Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

What are the best weight loss tips ?

I want to know what are the best weight loss tips ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

0- Stay Motivated
1- Eat early
2- Drinking Green Tea
3- Eat Lesser Meals During the Day
4- Cut the Sweets and Refined Carbs
5- Drink More Water
6- Get pleasure from Your Exercises

Nancy asks…

What is your best weight loss tip?

I have been dieting and I have lost a few pound. Instead of fitting into a size 9, I’ve gone down into fitting into the size 2-5 range but I still have a bit of belly fat I want to get rid of 🙂

My best tip is to work out 4-5 times a week and focus on aerobics for at least 45 minutes.

What are some weight loss tips that have really worked for you guys? I though it’d be really interesting to see what else works for others.

weight loss cardiff answers:

K don’t change what u eat but eat smaller portions
look at everything in the nutrition facts

Lizzie asks…

what are good weight loss tips?

i eat pretty healthy, excersise a lot… go to the gym and work out, and i dance but does anyone have weight loss tips please? like how to get nicer abs too?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have lost weight by cutting down servings, not going back for seconds and giving up sweets and less carbs. Drink more water and less or no sweet drinks. My activity includes walking 3 or 4 days a week along with other activities and sports which include exercise. I did not lose fast but in 2 months about 7 pounds. Good luck and stay with it.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…


I need to lose 5-8lbs in 3 days to fit into a dress for my sister’s wedding..I know that i should not eat any starches or drink coke, and workout for 30 minutes but is there any other tips yall can give me to lose it faster..thank-you sooooooo much for the help

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yeah you can lose water weight. Take Diuretics for the next few days. Drink lots of water (seems contradictory, i know… But water willl flush through your system and clean you out) Do lots of cardio with layers on. Wear like 3 sweatshirts and go running. Try to sweat A LOT. Also, dont eat any carbs or things that bloat you. Eat very tiny portions of meals with lots of protein and fiber. (like boneless skinless chicken breast with a tiny bit of gravy, or a piece of salmon)

George asks…

How to lose weight in about 3 days?

Helooo im 13 and weigh 55 kg:P im not exactly fat but im not skiinny either im about to go to spring break and see a bunch of old friends! so i want to look good when i see them because when i was friends with them i was very skinny!! PLEASE ANSWER FAST! LEAVING IN about 4 DAYS!

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

William asks…

quickest way to lose weight in 3 days?

just curious

i dont want to lose water weight i want the fat to be off but im trying to lose weight for monday

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose weight effectively, we all need to burn more calories than we consume. In case we do not do it, we are surely going to gain some unwanted fat. So in order to lose weight we all need to look at the amount of calories we consume i.e. We need to count the exact number of calories we burn.

So we need to count the amount of calories intake with a low fat diet and exercise. As you learn counting calories, it will become easier for you to lose weight. First we all must know that all men need around 2500 calories and women need 2000 calories daily as a way to maintain their current weight.

So cutting down your calories intake by 500 everyday, you are going to lose one pound in a week. And if you are able to reduce your calorie intake by 1000 every day, you are going to lose around two pounds every week. When you consume lesser calories, your body will start using the fat storage to make up for the calorie deficit. Combining exercise with your reduced calories count is the healthiest way for you to lose weight.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

George asks…

how can a kid lose 20 lbs fast?

How can a kid lose alot of weight easy without pills easily

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t click on those spam links, they are just going to hurt your computer.
I wish kids could understand how easily they can lose weight compared to when you get older. Seriously. You could go for a fast bike ride or fast-paced walk for 2 hours every day and probably lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It seems to take 6 months when you get older.
Just COMMIT. Agree that you will spend 2 hours a day exercising and you will be there in just a matter of days.

Helen asks…

Can someone help me get motivated to lose weight???? :(?

My mom is a personal trainer. When I lived with my parents, I was in perfect shape. i used to go to the gym every day and work out, play sports, etc. Well, I left for college, and now, I have stretch marks EVERYWHERE and have gained 42.6 pounds. 🙁 I can’t motivate my self to lose the weight…I can get myself motivated for a day, but when I wake up in the morning, I just forget and eat something bad. I haven’t hung out with any friends from the dorms or from high school in a year….I’ve heard from my twin sister (who is still in good shape) that they all ask if I’m pregnant or just fat when she hangs out with them. I don’t want to see anyone until I’m looking good again!! ….but it is taking so long ….its been about a year since I have seen anyone but my boyfriend & occasionally my sister or my dad. I know my friends will always love me no matter what i look like and i shouldn’t think this way, but i am just so embarrassed. I don’t have any clothes that fit me anymore either!!!! i don’t want to go shopping until i can fit in my usual sizes. I am a poor college kid struggling to survive–the last thing i want to do is spend a bunch of money on clothes and then lose weight and not be able to fit in them! I used to be so fashionable–now i only wear shorts and t-shirts and use the fact that I work with animals as an excuse. I have a gym membership. My apartment even had a 24 hour fitness center…..but I don’t go anymore. I spend all day before work looking in the mirror and being sad instead of working out :(. the worst part is, i KNOW the fat will come off very easily!!! A few months ago, I lost about 20lbs, but then my car broke down and I couldn’t get to the gym. It was FREEZING outside, so i didn’t want to run….I kept saying i would just start working out again when my car was fixed, but by that time (months later), I had gained all of the weight back. My boyfriend is one of those people that can eat ANYTHING (i.e. 10 large pizzas with double cheeseburgers on top …..7 times a day!!!! [obviously an exaggeration haha]) and won’t gain anything!!! He never works out at all either. EVER. I always ask him if he will work out and eat right with me, but he’s like “HA, YEAA RIGHT!” ….i know i shouldn’t need him to do this with me to feel motivated, but its so hard watching him eat stuff that looks so good haha, or making two seperate meals all the time, or going to the gym alone when i would rather spend time with him. Please help me….I’ll probably keep adding more details, but…..I feel like this is already annoying to read through. OH! PS. I used to have the HIGHEST self-esteem in the WORLD. …now…OBVIOUSLY i dont lol
also, i am making very reasonable goals for myself….lose a couple pounds a week….not LOSE 50 LBS IN 2 MONTHS!!!! …..I know HOW to lose weight, I just don’t feel motivated to do so…

