Mary asks…
Is walking a good method of losing weight?
I am 17, overweight and i have type 2 diabetes. I want to lose weight and improve my sugar levels as well (my levels have always been too high). I want to begin doing regular exercise that i can keep up with and that will help me lose weight. Is walking an effective way of losing weight?
weight loss cardiff answers:
Losing weight should not be a stressful situation; instead it should be seen as an accomplishment. Remember, every body has to go through some sort of weight loss stress in their life, even though if that person seems to have the perfect body. It’s in our nature to think about our looks, weight, and striving to be the very best there is. The overall statement is to never give up, even if the number on the scale doesn’t go down, or if it stays the same, or if you can’t lose a good average of lbs that week. Try out different kinds of quick weight lose plans out there, surely you’ll find one that will fulfill your schedule. The only way to losing weight is doing something about it, so get up from the seat your in right now and start shedding those pounds.
David asks…
Need help losing weight?
I want to lose weight real fast and I wanna lose 25 pounds right now I’m 140 sadly, is there a fast to loose weight, in 4 weeks ? I tried many methods too like working out, drink a lot of water, jogging I just wanna know if there is a faster secret to loosing weight. Please help me
weight loss cardiff answers:
Losing weight is essential in your case but being healthy is very important than losing weight. So, you should not take all the steps. You can gradually decrease your eating levels.
1. Do not eat full stomach.
2. Avoid eating meat, prefer vegetables. Its proved.
3. Drink plenty of water. You are doing this but make it as a serious habit. Take lukewarm water once you wake up. Add lemon to your water, take lemon juice. Take warm water whenever possible.
4.Don’t be idle in a place for a long time If you take water, you won’t be idle in place for long time.
5.Avoid Junk foods, and full meals. Split your meal into several parts.
6.Do not sleep immediately after your meal.
7.If you need to see results in 4 weeks, then try to take fruits and fat free milk for breakfast and dinner. Eat your lunch heavily. Or take healthy breakfast and vice-versa.
8. Walk more, use staircase.
You can take weight losing medicines but it should be properly guided and it shouldn’t affect you. You can try the fat burning dieting which can help out here. I’m trying these steps for the past 3 weeks and have reduced 5 kgs without any workouts. So lose weight healthily. If you are doing workout then it adds more value and you can burnout soon.
You can try slimming Products too which works well for many people but do it with confidence and good effort.
All the best and all is well.
Sandy asks…
If I lose weight..?
OKay well I am 13 years old and I wanna lose weight.
I have D cup size boobs.
Now, everyone thinks because I wanna looe weight by working out at the gym and stuff that I am gonna lose my boobs.
Is it always nessecarily true that if you workout and lose weight EVERYONE loses their boobs? because last year i was bigger and a C and this year I am thinner and almost a Double D.
So, it is possible to lose weight without loosing your boobs right?
weight loss cardiff answers:
People lose weight in different places. I know lots of girls who lost weight and their boobs stayed the same, or looked bigger cuz their bodies were smaller. I do lose in my boobs when i lose weight, but you have Ds so even if they did go down a bit, theyd still be good sized. No matter what, youll look better if you tone up and build muscle. Dont worry about losing weight so much though- and DO NOT get wierd about eating- once you start, its really hard to not think about it. I’m 22 and still find myself obsessing over my body. Its no way to live. Love yourself for who you are!
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