Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

whats the best Weight loss pill?

whats the best safe weight loss pill for men

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills are a waste of money, don’t work, and some are actually bad for you.
There are a lot of scams around – please don’t fall for all the spam adverts you see.

No pill, potion or supplement will help. All you need to lose weight is a good healthy diet and exercise – it takes time 🙂

Carol asks…

safest weight loss pill?

What is the safest weight loss pill?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Never ever go for any type of Diet pills or any drug which claim that it will reduce the weight quickly. Taking Diet pills will kill u.instead u can reduce ur weight by natural way like this.
1)The very first thing u should keep in your mind and that is the extra weight u put on didn’t come in overnight so it is not possible and also unrealistic to take it off quickly. You have to show patience. Please remember learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss.
2)The 2nd important thing is that your body weight is controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day. So, if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. You can do this by becoming more physically active or by eating less.
3)The 3rd important thing is never skip ur meal or go to a crash diet. Don’t ever try to starve urself. It is very important to understand that when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet, the result is that it slows your metabolism to conserve your energy. And when you lose weight too quickly for a few days, your body thinks it is threatened with starvation and goes into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores. There fore keep in mind never try to skip ur meal, especially breakfast and always try to take food on time
4)Before starting any type of diet, weight yourself and note ur whole body measurement in a dairy. Then after every week weigh your self again and compare with earlier measurements and see how much weight u r losing. Record a goal that you can reach in one month that is 4 to 8 pounds less than you weigh now. Set a goal you know you can achieve.
Now some tips how to set ur diet plan.
5)Start taking your food with out any oil. Try to use boiled/steamed vegetables, meat, and lot of salad. U can eat fresh and raw fruits, boiled/steamed chicken or red meat too but no pork. Please note and put it in ur mind that nothing fried or oily.
6)No Junk Food, Potato & Sugar Please.
7)Drink at least 3 ltr of water daily. Make ur habit to drink water as much as u can. In this way you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. When you feel starving, drink it as much as u can. Pls remember water is a natural appetite suppressant.
8)Make you habit to use brown bread & sugar. Skimmed or low fat milk & yogurt.
9)First try to avoid any type of soft drink but if u want to taste some thing sweet then drink any soft drink (remember use regular one, no diet cola pls) once in a week
10)Make ur habit to eat once a day a vegetable soap or Thai soup (as ur dinner or lunch) But remember no corn flour in it.
11)Just look at your food portion. It is much better to eat several small meals a day (like 5-6 healthy meals a day) than eat either one or two or three huge meal a day.
12) The most important factor in any weight loss plan is how many calories you consume each day, and eating too few is the most common mistake. Divide ur diet into 5-6 healthy meals a day (1 plate size only)
13)One bowl of oatmeal can be taken as a break fast
14)Smoking & any kind of hard drink is not allowed in this diet.
15)Try to chew ur every food as much as u can, and then swallow it into ur stomach.
16)Watch out ur every drink and every single piece of ur food. Stay away from fatty foods, junk foods, synthetic foods, foods with preservatives and too much carbohydrate. Don’t try to take foods that are made of white flour for example white bread, cakes, pasta etc and food contain sugar such as cookies, ice cream, candy etc.
17)Remember after every 15 days you can take once in a while with a little treat any thing u like. But remember just a small portion. For example one small personal pizza or one small burger or small pastry.
18)Try to adopt some healthy timing. Early to rise and early to bed. No late sittings.
19)People usually want Quick and Easy result, we are all impatient. U have to be patient in terms of ur weight loss and never give up. Always keep in mind that slow and steady win the race.
20)At least take this diet for 3 to 6 months. When u feel that u have achieved ur desired weight then make this is as a Life Style change for ur entire life. Remember do not focus on just losing weight; try to concentrate on diet plan forever so that u will never have to loose weight again. Occasionally u can take junk food too.
21)You have to keep in mind that above plan is a not a quick thin program. Don’t try to deceive ur body. It will destroy your metabolism and in the future the proportion of gaining weight is much higher and easier than today.
22) Exercise: Rule-of -Thumb: remember the formula for weight loss and that is Diet= 70% Exercise= 30%. So remember exercise is must with every diet plan.. The best indoor exercise machine is tread mill. Run daily on tread mill for 30 mnts ~ one hour as per ur convenient. If you don’t have Tread Mill then best indoor

Mark asks…

Who knows about Weight Loss Pills

Whats the best weight lost pill? I need more energy, and I think I eat to much. Does anyone have any suggestions about buying pills? Or maybe something I can ask my doc about?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills can be addicting and are only a “crutch” .
Try exercising by pushing yourself away from the table .
Don’t try pills . Spend the money on good food like salads .

