sweat, and this fluid needs to be replenished. However, your body has come equipped with a mechanism that tells you when you need to replenish your supply–it’s called thirst!

Drinking water is good for you. It will not make you fat, if you drink 8 glasses a day or even 15. Just dont drink too much more than that.

Michael asks…

I have a suckish diet! Please help me how to lose weight so fast!?

I eat nonstop! I wanna be really really skinny. I want to prove to myself that I can do it! Please give me any routine and what I should do. Tell me what I should eat please! And one more thing, do celebs even eat? Hows there diet like? Tell me ways on how i can lose weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

This tips is long but it help me a lot i hope it help u too!

Cardio exercise and eating breakfast fruits, whole grain cereals and egg-white are great options help boost metabolism which help lose weight faster & burn more calories so eat egg in every morning omelet or boiled get protein which important for your body for losing weight
stay way from junk food, fries

Do 30 minutes of cardio training [dancing, jogging, aerobics, yoga , running, bicycle, swimming, kick boxing … ] and 30 minutes of strength train [weights, arms, setup, crunches for abs, legs workout and stretches]
workout 3-6 times on week. 30min or 1-2 hours

# Walk 30 minutes a day ?no excuses
# dont set watch TV or computer more than 2 hours stay active.
# Be aware when you eating dont eat front TV, Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly
# Restock your kitchen with healthy food
# dont skip meals eat every 4 hours & eat 3 healthy small meals & 2 healthy snacks instead 3 big meals
# Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly, chew more!
# Reduce portions by using smaller plates & bowls (9 inch diameter instead of 11+ inch)
# Eat 9 handfuls of vegetables more than fruits each day also eat 1 small handful nuts
# you have to learn about calories you should take, look & learn label on sodium,sugar,fat,carb,calorie and read ingredients
# Avoid trans fat in label (Avoid partially hydrogenated oils,Shortening, palm kernel oil and coconut oil) and saturated fats at all cost
# Avoid white food such as enriched wheat flour/white flour (white bread and rice, potatoes,white starches – white pasta, crackers, cakes,donuts,pizza ,and simple sugar, including high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, sugar, sugar. The #1 killer for trying to lose belly fat, get a 6 pack, or achieving that flat, tight, sexy stomach. Avoid high fat foods (butter,margarine, cheese, milk ) go for low fat
try to avoid processed or refined carbohydrates
# Drink one or two glasses of water before a meal to help fill you stomach with fewer food calories
# Eat less fat ,sugar and your sodium (salt) recommends less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily梩hat s about 1 teaspoon of salt. Our bodies needs (about 1,500 milligrams) .
#Fifteen percent of your calories should come from protein, 25 to 35 percent from fat and the rest from carbohydrates.
# Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, legumes, fish and lean meat should all be incorporated into your diet.
# Soybean, canola, olive, safflower, sunflower and corn oil are all healthy oils you should use when cooking and preparing foods.
Also, cooking medium heat is ideal but oil alone is not recommended.
# All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables and greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables (dark leafy greens梘ood; corn–not so good), beans (all of them), and fruit (apples, pears, peaches, and berries have a lower GI than tropical fruits, like papaya and mangoes).
# Complex Carbohydrates
* Whole grains, pastas and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, millet, barley, kasha, cornmeal, polenta, etc.
# Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed time & dont eat carbs on dinner and sleep night 8 hours,
# Fill up 25-30 grams of fiber.
#Drink plenty of water before, during & after workout it increase your muscle tone is also important to lose weight keep hydrated, drink 8 glasses of water
# dont eat under than 1,200 calories
# if you take in more calories than you burn through daily activity and exercise you ll gain weight__regardless of whether those calories come from good natural foods or bad processed meals. It,s that simple: Eat less exercise more,
Best Fats; Monounsaturated Fat Foods
* Avocado * Oil (canola, olive, peanut, sesame) * Olives (all)
* Nuts * Peanut butter, old-fashioned * Sesame seeds

