Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

Could i feed my bearded dragon on a worm only diet instead of worms and crickets?

of course his vegetables as well

weight loss cardiff answers:

No you shouldn’t because worms may not contain as much calcium. You must supply them with a varied diet. However, their staple non vegetarian food should be crickets. Make sure you dust them with calcium powder. The worms should be fed sparingly, and always feed your beardie with appropriate sized crickets.(no bigger than the space between their eyes). Also once your bearded dragon is at least 2 years old you could feed him pinky mice if you want.(no need to calcium dust it). Feeding them mice is not really recommended though. Remember, younger beardies eat more nonveg than veg, and older beardies eat more veg than nonveg.

Carol asks…

Is the diet of worms a good way to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes it is and I shall not recant what I said.

James asks…

what is the diet of worms?

my teacher gave us a proyect of martiin luther! and i dont understand anything tha happens in th diet of worms and later! help mee!
the diet of worms of Martin Luther

is no a diet of worms! is called like that

weight loss cardiff answers:

Dirt, decomposing matter. Basically worms are the decomposers of the food chain

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

What happened at the Diet of Worms in 1521?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet of Worms was the most famous of the imperial diets held at Worms, Germany. It was opened in Jan., 1521, by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. After disposing of other business, notably the question of the Reichsregiment, the diet took up the question of the recalcitrant behavior of Martin Luther. Charles was induced to summon Luther, who arrived at Worms under a safe-conduct on Apr. 16. At the diet Luther was asked if he would retract his teachings condemned by the pope. After a day’s meditation he refused. For a week various theologians argued with him, but he would not retire from his ground. According to tradition Luther ended his defense on Apr. 18 with the words, “Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. God help me. Amen.” Finally, on Apr. 26, the emperor, seeing that the dispute was fruitless, ordered Luther to leave the city. He was formally declared an outlaw in the Edict of Worms (May 25); the lines of the Reformation were thereby hardened.

Lisa asks…

what was martin luther (not king jr.) accused of at the diet of worms?

i know he was accused of being a heretic, but my teacher said he was also accused of other things.. but i cant find anything else.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet of Worms resulted in the Edict of Worms. This Edict, issued by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, condemned Martin Luther as a heretic and it authorizes the censoring of Luther’s work, making Luther’s writings illegal to read or have, as well as, the arrest of Martin Luther. Due to a number of circumstances, it was not really enforced.

Betty asks…

besides giving the speech ath the diet of worms, what else did martin luther do during the reformation period?

weight loss cardiff answers:

He translated the Bible into German, continued to be a professor of Theology at the University of Wittenburg, he wrote a bunch of letters and books, hosted many parties at his house for his friends (They were the talk of the town, or the country I should say! People from all over Europe would come to his house just to have dinner with him and participate in his evening sing-alongs!), got married and fathered six children, wrote a lot of beautiful poetry and hymns including “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” and “Dear Christians, one and all, Rejoice” (My personal favorite!). Basically, he got on the Pope’s nerves a lot, and led many out of the dark into the Light of Christ.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

What year was the Diet of Worms?

And what was it about?

weight loss cardiff answers:

1521. Start of the reformation.

John asks…

Spiritually speaking, how would you feel if you were on a “diet of worms”?

Like Martin Luther, he was on a diet of worms.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Aside from a sense of humor, you would also be missing most of the food groups.

Steven asks…

What happened to Martin Luther in the diet of worms?

please help mee

weight loss cardiff answers:

He got trashed by the big boys, and anybody who backed him up in the future would get trashed too.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

what happened at the diet of worms?

Who was involved in it and what was the result of the meeting?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will probably get the best information by websearching it in German, as ‘Reichstag Zu Wurms’ (although it is sometimes also spelled ‘Worms’ even in German).

Here is a link to a very informative radio programme, from the UK, where several prominent academics meet to discuss important historical events:

David asks…

need help with martin luthurs diet of worms speech?

i need to find 3 quotes: 1- that explains his stance on false doctorine 1- that explains his stance on scandoulous examples 1- to explain his stance on irregular lives plz plz help i have writers block and stuck 🙁 PLZ!

weight loss cardiff answers:


Mark asks…

Why is the Diet of Worms famous in this history of reformation?