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

im wondering how i can lose weight effectively and eat right?

i am trying to lose weight im 5*10 190 im 19 yrs old .i want to start eating right and exercising right but i have no idea what to do . i was wondering if anyone can give me an example of how to safely lose weight naturally without any pills or any of that bs. also if you could tell me how and what to eat and what not to eat. all help will be greatly appreciated thankyou very much 😀

weight loss cardiff answers:

Generally, the most effective and long-lasting way to lose weight is to do the old calorie method. You can find out your basic metabolic rate from any site online, such as After you have that number you know that without doing any excercise you have to eat a combined total of LESS than whatever that number is. To continue keeping your metabolic burn rate elevated you need to also do calorie-burning excercises that you enjoy. Depending on your current activity level, you should be able to easily up your workout regimine in increments so as to constantly “shock” your metabolic rate.

Carol asks…

How to effectively lose weight?

I am very dissappointed in myself. I have gained 20lbs in like 3 months 🙁 …..Ashamed. I am now 176lbs at 5’4. All my weight is basically spread out throughout my stomach and my thighs. I want to know what is best for me to lose these 20lbs I have gained. I am so stressed out that it is causing me to gain more!! Please Help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

3 Super Diet Tips to Lose Effectively

1) You have to have some healthy fats with most of your meals. This is very important if you want to maintain the correct fat burning, muscle building hormone levels. Eating enough healthy fats will also help you to keep your appetite in check.

The best source of good fats are seeds, egg yolks (organic free range), raw nuts, avocado, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil (has the highest antioxidant of all olive oils)

Top Tip – eat a handful of raw nuts or mixed nuts almonds, walnuts, pecans (all healthy choices) three times daily, about half an hour before meals. This will damper your appetite and provide your body with fiber, protein and healthy fat. This will help you to eat less calories at meal times and give you a great boost of nutrition because of the high density of nutrients in most nuts.

2) You should always try to eat a quality, high protein with each meal or snack. These would include grass-fed meats, raw dairy, nuts and beans will suppress your appetite and will help you to easily control your calorie intake.

These quality proteins will help you to build lean muscle, especially if you have a regular, hard work out. Your metabolism will be much higher from the lean muscle you are building up.

When you eat enough protein with your meals it will also help your body control blood sugar and insulin levels by slowing down the breakdown of undigested carbohydrates.

3) I don’t believe that a very low carb diet can be maintained, however, most people struggle to lose weight all their lives because of daily overeating excessively processed carbohydrates like refined sugars and refined grain starches.

The sugar found in fruits and berries are acceptable because the fiber in them helps slow the intake of sugar in the body. Just avoid fruit juices, which are almost only sugar, and because of the processing the fiber has been removed, so there is little goodness left.

Steven asks…

Can you name me a meal that is suitable for a diabetic athlete?

I know this meal needs lots of carbohydrates and proteins. But how do you make a meal suitable for a diabetic?
And what must you consider in planning a diabetic’s meal other than the amount of sugar in it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do you know anything about Glycemic Index?
Every diabetic should know about this!

Glycemic Index (GI) is the rate food is digested and turned into glucose. There is a low, medium and high GI. Eating foods with a low GI is best for your body. Theses foods are slowly digested, which does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which also prevents the pancreas from excreting high levels of insulin to balance it out.

Eating med. GI foods causes a moderate spike in sugar levels and causes the same in insulin to be excreted. These foods are ok to eat OCCASIONALLY and suggested to eat along with low GI foods to lower the overall GI.

Eating high levels of GI foods is really bad for your sugar levels. These foods are easily digested because they have little fiber and are already broken down through processing, before you consume them. Therefore, they cause spikes in your sugar levels, which causes your pancreas to excrete high levels of insulin to balance it out.
Effectively , eating med. And high GI foods causes your pancreas to “freak out” and overwork. After a long time of this occurring, your pancreas is no longer working effectively, which is one of the main reasons for having type 2 diabetes.

You can Google this topic easily, and get a list of all these foods, and try to avoid med, and high GI foods
Also, eating low GI foods are a great, and safe way to lose weight (I lost 20 lbs ) while eating this way, and still counting!