Good Fats: Polyunsaturated Fat Foods
* Margarine (first ingredient is polyunsaturated oil)
* Mayonnaise (regular or reduced-fat)
* Nuts (walnuts) * Poultry
* Oil (corn, safflower, soybean, cottonseed)
* Salad dressing (regular & reduced-fat)
* Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) * Liquid Vegetable Oil * Eggs * Meat

Bad Fats:Saturated Fats ( no more than 7% saturated fats)
* Bacon & bacon grease * Cheese * Milk
* Butter (stick, whipped, reduced-fat) * Eggs
* Coconut Oil * Cream * Cream cheese
* Ice cream * Lard & salt pork * Palm kernel oil * Cocoa Butter
Good Luck and Take care 🙂
Bad Fats: Trans Fats (no more than 1% trans fats)
look in ingredients Partially Hydrogenated Fats or Shortening
* Margarine (stick) * Nondairy creamers * Baked Goods
* Fired Foods * Also Found in Naturally In Meat & Dairy Products In Small Amount

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

if i just eat tinned soup for a whole week will i lose weight?

im desprate to get skinner for the summer i am exsersising and i need t lose a stone.
if i just eat soup for a whole week will this help me lose weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You’ll lose a lot of weight yes.

Problem is you have to realise that weight doesnt = fat.
Different things contribute to weight, like fat, muscle, water.

The idea of the best diets is that you want to get as close to 100% fat loss as possible taking up the weight you lose. Keep as much muscle as possible (This is what gives the body a “toned” impression) & lose a reasonable amount of water as thats unavoidable when you’re eating less.

Eating soup for a week you’ll lose an average amount of fat, quite a lot of muscle & a lot of water.

So you’ll lose a lot of weight as i say, but you’re appearance wont be anywhere near as good as it could be if you did things right. Its also very unhealthy as you’re not getting enough nutrition, you’ll feel weak…it will be very hard to stay disciplined as you’re body will be desperate for other foods & overall its a pretty disasterous idea.

Its good that you’re exercising already, you’re on the right track. Now just try eating healthier. Try eating 5-6 smaller meals a day….try and get a source of protein into every meal (very good on a diet, will keep you full and you’ll burn more calories eating it). Try drinking only water..When you want to snack have fruit of some kind. Only eat when you’re hungry….and finish eating when you’re full. Try jogging around to get places….

All of these kind of things are helpful. If you just google diet tips you’ll find lots.

But you have to have a sensible diet to lose fat properly. Your body has to be getting enough calories so that it doesnt start breaking down you’re muscle & burning that off for energy at a higher % than it does fat. Muscle loss is very bad on a diet, muscle is a big part of what determines the rate at which you burn calories….you’re metabolism. So lose muscle = lose fat slower…will have a negative effect on your bodys appearance also as i say. You get the idea, hope that helps.

Sandy asks…

Why did I lose weight fast in the last 2 weeks?

I started my diet about 2 or 3 months ago, at first I lost weight so fast but then I started losing weight so slowly (less than 1 pound a week), but in the last 2 weeks I lost 7 pounds and I’m wondering why I lost it so fast.I’m working out less than I used to, and I’m eating the same as I used to

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are female, was the week that you lost weight slowly around your time of month? If so, you may have been retaining water that week that you lost quickly over the next two weeks—likely not all of that was water weight, but some of it may have been.

Otherwise, perhaps it was triggered by the change in your exercise habits. Your body may have noticed it was losing fat quickly and—concerned it wasn’t getting enough calories to sustain itself—slowed itself. When you stopped working out and consequently started using fewer calories, your body may have relaxed.

Joseph asks…

How can I lose weight in 4 weeks?

I am about 5’5, and weigh 198 lbs. I was wondering if anyone knew what size I may wear If i weighed 130-145 … Also , i have hips and am very curvy, with a cup size of 38DD. If you saw me now, you wouldnt believe that i weighed so much.

Also, how can I lose the weight in 4 weeks. i am very determined to get rid of this horrible fat.

weight loss cardiff answers:

This tips is long but it help me a lot i hope it help u too!