weight loss cardiff answers:

First of all, I’ll say that you need to be happy with yourself. Even if you aren’t happy with your body right now, you can change that. If you don’t value yourself as a person beyond your current body image, it’s going to be really hard to change it.

Next, I’ll say that you’re off to a good start setting reasonable goals. Expecting fast results will just end in discouragement. It took time to gain the weight, so it’s going to take time, probably even longer, to lose it. Make sure you remember that.

What helped me, when setting goals, was tracking my progress every time I worked out. That way when I lost a pound or two, I felt good, and when I gained a pound, I realized whatever I ate/drank wasn’t worth how bad I felt about backtracking.

Make sure whatever workout plan you do is CONVENIENT. Like you said, when your car broke down, everything fell apart. Try to set a plan where you work out on days that are easy to fit in to your schedule. The most important thing is that you do it CONSISTENTLY. If you go 5 times this week, when 3 next week, sooner or later, you’ll only be going once a week, or not at all…

Obviously diet plays a big part in seeing results. When I started working out, I would finish up and be hungry, then stop at the dinning hall and get a cheeseburger and cheese fries. After a couple of days of that, I realized all the work I was doing at the gym was wiped away when I ate. You don’t have to be anarexic, but try to eat slowly start to eat healthier. Again, it doesn’t have to be all at once. Don’t throw away all the junk food in your place and buy a gallon of yougurt and bucket of granola. Just start to substitute some better foods in the unhealthier parts of your diet. And remember that just about anything is okay IN MODERATION and just about anything is bad IN EXCESS. The popular thing to do now is eat more meals, but with smaller quantities of food. It’s a good habit to get in to keep yourself full, but in moderation.

Finally, don’t quit or get discouraged when you have setbacks. It’s going to happen. Events come up where you break your diet, can’t work out, etc. If you gain a couple of pounds, use it as motivation to get back on track. And try to make it the exception, not the rule.

Good luck! I’m excited for you to get started and back on track for a healthier lifestyle!

Joseph asks…

what is the best diet for teen weight loss?

i am fifteen and a size fourteen. i want to get down to a normal size and am extremely self concious of my weight. i would like to be normal or even skinny but my parents will not let me go to the gym. what’s a good diet that will let me lose weight easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I heard that game Dance Dance revolution helps kids get in shape. Hey its fun and healthy. Oh and please answer my last Q HOW DO I LOOK.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

How to lose weight fast if you are an extremely picky eater?

I’m am 14 years old and want to lose a little weight about 10 pounds. I am an extremely picky eater so I don’t like vegetables and fruits that much and a little meat. I don’t eat seafood or Mexican food. I was wondering if anyone could help me find some good ideas of how to lose weight fast

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can’t. You can’t lose weight eating only foods you want and the list seems to include unhealthy foods only.
80% of weight loss is diet.
You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.
You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.
You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.
A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion.
I know it goes against everything you’ve heard but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take a basic daily multivitamin. Don’t look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients. Being a woman, you may want a plus iron formula.
Last, you have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the toxins it contains.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by spending my money at the grocery and gym.

Donald asks…

What is the best way to lose weight fast when you are a 13 yr old girl?

I’m 13 and i am 5’5 and about 150 lbs. I want to lose about 25-30 lbs before i spend the summer with my dad in Germany. How can i lose that weight fast? Or do you think i should just let things be and be a little chunky and curvy when i visit my dad?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There’s nothing wrong with being a little curvy, it makes you unique(: For myself, 15 and 5’6″ 123 lbs, I like to run, dance, and eat healthy. One of the best ways to lose weight to to improve your diet and keep important carbs and nutrients in your body, another great thing is exercise. Its never a bad thing to lose some weight and everyone has some they could lose.Right now I am doing lacrosse which is a super fun sport to play, and i am a dancer which keeps me in amazing shape, I also love eating fact it is better to eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
No matter if you lose the weight or not I’m sure you’re beautiful, have fun in Germany!

Mary asks…

What is the best and healthy way to lose weight fast?

I’ve heard that since I am young that I can get it off faster than someone twice my age. ( I’m 22. 🙂 ) So what can I do that is healthy, fast and actually works? I don’t want to join a gym or have to pay to lose weight. ( I might buy some vitamin pills or something along that line) But nothing that will put a hole in my pocket. I’ve tried the whole water diet. (Where you cut off the sodas and just drink water) And all I ever did was just pee alot, which got annoying. Lol. But pleeaassee! People who have lost weight, what did you do and how did you keep it off? Thank youu!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go for gradually increasing regular walks –cut excessive carbohydrates and sweets–regular eating habits and controlled sleeping hours-should help you-

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