Involving Martin luther

weight loss cardiff answers:

I hope some of this helps

The Reformation.

“It appealed to the deepest devotional traditions of the Middle Ages, and it rode on a wave of a religious revival which affected not just the scholars but the masses.” Norman Davies.

It was started by men who were trying to keep the Catholic Church in one piece, who were trying their hardest to clean up the Church, when one part of the movement started to break away.

“What started as a broad religious revival gradually divided into two separate and hostile movements, later known as the Catholic Reformation and the Protestant Reformation.”

Blatant decadence in the Church had reached outrageous proportions. Europe was full of stories about Papal nepotism, promiscuous priests, simoniacal bishops, and most of all, the shear wealth of the Church.

The “harbinger of things to come” was Savonarola, (1452-98). He started a revolt in the 1490’s which, temporarily, drove the Medici from Florence, for which he was burned at the stake.. In Spain, the new school of theology at the University of Alcala produced the Polyglot Bible (1510-20). This religious revival coincided with a low point in the churches reputation.

In 1509, Rome was visited by the young Martin Luther who was shocked to the core at what he saw, and within ten years he found himself at the head of the “Protestant” revolt. Friar Johann Tetzel’s sale of indulgences in Germany brought things to a head, the Elector of Saxony, who was Luther’s Prince had banned Tetzl from selling indulgences in his territory. Tradition insists that it was on 31st October 1517, Halloween, or more correctly, All Saints Eve, that he nailed his 95 Thesis , or arguments against indulgences to the door of the Church at Wittenberg, thereby challenging Tetzel’s theological credentials. The Protestant Reformation snowballed from there.

Luther was excommunicated in June !520. He was the summoned to appear, under safe conduct, at the Imperial Diet at Worms by the Emperor Charles V in 1521. The Elector of Saxony spirited him away and hid him at Wartburg Castle. However, the ban pronounced by The Diet could not be enforced, this protest was turning into rebellion. Two outbreaks of dissent occurred in Germany, in 1522-3 the Imperial Knights, “feud”, and the Peasants War of 1524-5, the later of which Luther opposed, it ended with the slaughter of peasants.

The ideological revolt led by Luther took more definite shape during three latter sessions of the Imperial Diet. ( At Speyer in 1526, where they managed to insert the clause for princely liberty in religion, forerunner of the formula, “Cuius regio eius religio” (whoever rules has the right to determine religion.), again at Speyer in 1529, where the name Protestant come from, and at Augsberg 1530-31.( Check up on these dates, my notes are hazy.). The Protestant princess formed the armed League of Schmalkalden and from there the two, “camps”, were clearly defined.

Meanwhile other protests were taking place elsewhere in Europe, Zwingli (1484-1531) in Switzerland, (He was killed in a war against the five Catholic forest cantons that had split the Swiss Confederation. ) Karlstadt quarrelled with Luther and went to Basel. Muentzer((*)) (1490-1525) finished up being executed at Mulhausen, in Thuringia during the Peasants War. The first Christian fundamentalists, the Anabaptists, were a disgruntled set of Swiss Zwinglians. And were persecuted by Protestants and Catholics alike. They recovered as Mennonites.

The English Reformation was more politically driven. Henry VIII, initially because of the refusal of the Pope to grant him a divorce, and after previously denouncing Luther, had little religious motivation, but he gained a great deal of support from Parliament, and “immense material advantage”, by attacking the Church’s privileges and wealth.

1532 The Act of Annates cut financial payments to Rome.
1533 The Act of Appeals curtailed Rome’s ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
1534 The Act of Supremacy abolished Papal authority, making the King, Supreme Head of the Church of England.

“The direct association of Church and State, later called Erastianism, brought Anglicanism closer to Orthodox than to Catholic practice.”

Jean Calvin, (1509-64) was persuaded to take control of the church in Geneva in 1541, at the second attempt. Calvin founded the most widely influential branch of Protestantism, however, in matters of toleration he was no more flexible than the Inquisition or Henry VIII. (See the case of, “Servetus” (1511-1553)).

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