Cardio exercise and eating breakfast fruits, whole grain cereals and egg-white are great options help boost metabolism which help lose weight faster & burn more calories so eat egg in every morning omelet or boiled get protein which important for your body for losing weight
stay way from junk food, fries

Do 30 minutes of cardio training [dancing, jogging, aerobics, yoga , running, bicycle, swimming, kick boxing … ] and 30 minutes of strength train [weights, arms, setup, crunches for abs, legs workout and stretches]
workout 3-6 times on week. 30min or 1-2 hours

# Walk 30 minutes a day – no excuses
# dont set watch TV or computer more than 2 hours stay active.
# Be aware when you eating dont eat front TV, Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly
# Restock your kitchen with healthy food
# dont skip meals eat every 4 hours & eat 3 healthy small meals & 2 healthy snacks instead 3 big meals
# Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly, chew more!
# Reduce portions by using smaller plates & bowls (9 inch diameter instead of 11+ inch)
# Eat 9 handfuls of vegetables more than fruits each day also eat 1 small handful nuts
# you have to learn about calories you should take, look & learn label on sodium,sugar,fat,carb,calorie and read ingredients
# Avoid trans fat in label (Avoid partially hydrogenated oils,Shortening, palm kernel oil and coconut oil) and saturated fats at all cost
# Avoid white food such as enriched wheat flour/white flour (white bread and rice, potatoes,white starches – white pasta, crackers, cakes,donuts,pizza ,and simple sugar, including high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, sugar, sugar. The #1 killer for trying to lose belly fat, get a 6 pack, or achieving that flat, tight, sexy stomach. Avoid high fat foods (butter,margarine, cheese, milk ) go for low fat
try to avoid processed or refined carbohydrates
# Drink one or two glasses of water before a meal to help fill you stomach with fewer food calories
# Eat less fat ,sugar and your sodium (salt) recommends less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily—that’s about 1 teaspoon of salt. Our bodies’ needs (about 1,500 milligrams) .
#Fifteen percent of your calories should come from protein, 25 to 35 percent from fat and the rest from carbohydrates.
# Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, legumes, fish and lean meat should all be incorporated into your diet.
# Soybean, canola, olive, safflower, sunflower and corn oil are all healthy oils you should use when cooking and preparing foods.
Also, cooking medium heat is ideal but oil alone is not recommended.
# All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables and greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables (dark leafy greens—good; corn–not so good), beans (all of them), and fruit (apples, pears, peaches, and berries have a lower GI than tropical fruits, like papaya and mangoes).
# Complex Carbohydrates
* Whole grains, pastas and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, millet, barley, kasha, cornmeal, polenta, etc.
# Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed time & dont eat carbs on dinner and sleep night 8 hours,
# Fill up 25-30 grams of fiber.
#Drink plenty of water before, during & after workout it increase your muscle tone is also important to lose weight keep hydrated, drink 8 glasses of water
# dont eat under than 1,200 calories
# if you take in more calories than you burn through daily activity and exercise you’ll gain weight__regardless of whether those calories come from “good” natural foods or “bad” processed meals. It’s that simple: Eat less exercise more,
Best Fats; Monounsaturated Fat Foods
* Avocado * Oil (canola, olive, peanut, sesame) * Olives (all)
* Nuts * Peanut butter, old-fashioned * Sesame seeds

Good Fats: Polyunsaturated Fat Foods
* Margarine (first ingredient is polyunsaturated oil)
* Mayonnaise (regular or reduced-fat)
* Nuts (walnuts) * Poultry
* Oil (corn, safflower, soybean, cottonseed)
* Salad dressing (regular & reduced-fat)
* Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) * Liquid Vegetable Oil * Eggs * Meat

Bad Fats:Saturated Fats ( no more than 7% saturated fats)
* Bacon & bacon grease * Cheese * Milk
* Butter (stick, whipped, reduced-fat) * Eggs
* Coconut Oil * Cream * Cream cheese
* Ice cream * Lard & salt pork * Palm kernel oil * Cocoa Butter

Bad Fats: Trans Fats (no more than 1% trans fats)
look in ingredients Partially Hydrogenated Fats or Shortening
* Margarine (stick) * Nondairy creamers * Baked Goods
* Fired Foods * Also Found in Naturally In Meat & Dairy Products In Small Amount

Powered by Yahoo! Answers

Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

How can I easily lose weight?