Here are some examples:
High GI: Low GI:

-potato chips – whole grain, or 100% whole wheat bread
-beer – Brown rice or basmati
-white rice – most fruit and veggies
-white bread
– over cooked rice and noodles

These are just a few examples, but the internet has loads of info on the Glycemic index

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

weight loss?

i have just a simple Question about Weight loss its suddenly being a common
and important issue in american that every thir person wants to rid of
weight loss and Fats so i also give a try by inspire of TV Advertisement
about Weight loss Products named as Hoodia Gordonii Plus and then i bought
it online from and it really
works its already lose my weight upto 15 in 4 weeks but i am looking for
lose weight upto 73, so any idea how many dayz it would take to lose my
weight upto 70pounds?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay…I only started two Mondays ago and All I do is walk one hour every morning. I wear a calorie counter monitor to loose weight by the numbers. I have already lost one pant size and 9 pounds. I am a woman and have three kids and this is the method I use when I gain weight.. I am now at a size two and everyone is always amazed that I have had three kids. This is what I do below when I throw on a few extra pounds. It always works..No diet pills, no energy drinks..just me walking and getting the water I need. Of course I watch what I eat and the Lean Cuisine meals are great for that since the calories per box are 180 to 380 per box. Just make sure you eat healthy every three to four hours so your body will perform at its max.

Here it is:

Helpful Tips for weight loss:

1)A good way to loose weight is to use a calorie counter watch

Keep to a 1,200 food intake

Add 1,200 plus 3,500 (equals one pound of fat) …and that is the total amount of calories you need to burn each day. Its actually really easy once you start watching the numbers and it doesn’t seem like work or exercise. Its just a matter of changing the way you think about loosing weight.

I use this method when i gain some pounds. The first time I did this I went from 168 to 127

2) Most people do not get enough water in their system. Water is your body’s principal chemical component, comprising, on average, 60 percent of your weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don’t have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. To determine if you are getting enough water use this simple formula.. Take your weight, for example 150 pounds and divide by 2. Take your answer which is 75 lbs and change it to ounces, in this case 75 ounces. That is how many ounces of water you need a day. Your body performs mostly on water. If you make sure you get enough water everyday your body will perform at top notch and your body will no longer have the cravings of junk food. You will have a better performing body system to help you work out and feel better thru out your day.

Ken asks…

Easy weight loss help?

I’m not fat or anything I’ve just got a bit of a beer gut I walk about 5 miles a day at least. I can’t be bother to do any serious work out. Just some causal weigh loss thing

any advise????

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are in need of some advice, information or just good old motivation to lose weight, then this website has been created just for you. The aim is to make the process easy to understand, easy to carry out and easy to succeed at achieving your own goals. Weight loss doesn’t have to be difficult, complex or unpalatable. It should be easy, uncomplicated and fun!

There is usually a hard way and an easy way to do most things. It just takes some figuring out and a little application of knowledge to avoid the hard way and find that easy way. Weight loss is really no different as it can be as difficult or as easy as you want to make it for yourself. With the information we provide here in this website, we hope to make it as easy as possible for you to lose weight. After all, no one wants to work hard at something they need to do. Similarly, no one likes to do something that feels like a chore.

By making the process of losing weight into a fun to do, simple exercise in eating the right things and exercising in a way that you enjoy doing, then the whole process becomes easy and you actually look forward to doing it. When you’re in that frame of mind, you are far more likely to stick with it and achieve what you set out to do. So stick with us and we’ll show you how to easily lose weight without it seeming like you’re even trying!

Linda asks…

Easy Fast Weight Loss?

I am gaining weight and i want a daily workout routine (that has a basic healthy meals everyday) that will help me loose weight to make my waist smaller and possibly additions to let me get some abs

weight loss cardiff answers:

Doing an effective whole body conditioning and weight loss workout
can be done entirely at home without any fancy equipment. A couple of
dumbbells is all you will need. (Even if you don’t have dumbbells
there is usually something lying around the house that is heavy enough
to substitute in for them).
Here is a list of 20 exercises you can do right in your own home for
a great whole body conditioning and fat loss workout.