I’m 5’4
125 lbs
and i want to lose the most weight on my legs
I am willing to do do just about anything, except entiely starve myself

but I want to be alot skinnier

weight loss cardiff answers:

This tips is long but it help me a lot i hope it help u too!

Cardio exercise and eating breakfast fruits, whole grain cereals and egg-white are great options help boost metabolism which help lose weight faster & burn more calories so eat egg in every morning omelet or boiled get protein which important for your body for losing weight
stay way from junk food, fries

Do 30 minutes of cardio training [dancing, jogging, aerobics, yoga , running, bicycle, swimming, kick boxing … ] and 30 minutes of strength train [weights, arms, setup, crunches for abs, legs workout and stretches]
workout 3-6 times on week. 30min or 1-2 hours

# Walk 30 minutes a day – no excuses
# dont set watch TV or computer more than 2 hours stay active.
# Be aware when you eating dont eat front TV, Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly
# Restock your kitchen with healthy food
# dont skip meals eat every 4 hours & eat 3 healthy small meals & 2 healthy snacks instead 3 big meals
# Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly, chew more!
# Reduce portions by using smaller plates & bowls (9 inch diameter instead of 11+ inch)
# Eat 9 handfuls of vegetables more than fruits each day also eat 1 small handful nuts
# you have to learn about calories you should take, look & learn label on sodium,sugar,fat,carb,calorie and read ingredients
# Avoid trans fat in label (Avoid partially hydrogenated oils,Shortening, palm kernel oil and coconut oil) and saturated fats at all cost
# Avoid white food such as enriched wheat flour/white flour (white bread and rice, potatoes,white starches – white pasta, crackers, cakes,donuts,pizza ,and simple sugar, including high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, sugar, sugar. The #1 killer for trying to lose belly fat, get a 6 pack, or achieving that flat, tight, sexy stomach. Avoid high fat foods (butter,margarine, cheese, milk ) go for low fat
try to avoid processed or refined carbohydrates
# Drink one or two glasses of water before a meal to help fill you stomach with fewer food calories
# Eat less fat ,sugar and your sodium (salt) recommends less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily—that’s about 1 teaspoon of salt. Our bodies’ needs (about 1,500 milligrams) .
#Fifteen percent of your calories should come from protein, 25 to 35 percent from fat and the rest from carbohydrates.
# Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, legumes, fish and lean meat should all be incorporated into your diet.
# Soybean, canola, olive, safflower, sunflower and corn oil are all healthy oils you should use when cooking and preparing foods.
Also, cooking medium heat is ideal but oil alone is not recommended.
# All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables and greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables (dark leafy greens—good; corn–not so good), beans (all of them), and fruit (apples, pears, peaches, and berries have a lower GI than tropical fruits, like papaya and mangoes).
# Complex Carbohydrates
* Whole grains, pastas and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, millet, barley, kasha, cornmeal, polenta, etc.
# Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed time & dont eat carbs on dinner and sleep night 8 hours,
# Fill up 25-30 grams of fiber.
#Drink plenty of water before, during & after workout it increase your muscle tone is also important to lose weight keep hydrated, drink 8 glasses of water
# dont eat under than 1,200 calories
# if you take in more calories than you burn through daily activity and exercise you’ll gain weight__regardless of whether those calories come from “good” natural foods or “bad” processed meals. It’s that simple: Eat less exercise more,
Best Fats; Monounsaturated Fat Foods
* Avocado * Oil (canola, olive, peanut, sesame) * Olives (all)
* Nuts * Peanut butter, old-fashioned * Sesame seeds

Good Fats: Polyunsaturated Fat Foods
* Margarine (first ingredient is polyunsaturated oil)
* Mayonnaise (regular or reduced-fat)
* Nuts (walnuts) * Poultry
* Oil (corn, safflower, soybean, cottonseed)
* Salad dressing (regular & reduced-fat)
* Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) * Liquid Vegetable Oil * Eggs * Meat

Bad Fats:Saturated Fats ( no more than 7% saturated fats)
* Bacon & bacon grease * Cheese * Milk
* Butter (stick, whipped, reduced-fat) * Eggs
* Coconut Oil * Cream * Cream cheese
* Ice cream * Lard & salt pork * Palm kernel oil * Cocoa Butter

Bad Fats: Trans Fats (no more than 1% trans fats)
look in ingredients Partially Hydrogenated Fats or Shortening
* Margarine (stick) * Nondairy creamers * Baked Goods
* Fired Foods * Also Found in Naturally In Meat & Dairy Products In Small Amount

Nancy asks…

Losing weight???

i am 5’7″ and weigh 10 stone (also im 19 yr old female) i want to get down to 8 stone….. a few questions:

will 8 stone be too skinny? im slim now but want to lose some weight

and what is the quickest way to lose weight?

thanks guys
whats the ideal weight for my height??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Check your bmi

first off – if you are thin – & your height/weight sounds proportionate to me – losing 2 stone would be mad!! I am 2 inches shorter than you and weigh 9st 9 & am a size 8-10.

To maintain your current weight you should eat 2000kcals per day. So to lose weight you need to restrict this to 1500kcals. But make sure you eat no less than 1500kcals as this will slow your metabolism & you won’t lose anything.
If you are restricting your diet it’s also a good idea to take a multivitamin to ensure you are getting all your vital nutrients.

If you cut your cals back to 1500 per day & do exercise 2-3 times per week you will lose 1-3lbs per week easily.

Drink plently of water, try & increase the amount of fruit & veg you eat & swap white bread for brown bread, full cream milk to skimmed milk etc.

Personally i don’t think you need to lose anything – you might just need to tone up what you have already – i would recommend a class called body pump – this uses weights to tone you up & burn lots of calories ( – give your local gym a call to see if they run it. I did this class twice a week & could see big difference fast!!

Donald asks…

Losing Weight?

how can i lose weight off my face easily


weight loss cardiff answers:

Not everyone can get plastic surgery.
It’s expensive and not every one is over age.
I honestly think though losing weight off your face comes with losing weight everywhere.
Notice how someone you havn’t seen in a loooong time loses ALOT of weight from their face and all?
Doubt they did face exercises, because i don’t think their is such a thing.
I may be wrong.
But I have just never heard of such a thing:)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

How can I lose a little weight easily?

I want to lose a little weight, and my mom won’t give me any money for anything like weights and stuff. I can’t go outside because it’s really cold and I don’t want to really diet. I eat kinda healthy and I do have P.E. in school but it will soon be over. How can I lose weight quickly and without starving myself. If you don’t know please don’t make any stupid comments. P.S. – I’m trying to lose between 10-12 pounds. Thanks:)

weight loss cardiff answers:

This tips is long but it help me a lot i hope it help u too!

Cardio exercise and eating breakfast fruits, whole grain cereals and egg-white are great options help boost metabolism which help lose weight faster & burn more calories so eat egg in every morning omelet or boiled get protein which important for your body for losing weight
stay way from junk food, fries

Do 30 minutes of cardio training [dancing, jogging, aerobics, yoga , running, bicycle, swimming, kick boxing … ] and 30 minutes of strength train [weights, arms, setup, crunches for abs, legs workout and stretches]
workout 3-6 times on week. 30min or 1-2 hours