Group 1:

Bodyweight Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats
Prisoner Squat
Reverse Lunge
Step Ups
One Leg “Get Ups”

Group 2:

Push Ups
Push Up and Point
Mountain Climbers
Decline Push Ups
Push Ups/Stick Ups
Step Up and Press
Squat and Press

Group 3:

Side Plank
Curl and Press
One Arm Rows
Bird Dogs
One Leg Deadlifts

Pick one exercise from each group and do them all back to back for a
mini circuit of 3 exercises. Do each exercise for a timed interval of
10 seconds for a total of 30 seconds per mini circuit.
As you get better at them work up to doing each exercise for 20
seconds for a total of 60 seconds per mini circuit.
Take 30-60 seconds rest between mini circuits.
For beginners do a total of 3 mini circuits to start. Working up to 4
or 5 as you get better at them.
Once you’re ready to move to the next level add a second mini circuit
by choose 3 different exercises (one from each grouping). Do your
second mini circuit with the same time of work to rest ratio as your
If you feel you are already at an advanced level you can add one or
two more mini circuits up to a total of 4 mini circuits. These 20
exercises are just an example of what is possible, there are dozens
more that would work in this mini circuit style, you can incorporate
any exercise that you like into these mini circuits. This style of
workout is a great complete whole body conditioning and fat loss
program you can do right at home in under 45 minutes.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

Which diet is the most effective?

Out of the following diets, which diet contributes to fastest weight loss?

1. Atkins diet
2. South Beach diet
3. Blood type diet.
4. GI diet

Thanx for your time.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Atkins diet eliminates carbs from your diet, so you will lose wieght quick, but the diet itself won’t stick. So unless you are willing to not each any bread or sugars for the rest of your life, I wouldn’t go with this one.
South Beach might work. If you have the money to continue buying thier products that is. They do offer foods with good nutritional value.
But, if you are looking for a diet to keep, one that give you permanent results, make your own food plan.
Choose foods that are rich in nutrients and not calorie-packed. Like fruits and veggies, and whole grained wheats. Always eat breakfast, as well. And don’t eat three, big meals a day. Eat six, smaller portioned meals. Also, don’t eat anything 2 hours before you go to bed. This will let all the food you’ve eated that day get digested and leave you feeler lighter in the morning.

Jenny asks…

Anyone know any effective diets?

Anyone know any good diets? Any experiences?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay – Here we go.
There’s the Atkins diet – eating high fat meats. The vegan eating no meat.
The raw food only diet. The cooked cabbage only diet.
Eating one day and not eating the next. Fasting. Purging. Bulimia. Anorexia.
The South Beach Diet. The Mediterranean diet. The Air Force diet.
The grapefruit diet. The green tea diet. The fruit juice diet. The saltwater diet. The apple diet. The apple juice diet. The apple vinegar diet. The lemon diet. The lemon detox diet. The cranberry juice diet. The honey diet.
There is master cleanse, colon cleanse, detox, colon cleanse and detox, enemas, laxatives, diuretic, oral chelation, intravenous chelation, and fiber diets. There is the poop floats and the poop sinks diets.
There is hundreds of diet pills that have killed dozens of people and damaged thousands of internal organs.
And now we have the exotic miracle foods. Acai berry, maqui berry, goji berry, moyo berry, african mango seed, hoodia, fruta planta.
Then there is the meal plans. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Isagenix, Herbalife, Nanci. And Nutrilite. Lean Cuisine.
Don,t forget the magic elixirs. Mona Vie, Sea Sliver , Shakeology, SlimQuik, SlimFast, Ensure. Sea weed, Blue algae. Liquid vitamins. Wheat grass.
How about Creatine, Muscle Milk, No Xplode, Miracle Whey, Black Powder, White Flood supplements.
What about injecting crap into your body like HCG and other “hormones”?

How am I doing?

This is a $60 billion a year industry right now and it is only going to get worse.
We constantly hear “our bodies are all different.” Our bodies are not all different!
Every single one of us that wants to lose a pound of body fat needs to consume 3500 calories less than we burn. End of story. Over and out!
A healthy diet and exercise work every single time! Every time.

Sandra asks…

An example of a grueling diet?

You hear these companies talking about “no more grueling diets.” What is a grueling diet??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Those diets that make you starve , that advise you to eat a little amount of food. The kind of diet that usually leads to anorexia.. Gastric ulcer or other such disease.
People that keep a grueling diet usually lose weight all of a sudden but when they stop , hey put on more weight than before starting the diet.
:*I hope I helped
(a grueling diet=a drastic diet)

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