# Walk 30 minutes a day – no excuses
# dont set watch TV or computer more than 2 hours stay active.
# Be aware when you eating dont eat front TV, Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly
# Restock your kitchen with healthy food
# dont skip meals eat every 4 hours & eat 3 healthy small meals & 2 healthy snacks instead 3 big meals
# Eat when you are hungry & eat slowly, chew more!
# Reduce portions by using smaller plates & bowls (9 inch diameter instead of 11+ inch)
# Eat 9 handfuls of vegetables more than fruits each day also eat 1 small handful nuts
# you have to learn about calories you should take, look & learn label on sodium,sugar,fat,carb,calorie and read ingredients
# Avoid trans fat in label (Avoid partially hydrogenated oils,Shortening, palm kernel oil and coconut oil) and saturated fats at all cost
# Avoid white food such as enriched wheat flour/white flour (white bread and rice, potatoes,white starches – white pasta, crackers, cakes,donuts,pizza ,and simple sugar, including high fructose corn syrup. Sugar, sugar, sugar. The #1 killer for trying to lose belly fat, get a 6 pack, or achieving that flat, tight, sexy stomach. Avoid high fat foods (butter,margarine, cheese, milk ) go for low fat
try to avoid processed or refined carbohydrates
# Drink one or two glasses of water before a meal to help fill you stomach with fewer food calories
# Eat less fat ,sugar and your sodium (salt) recommends less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily—that’s about 1 teaspoon of salt. Our bodies’ needs (about 1,500 milligrams) .
#Fifteen percent of your calories should come from protein, 25 to 35 percent from fat and the rest from carbohydrates.
# Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nonfat dairy, legumes, fish and lean meat should all be incorporated into your diet.
# Soybean, canola, olive, safflower, sunflower and corn oil are all healthy oils you should use when cooking and preparing foods.
Also, cooking medium heat is ideal but oil alone is not recommended.
# All fresh vegetables and fruits, such as green leafy vegetables and greens, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables (dark leafy greens—good; corn–not so good), beans (all of them), and fruit (apples, pears, peaches, and berries have a lower GI than tropical fruits, like papaya and mangoes).
# Complex Carbohydrates
* Whole grains, pastas and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, millet, barley, kasha, cornmeal, polenta, etc.
# Stop eating 2-3 hours before bed time & dont eat carbs on dinner and sleep night 8 hours,
# Fill up 25-30 grams of fiber.
#Drink plenty of water before, during & after workout it increase your muscle tone is also important to lose weight keep hydrated, drink 8 glasses of water
# dont eat under than 1,200 calories
# if you take in more calories than you burn through daily activity and exercise you’ll gain weight__regardless of whether those calories come from “good” natural foods or “bad” processed meals. It’s that simple: Eat less exercise more,
Best Fats; Monounsaturated Fat Foods
* Avocado * Oil (canola, olive, peanut, sesame) * Olives (all)
* Nuts * Peanut butter, old-fashioned * Sesame seeds

Good Fats: Polyunsaturated Fat Foods
* Margarine (first ingredient is polyunsaturated oil)
* Mayonnaise (regular or reduced-fat)
* Nuts (walnuts) * Poultry
* Oil (corn, safflower, soybean, cottonseed)
* Salad dressing (regular & reduced-fat)
* Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) * Liquid Vegetable Oil * Eggs * Meat

Bad Fats:Saturated Fats ( no more than 7% saturated fats)
* Bacon & bacon grease * Cheese * Milk
* Butter (stick, whipped, reduced-fat) * Eggs
* Coconut Oil * Cream * Cream cheese
* Ice cream * Lard & salt pork * Palm kernel oil * Cocoa Butter

Bad Fats: Trans Fats (no more than 1% trans fats)
look in ingredients Partially Hydrogenated Fats or Shortening
* Margarine (stick) * Nondairy creamers * Baked Goods
* Fired Foods * Also Found in Naturally In Meat & Dairy Products In Small Amount

Laura asks…

How can I lose a lot of weight easily?

Hi I’m 13 and I have been trying to get rid of my fat I’m 158 and I am 5’3 , my Bm is around 73 and I really want to lose 20-25 pounds within a few months. Is this possible and if it is how do I without counting stupid calories, can I just workout hard eat healthy foods and drink water and lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The answer to your question is yes, you can work out hard and eat healthy foods to lose weight.

What I recommend is first figuring out how many calories you should be eating per day to lose 2 pounds per week. This is the safe amount of weight you can lose per week while dieting and exercising.

After you figure out how much you should be eating in calories then start eating healthier foods and don’t consume past the amount of calories you should be eating.

Then start exercising. If you don’t want to go to the gym there is many free resources such as that will let you work out from home for free.

Lastly, stay dedicated. Losing weight is not an easy task. It all comes down to dedication and discipline. The only one that can do it is you, so you have to believe in yourself. For some people reading a inspiration quote everyday helps them, others focusing on the long term goal of being who they want to be / looking how they want to look is enough.

Sounds like you already know the recipe, so it’s time to dedicate yourself.

Good luck!

Robert asks…

lose weight?

im way to big haha. im 21 6’0 298 and am down from 320 (since january 29). Im an ex athlete (meaning i use to play sports) i do Brazilian Jujitsu which has a great deal of grappling with MMA fighters lasts about 2-3 hours. my ideal weight would be 205 (im fairly muscular especially in the legs chest and shoulders) What kind of cardio workouts would be best to take off the weight and build up my cardio which despite my weight is really good. Any lifting techniques for losing weight or MMA would be great

questions i realize i gave alot

1-what kind of cardio is best for losing weight i.e running on a tredmill, outside running, how far, how long

2-weight lifting to lose weight what workouts work

3-what workouts, lifting, cardio are good for MMA

4-what diet is good for weight loss?

5-what ab workouts are good?

6-any good workout video’s?

weight loss cardiff answers:

So you wanna lose weight??? Then i have the solution!!! Try it!!!

Aah…just forget about what all say…like ” go on diet….” “eat less food” bla bla bla!!! Just try out the world’s best solution that is Eat more,lose more!!!

Haha i am not joking..try this out!!


( ! ) Don’t starve yourself.

Lowering your calorie intake will make your body reduce the rate at which it changes calories into energy. In other words, reducing calorie intake slows down your metabolism and holds onto your fat. Starving yourself will actually make it harder for you to lose weight. Food is fuel or energy and when you skip meals, you are not working on energy hat can be burned off. As a defense mechanism, your body clings to calories and slows down your weight loss.

(2) Get a breakfast boost.

Connie Dickman, a registered dietician and nutritionist advises not to skip breakfast. According to her, breakfast gives you energy so that you are not starving as the day go on. When you skip breakfast, you become so hungry that you eat more than you should or eat the wrong foods.

(3) Eat complex carbohydrates.

Practice eating complex carbohydrates rather than simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are found in food such as candy, cereal, softdrinks and ice cream. They are easily absorbed by the body and they stick to the ribs, according to weight loss specialist Dr. Daisy Merey. Simple carbohydrates have a tendency to make you store more fat.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates which are found in pastas, potatoes, beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits contain “good” calories that are easily burned.. In switching from a meat-based diet to the one tat is starch-based, you get the same amount of food with only 25% of the calories, says John McDougall, M.D., Director of the McDougall Program at St. Helena Hospital.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, which are high in complex carbohydrates. You will eat more, but you will lose more, because the feeling of fullness will hinder you from eating high-fat foods that make you gain weight.

(4) Eat Fiber.

Kristine Clark, the Director of Sports Nutrition at Penn State University says that eating high-fiber foods can help people keep their weight under control. Because foods hat are rich in fiber help people to slow down their eating and foods that are high in fiber contain less fat and sugar.

According to Nutrition experts, one should eat 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber a day. There are two kinds of fiber in foods. The soluble and the insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers are those that dissolve and thicken in water. Foods that contain soluble fibers include broccoli, zucchini, barley, oat bran, beans and citrus fruits.

Insoluble fibers include skins of fruits and vegetables and the external coatings of wheat kernel.

Fiber is an essential ingredient in one’s diet because the insoluble form prevents constipation. Studies revealed that the soluble fibers play an important role in reducing cholesterol.

(5) Drink water.

Water helps the body break down fat and process waste according to Dr. Denise Bruner, a Virginia bariatrician, describing how water as part of her diet, helped her to shed 62 pounds. One should drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day.

(6) Exercise and be active in household work.

T o exercise is one of the best ways to maintain your weight down. Exercise helps you to burn calories. According to Franca Alphin, Nutrition Director at Duke University Diet and Fitness Center in North Carolina, “You can lose weight without exercising, but you won’t maintain the weight loss.” Exercise may not be a major player in weight loss, but it is the number one player in preventing weight gain,” says Jack H. Gilmore, Ph. D.

Inactivity burns fewer calories each day, which are stored as fat. Daniel Kosich, Ph. D., the author of Get Real: A Personal Guide to Real-Life Weight Management and an advisor to Jane Fonda Workouts, says regular activity is a critical part of successful weight loss. It doesn’t have to be a strenuous workout. You can burn calories just by doing ordinary chores such as gardening and housework. “Pushing a mop or vacuum across the floor increases your heart rate and creates resistance ,” says Barbara Baldwin, Information Services Director for the American Running and Fitness Association in Maryland.

“Raking leaves, stroveling snow, sanding, painting and waxing the car are calorie burners.”

According to Laura Gladwin, California-based exercise physiologist, gardening is a great exercise because weeding, pruning and planting require bending and stretching. “You will burn 1,000 calories by doing three-and-a-half hours of garden or yard work in a week,” she says.

Ellen F., a crafter in Coral Springs, Fl, found out that dieting wasn’t enough to help her shed 20 pounds of excess weight.. She joined a low-impact aerobics class at her community center. By doing aerobics excercises for an hour, three times a week, she lost 20 pounds much quicker than simply dieting.

Walking is one of the healthiest, easiest and cheapest form of exercise. Stroll briskly through a park or around your neighborhood. Walking will be more pleasurable if you do it with a friend..

Suzanne Rossa, an exercise physiologist at Good Samaritan Health and Wellness Center in West Palm Beach Florida says, “Aerobics excercises improves your circulation , increases blood flow,allow you to have a better blood pressure and decreases the amount of fatty substances in your bloodstream.”

(7) Build muscle.

Tufts University studies revealed that strength training – the kind that builds muscle will raise your metabolic rate, which enable you to burn calories. Strength training does not always follow that your muscles will grow bigger but they will certainly grow stronger.

Daniel Kosich in his book, A Personal Guide to Real Life Weight Management says, “when you make muscles stronger, they burn more calories. That means that for each pound of muscle you build with strength excercises, you burn 20 to 30 calories a day from your resting energy output or about 7,300 calories a year. You can strength train by using machines and free weights such as barbells.

(8) Follow the Pyramid.

The American Diatetic Association recommends a food guide pyramid that serves as a general list of healthful foods that must be eaten daily. The pyramid has four levels. The top of the pyramid is the smallest part , represents fats, oils and sweets. This group includes salad dressings, butter, ice cream, softdrinks, candies and desserts and foods that has very little nutritional value and can make your calories add up to.

At level two of the pyramid are the milk, yogurt, cheese group, meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts. These foods provide you with protein, calcium, iron and zinc.. ADA recommends two to three servings daily of this group.

The third level represents the vegetable and fruit groups, which are good sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. ADA recommends three to five servings daily of this group.

At the base of the pyramid are the bread, cereal, rice and pasta. ADA recommends 6 to 11 servings of this group. These foods are source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals

(9) Stop taking the following food.

ALCOHOL : a 12-ounce can or bottle of beer contains 150 calories. An

Alcoholic beverage can add 100 to 200 calories to your meal.

Alcohol is stored in the liver as fat.

COCONUT : An ounce of raw coconut contains 100 calories, around 77%

Of which is saturated fat.


They are full of simple carbohydrates, which means they are

High in sugar and fats. The main fat in chocolate is cocoa

butter which is approximately 60% saturated fat.


Whole milk has high content of fat.

SUGAR : Softdrinks has very high sugar content.

MARGARINES : Contain hydrogenated vegetable oils.

This article is an excerpt from the book : EAT MORE, LOSE MORE.

Hope this helps!!!

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